In which of the following situations would you most likely implement a screened subnet?

A screened subnet is a protective method used in computer networks that have both public and private areas. These systems separate public and private functions into two distinct areas. The local intranet contains the network’s private computers and systems, while the subnet has all the public functions like webservers or public file storage. When information comes from the Internet, the router determines which section of the system it has access to and sends it off accordingly. This is in contrast to a typical network where there is only the intranet on one side of the router and the Internet on the other.

In a standard network, a local intranet connects to a router, which directs information outwards to the full Internet. Either within the router or connected to the router is a firewall that protects the intranet from outside interference. With a screened subnet, there is a third portion that is accessible through the router, but not connected directly to the local intranet, that allows access via the Internet. This third section is typically in a demilitarized zone (DMZ), a networking term that means it is not fully protected by the network’s security.

In which of the following situations would you most likely implement a screened subnet?
A network router. A screened subnet allows a computer user to access the Internet through the router without exposing the LAN.

One of the basic distinctions in a screened subnet is the difference between private and public systems. A private system contains personal computers, workstations, gaming consoles and other things used by the owners of the network. The public section contains access points that are used by people outside of the network. Common uses for outside connections would be hosting a webpage or file server.

In which of the following situations would you most likely implement a screened subnet?
An intranet incorporates a working, interactive, custom environment to serve a business, with familiar Internet-like functionality and navigation.

The public areas of the network are fully accessible and visible from the Internet, while the private information is not. Typically, this is accomplished through the use of a three-port firewall or router. One port connects to the Internet and is used by all incoming and outgoing traffic. The second connects only to the public portions of the system while the third connects only to the private.

The use of a screened subnet is basically a security feature for the network. In a typical outside attack, the router and firewall would be probed for weakness. Should one be found, the intruder would enter the network and have full access to the intranet. With the use of a screened subnet, the intruder would be most likely to find the public access points and invade the public section only. When a DMZ is in effect, the public protections are much weaker, making it even more likely that that section of the system would be attacked and the private section would be left alone.

Review the following diagram depicting communication between PC1 and PC2 on each side of a router. Analyze the network traffic logs which show communication between the two computers as captured by the computer with IP

Nội dung chính

  • Which special network area is used to provide added protection by isolating publicly accessible servers?
  • What security guidelines should you implement to protect servers within your organization?
  • What are used to help prevent access to private networks quizlet?
  • Which of the following network architecture concepts is used to securely isolate at the boundary between networks?

- []--------[INSIDE router OUTSIDE]--------[] LOGS
- 10:30:22, SRC, DST, SYN
- 10:30:23, SRC, DST, SYN/ACK
-10:30:24, SRC, DST, ACK

Given the above information, which of the following can be inferred about the above environment?

A. is a web server.
B. The web server listens on a non-standard port.
C. The router filters port 80 traffic.
D. The router implements NAT.

Which of the following terms describes a network device that is exposed to attacks and has been hardened against those attacks?

Bastion or sacrificial host

A bastion or sacrificial host is one that is unprotected by a firewall. The term bastion host is used to describe any device fortified against attack (such as a firewall). A sacrificial host might be a device intentionally exposed to attack, such as a honeypot.

Circuit proxy and kernel proxy are types of firewall devices.

Multi-homed describes a device with multiple network interface cards.

Of the following security zones, which one can serve as a buffer network between a private secured network and the untrusted internet?


A DMZ, or demilitarized zone, is a network placed between a private secured network and the untrusted internet to grant external users access to internally controlled services. The DMZ serves as a buffer network.

An intranet is a private network that happens to employ internet information services. An extranet is a division of a private network that is accessible to a limited number of users, such as business partners, suppliers, and certain customers. A padded cell is an intrusion detection countermeasure used to delay intruders sufficiently to record meaningful information about them for discovery and prosecution.

Which of the following is the MOST likely to happen if the firewall managing traffic into the DMZ fails?

Only the servers in the DMZ are compromised, but the LAN will stay protected.

If the firewall managing traffic into the DMZ fails, only the servers in the DMZ are subject to compromise. The LAN is protected by default.

None of the other options are correct in this scenario.

You have a company network that is connected to the internet. You want all users to have internet access, but you need to protect your private network and users. You also need to make a web server publicly available to internet users.

Which solution should you use?

Use firewalls to create a DMZ. Place the web server inside the DMZ and the private network behind the DMZ.

A demilitarized zone (DMZ), also called a screened subnet, is a buffer network (or subnet) that sits between the private network and an untrusted network such as the internet. A common configuration uses two firewalls, one connected to the public network and one connected to the private network. Publicly-accessible resources (servers) are placed inside the screened subnet. Examples of publicly-accessible resources include web, FTP, or email servers. Private resources that are not accessible from the internet are placed behind the DMZ (behind the inner firewall).

Placing the web server inside the private network would mean opening ports in the firewall leading to the private network, which could expose other devices to attack. Placing the web server outside of the firewall would leave it unprotected.

How many network interfaces does a dual-homed gateway typically have?


A dual-homed gateway is a firewall device that typically has three network interfaces: one connected to the internet, one connected to the public subnet, and one connected to the private network.

What needs to be configured on a firewall to allow traffic directed to the public resource in the DMZ?

Packet filters

Packet filters on the firewall allow traffic directed to the public resources inside the DMZ. Packet filters also prevent unauthorized traffic from reaching the private network.

A subnet is used to segment a network.

A VPN provides a secure outside connection to an internal network's resources. A VPN does not need to be configured on the firewall to allow traffic to the public resource in the DMZ.

FTP is a protocol used to transfer files. This does not need to be configured on the firewall to allow traffic to the public resource in the DMZ.

You have used firewalls to create a demilitarized zone. You have a web server that needs to be accessible to internet users. The web server must communicate with a database server for retrieving product, customer, and order information.

How should you place devices on the network to best protect the servers? (Select two.)

Put the web server inside the DMZ.

Put the database server on the private network.

Publicly accessible resources (servers) are placed inside the DMZ. Examples of publicly accessible resources include web, FTP, or email servers. Devices that should not be accessible to public users are placed on the private network. If you have a public server that communicates with another server, such as a database server, and that server should not have direct contact with public hosts, place the server on the private network and allow only traffic from the public server to cross the inner firewall.

In which of the following situations would you most likely implement a demilitarized zone (DMZ)?

You want to protect a public web server from attack.

Use a demilitarized zone (DMZ) to protect public hosts on the internet, such as a web server, from attack. The DMZ uses an outer firewall that prevents internet attacks. All publicly-accessible hosts are inside the DMZ. A second firewall protects the private network from the internet.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt data between two hosts on the Internet. Use Network Address Translation (NAT) to hide internal IP addresses from the internet. Use an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to detect and respond to threats in real time.

Which of the following is another name for a firewall that performs router functions?

Screening router

A firewall performing router functions is considered a screening router. A screening router is the router that is most external to your network and closest to the internet. It uses access control lists (ACLs) to filter packets as a form of security.

A dual-homed gateway is a firewall device that typically has three network interfaces: one connected to the internet, one connected to the public subnet, and one connected to the private network.

A screened-host gateway resides within the DMZ, requiring users to authenticate in order to access resources within the DMZ or the intranet.

A screened subnet uses two firewalls. The external firewall is connected to the internet and allows access to public resources. The internal firewall connects the screened subnet to the private network.

Which of the following is the BEST solution to allow access to private resources from the internet?


A VPN provides a secure outside connection to an internal network's resources. A VPN server can be placed inside the DMZ. Internet users can be required to authenticate to the VPN server and then allowed communications from the VPN server to the private network. Only communications coming through the VPN server are allowed through the inner firewall.

Packet filters on the firewall allow traffic directed to a public resource inside the DMZ. Packet filters also prevent unauthorized traffic from reaching the private network. Packet filters won't allow access to private resources from the internet.

A subnet is used to segment a network.

File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files. This does not allow access to private resources from the internet.

Which special network area is used to provide added protection by isolating publicly accessible servers?

é 3.2 Physical Network Protection Facts A demilitarized zone (DMZ) is an area of the network where extra security is placed to protect the internal network from publicly accessible servers like web servers and email servers.

What security guidelines should you implement to protect servers within your organization?

21 Server Security Tips to Secure Your Server.

Establish and Use a Secure Connection..

Use SSH Keys Authentication..

Secure File Transfer Protocol..

Secure Sockets Layer Certificates..

Use Private Networks and VPNs. Server User Management..

Monitor Login Attempts..

Manage Users. Server Password Security..

Establish Password Requirements..

What are used to help prevent access to private networks quizlet?

Firewalls prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets.

Which of the following network architecture concepts is used to securely isolate at the boundary between networks?

Which of the following network architecture concepts is used to securely isolate at the boundary between networks? Explanation: A demilitarized zone (DMZ) is an area of a network that is designed specifically for public users to access.

In which of the following situations would you most likely implement a demilitarized zone DMZ )? Correct answer?

In which of the following situations would you most likely implement a demilitarized zone (DMZ)? EXPLANATION Use a demilitarized zone (DMZ) to protect public hosts on the internet, such as a web server, from attack. The DMZ uses an outer firewall that prevents internet attacks.

Which of the following can serve as a buffer zone between a private secure network and an untrusted network?

Of the following security zones, which one can serve as a buffer network between a private secured network and the untrusted internet? A DMZ, or demilitarized zone, is a network placed between a private secured network and the untrusted internet to grant external users access to internally controlled services.

In what situation you might want to install a demilitarized zone DMZ on your network?

The goal of a DMZ is to add an extra layer of security to an organization's local area network. A protected and monitored network node that faces outside the internal network can access what is exposed in the DMZ, while the rest of the organization's network is safe behind a firewall.

In which of the following zones would a web server most likely be placed?

In which of the following zones would a web server most likely be placed? A low-trust zone is where publicly available information resides. You do have control over the security of this zone, but it is still exposed to the internet. For example, a web server might reside in this zone.