Information about performance given to those who can make the situation better is the definition of:

Which of the following are found in both performance management and performance appraisal?

a. an evaluation of performance

b. a defining of performance

c. a consequence for performance

d. a monitoring of performance

a. an evaluation of performance

A performance goal is related to

a. promoting new directions

b. learning new skills

c. achieving a defined outcome

d. development of knowledge

c. achieving a defined outcome

The primary functions of performance management include:

a. communicating the employee behavior that is being sought

b. making decisions related to employees such as pay raises

c. guiding employee training and development

d. Developing equal opportunity policies

a. communicating the employee behavior that is being sought

b. making decisions related to employees such as pay raises

c. guiding employee training and development

The step in the performance management process when feedback and coaching are delivered

a. reviewing performance

b. defining performance

c. monitoring performance

d. providing consequences

a. reviewing performance

The important last step in the gaol-setting process is to create

action plans

SMART goals are those that include which of the following characteristics?

a. Recognize

b. Attainable

c. Measurable

d. Specific

b. Attainable

c. Measurable

d. Specific

Commitment to goals can be promoted by

a. making them very difficult to attain so they are challenging

b. imagining how you will feel when you achieve them

c. leaving time periods open ended

d. breaking them down into smaller or intermediate goals

b. imagining how you will feel when you achieve them

d. breaking them down into smaller or intermediate goals

Fundamental characteristics of action plans include

a. being specific about what will be achieved

b. incorporating specific time limits

c. focusing on results

d. time limits that are flexible and can be extended

a. being specific about what will be achieved

b. incorporating specific time limits

c. focusing on results

Among the reasons that research has found performance management systems to be unsuccessful are that

a. performance reviews measure all dimensions of every aspect of the job

b. the day-to-day job and the review elements have little or nothing in common

c. that the process itself is always very time consuming

d. performance reviews focus in only a few elements, some of which may be unimportant

b. the day-to-day job and the review elements have little or nothing in common

c. that the process itself is always very time consuming

d. performance reviews focus in only a few elements, some of which may be unimportant

True or False: When managers assist employees in taking care of work, they are both driving employee engagement and engaging in effective performance management


Managers can support employees' goal achievement by:

a. supplying timely and task-specific feedback

b. paying attention to employees' reward preferences

c. offering needed training

d. giving monetary incentives only for goal accomplishment

a. supplying timely and task-specific feedback

b. paying attention to employees' reward preferences

c. offering needed training

Objective Goals:

Increase sales by 10%

Project Goals:

Finish the productivity reports for the end of the year group summary

Behavioral Goals:

- Listen to others during meetings without interrupting
- Communicate progress clearly to others in my work group

It is important to monitor progress toward goal achievement in order to

a. identify problems while pursuing a goal

b. providing incentives such as bonuses

c. keep employees satisfied

d. match rewards to the achievements of the team

a. identify problems while pursuing a goal

"There were no errors on the financial audits for this quarter" is an example of which type of goal measurement?

a. timeliness

b. quality

c. financial metrics

d. quantity

b. quality

Comparing actual performance to a previously set goal is the step in the performance management process called:

a. promoting goal commitment

b. evaluating performance

c. providing feedback

d. clarifying expectations

b. evaluating performance


Rating an employee high across all dimensions because the dress well


Rating an employee low for the year based on one late report at the end of the year


Rating an employee high across all dimensions regardless of actual performance

Central Tendency

Rating an employee average on all dimensions

The performance evaluation method known as 360-degree feedback is useful because it

a. provides performance evaluations only from subordinates

b. provides performance evaluations only from peers

c. provides performance evaluations from peers, subordinates, and managers

d. provides performance evaluations only from managers

c. provides performance evaluations from peers, subordinates, and managers

"We resolved all customer complaints within 30 minutes" is an example of which type of goal measurement?

a. Financial metrics

b. Timeliness

c. Quantity

d. Quality

b. Timeliness

Rewards that come from the environment are (blank), while psychic rewards are (blank) because the are self-granted

extrinsic , intrinsic

When managing others, it is important to know whether a person prefers (blank) or (blank) rewards

extrinsic , intrinsic





Nonperformance considerations

Nature of the work

Results, behaviors, actions, and nonperformance factors such as equity are examples of

a. extrinsic and intrinsic rewards

b. performance management systems

c. distribution criteria for rewards

d. desired outcomes in an organization

c. distribution criteria for rewards

A desired outcome of the (blank) system is to retain talented people


Desired outcome

More of what is desired such as achieving sales goals


No change in sales goal achievement

Undesired side-effects

Employees provide unrealistic delivery dates to increaser sales

Total rewards offered by an organization may include

a. compensation such as base pay and other monetary incentives

b. outplacement services upon termination

c. benefits such as health and wellness and retirement funds

d. Personal growth opportunities such as training

a. compensation such as base pay and other monetary incentives

c. benefits such as health and wellness and retirement funds

d. Personal growth opportunities such as training

A recent McKinsey survey revealed that which of the following were more valued as motivators that financial incentives?

a. chances to lead market research

b. lunch with leaders

c. Higher stock options and preferred stock

d. Notes from immediate managers

a. chances to lead market research

b. lunch with leaders

d. Notes from immediate managers

Involving employees in the design, selection, and assessment of reward systems:

a. increases their effectiveness as motivators

b. reduces their effectiveness as motivators

c. decreases commitment to the goals

d. is unrelated to the need for voice in procedural justice

a. increases their effectiveness as motivators

Incentive or variable pay is also called (blank) for (blank)

pay for performance

An example of a pay for performance plan uses (blank) to reward goal achievement

1. Bonuses

2. Wages

3. Base Pay

4. Salary

1. Bonuses

Conditions that make pay for performance effective include:

a. paying top performers a lot higher than other employees

b. using only one measure of performance

c. Calibrated performance measures that ensure accuracy

d. using multiple measures of performance

a. paying top performers a lot higher than other employees

c. Calibrated performance measures that ensure accuracy

d. using multiple measures of performance

If a target behavior is awarded every time it occurs, then it is a (blank) reinforcement schedule


Reinforcement of some, but not all instances of a target behavior is (blank) reinforcement


Fixed ratio

Price rate pay

Variable ratio

Slot machines

Fixed interval

Bi-weekly paychecks

Variable interval

Pop quizzes

The (blank) schedules that produce the strongest behavior and are most resistant to extinction are variable interval and the other is variable ratio.


Although most employers rely on fixed interval reinforcement schedules, some examples of effective variable rewards include

a. spot rewards

b. celebrations of milestones

c. large bi-weekly paychecks

d. variable bonuses for achieving major goals

a. spot rewards

b. celebrations of milestones

d. variable bonuses for achieving major goals

The reinforcement schedules that produce the strongest behavior and are most resistant to extinction are variable (blank) and variable (blank) schedules.

ratio , interval

Rewarding employees who have perfect attendance records with a check for $100.00 is an example of

a. negative reinforcement

b. punishment

c. extinction

d. positive reinforcement

d. positive reinforcement

information about performance given to those who can make the situation better is the definition of

a. feedback

b. outputs

c. inputs

d. evaluation

a. feedback

Effective feedback includes which of the following?

a. evaluation

b. opinion

c. rebuttal

d. information

d. information

which of the following describes the instructional function of feedback?

a. when motivation is achieved

b. when a reward is given

c. when new behaviors are taught

d. when roles are made more clear

c. when new behaviors are taught

d. when roles are made more clear

The three common sources of feedback include

a. task

b. others

c. bonuses

d. self

a. task

b. others

d. self

What is performance management process definition?

Performance management is defined as the process of continuous communication and feedback between a manager and employee towards the achievement of organizational objectives. Traditionally, performance management has been a forward-looking solution based entirely on hindsight.

What are the 3 types of performance management?

3 Types Of Organizational Performance Management Systems.
The Balanced Scorecard. ... .
Management By Objectives. ... .
Budget-driven Business Plans..

What is performance management used for?

Performance Management is used to ensure that employees' activities and outcomes are congruent with the organisation's objectives and entails specifying those activities and outcomes that will result in the firm successfully implementing the strategy (Noe et al.

Which of the following best defines performance management?

Which of the following best defines performance management? It is the process managers go through to make sure that employees' activities and outputs are aligned with the organization's goals.


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