Is a concept of justice that focuses on the methods used to determine the outcomes received?

Which of the following is true of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)?
ADR relies on the legal system to resolve matters that cannot be handled internally.

Resolution through an ADR system is expensive, as it involves high costs in terms of legal fees.

ADR follows a distinct set of actions with a goal of resolving disputes in as few steps as possible.

ADR is more effective than employee assistance programs in dealing with issues related to drug or alcohol abuse.

ADR is designed to resolve issues internally and does not engage outsiders to enter the discussion.

Is a concept of justice referring to the interpersonal nature of how the outcomes were implemented?

Procedural justice is the concept of justice referring to the interpersonal nature of how the outcomes were implemented.

Is their judgment that impartial methods were used to determine the consequences an employee obtains?

People's perception of is their judgment that impartial methods were used to determine the consequences an employee obtains. A perception of is a judgment that the organization carried out its actions in a manner that took the employee's feelings into account.

Is a theory that dissatisfied individuals enact a set of behaviors in succession to avoid their work situation?

The theory of progression of withdrawal states that dissatisfied individuals spontaneously enact a set of behaviors all at once to avoid their work situation.

What is involuntary turnover?

What is involuntary turnover? Involuntary turnover includes layoffs or reductions in force and terminating poorly performing employees. The first type of involuntary turnover would be considered undesirable because it can reflect on the company's management and financial operations.