Is a software program that serves as the interface between other applications and the hardware on a computer or mobile device?


RETAIL SOFTWARE is mass-produced , copyrighted software that meets the needs of a wide variety of users.

Open source software is provided for use, modification, and redistribution. This software has no restrictions from the copyright holder regarding modification of softwared internal instructions and its redistribution.
Two main advantages:
-users who modify the software share their improvements with others, and customers can personalize the software to meet their needs.

Which software is the interface between computer hardware and application software?

Operating System (OS) - a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common services for application software. The operating system acts as an interface between the hardware and the programs requesting I/O. It is the most fundamental of all system software programs.

Which of the following would the application software serve as the interface between?

T or F: Application software serves as the interface between the user, the apps, and the computer's or mobile device's hardware. False; the OPERATING SYSTEM serves as the interface between the user, the apps, and the computer's or mobile device's hardware.