Is one of the four Ps of marketing it consists of all the techniques sellers use to motivate people to buy their products quizlet?

MKTG 477

Integrated Marketing Communications

Washington State University

Red Bull is a brand of energy drink whose target market is mainly young people looking for a drink that can improve performance and concentration. Advertisements for Red Bull can be seen in bike shops and bars and as sponsors for events like soccer games and the Running of the Bulls. The marketing philosophy that coordinates all these different approaches is called:
a. IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) b. touch point marketing c. synergy d. managerial parochialism

a. IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications)

The positive communication result gained when a product like Red Bull is advertised using more than one media is called:
a. synergy b. interplay c. synchronicity d. interaction

You are opening a new retail concept store that will sell only upscale chocolates in a Starbucks-like environment. When sitting down to plan your marketing activities, your first consideration should be to:
a. decide what type of grand opening materials you will need b. choose the appropriate tools to do the job c. define your customer base d. decide on the communications media you will use

c. define your customer base

When ACE Hardware gives red trash can with the ACE logo imprinted on them to new families in a neighborhood, they are utilizing a(n):
a. analogy b. sales promotion c. touch point d. positioning statement

The key idea that encapsulates what a brand is intended to stand for in the market's mind - like "Gillette, the best a man can get" - is called a:
a. positioning statement b. television advertisement c. public relations campaign d. sponsorship

The ultimate goal of a successful IMC campaign is to:
a. educate the consumer b. be exciting and memorable c. introduce the customer to a brand d. affect behavior

Many brand managers have reduced spending on:
a. television advertising b. event sponsorship c. direct mail d. website promotions

a. television advertising

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why television advertising is less effective and cost-efficient as it once was?
a. the availability of many alternative entertainment options b. audience fragmentation c. other communication tools are often superior d. more TV viewing due to American's inactive lifestyle

d. more TV viewing due to American's inactive lifestyle

McCann Worldgroup has developed an approach for counseling its clients in selecting the appropriate marcom tools, requiring that brand marketers first identify their goals and then identify the best way to allocate their budget. This approach is called:
a. a media-focused approach b. a media-neutral approach c. synergy d. the McCann Perspective

b. a media-neutral approach 

Which of the following is NOT a fundamental decision in the marcom model explained in this chapter?
a. setting objectives b. targeting c. establishing momentum d. positioning

Which of the following is an example of an implementation decision as outlined in the marcom model in this chapter?
a. targeting b. setting objectives c. selecting media d. positioning

Your company has developed a trial-running shoe that can keep feet warm and dry in any conditions. You determine that your audience for the shoe is young outdoor types with plenty of disposable income. The techniques you will use to get the message about the shoe to this group, and to prevent wasted coverage to those groups that don't fit your profile, are called:
a. budgeting b. positioning c. setting objectives d. targeting

The statement "Visine gets the red out" is an example of a:
a. targeting strategy b. brand objective c. program evaluation d. brand positioning statement

d. brand positioning statement

At your firm, managers get together each July to decide how much money each subunit will receive for their annual budget. This practice is referred to as:
a. a bottom-up budgeting b. bottom-up/top-down budgeting c. just-in-time budgeting d. top-down budgeting

Using coupons and sampling to promote trial purchases would be a good technique for a(n):
a. new brand b. established product c. mature brand d. brand that has used a lot of television advertising

The term "short-term solution" in a marcom program refers to:
a. not spending enough on initial promotions and instead putting budget dollars into television and other types of advertising b. spending excessive amounts on promotion to create quick sales while failing to invest sufficiently in advertising to build a brand's long-term equity c. allocating budget dollars to only one type of promotion for a product d. basing a program's marcom needs on what competitors are doing with similar brands

b. spending excessive amounts on promotion to create quick sales while failing to invest sufficiently in advertising to build a brand's long-term equity

Swiffer has come out with a new product designed to work like a vacuum to clean up small spills and messes. After the initial ads run, Swiffer marketing executives measures levels of brand awareness, message comprehension, and attitudes towards the brand. These measures are all examples of:
a. communication outcomes b. purchase history c. media allocations d. behavioral objectives

a. communication outcomes

T/F A positioning statement is the key idea that encapsulates what a brand is intended to stand for in the mind of its target market, so a positioning statement should consistently deliver the message across all channels.

T/F Many brand managers are increasing their use of TV advertising in their marcom budgets because they realized that this media is the best way to promote their brands.

In top-down budgeting, senior management decides how many budget dollars each subunit of the company receives.

T/F The acronym IMC stands for Improved Marketing Communications.

T/F The term synergy, when applied to IMC, means that multiple marketing methods used in combination can cancel each other out, leading to less of a return on investment of marketing dollars.

In the video, "The art of failure in digital marketing", creating content it's important to:
a. diversity content on the various social platforms you're using b. not forget to include traditional marketing elements c. push it to all social platforms that are relevant to your audience d. push it to all social platforms immediately

a. diversify content on the various social platforms you're using

When creating content for YouTube it's important to remember that:
a. people's attention spans are really short b. you tell a story in the first few moments because you only get about 5 seconds before they skip your ad c. the content is relevant d. all of these are correct

d. all of these are correct

What's a benefit of social media marketing?
a. it's free! b. the internet is massive, so if you make a mistake people will forget about it c. you get real-time performance updates about what's working and what's not working d. it's consistent, so if you know how your content fits together it will always perform well

c. you get real-time performance updates about what's working and what's not working

Critics contend that many of the products marketed to this group are unnecessary and that the communications are too often exploitative.
a. children b. women c. seniors d. Asian-Americans

A study by a watchdog group at Georgetown University found that ____ percent of alcohol advertising was more likely to be seen by youths than adults.
a. 75 b. 10 c. 25 d. 50

Which of the following is an argument made by proponents of ad targeting?
a. targeting exploits consumer's vulnerability and can be unfair b. targeting forces the consumer to choose a product that better accommodates someone else's needs c. targeting provides consumers with products best suited to their needs and wants d. targeting creates an overly competitive environment for ad agencies

c. targeting provides consumers with products best suited to their needs and wants

The percentage of Americans who think that advertising is untruthful is:
a. 1/4 b. 3/4 c. 1/2 d. 2/3

The national trade association that represents ad agencies in the United States is called the:
a. American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) b. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) c. Public Relations Society (PRS) d. Advertising Association of American Artists (AAAA)

a. American Association of Advertising Agencies

Pirate Booty popcorn advertised itself on the package as a low-fat and low-calorie food. However, diagnostic testing on the product showed that the popcorn was actually much higher in fat and calories than they claimed on their labels. This finding is an example of:
a. slotting allowances and mistakes b. unethical product labeling c. unsafe packaging d. leveraging the brand name

b. unethical product labeling

Brand names can present an ethical problem and be misleading to consumers when:
a. they become too familiar because of frequent advertising and promotion b. they have remained the same for a long time and the consumer is no longer certain what the name represents c. they make use of unusual spellings for everyday words d. the brand name suggests the product has features that it doesn't or will deliver benefits that it can't

d. the brand name suggests the product has features that it doesn't or will deliver benefits that it can't 

According to the test, the most important ethical issue unique to the outline medium is:
a. slotting allowances b. brand names c. use of logos d. privacy

As it applies to ethical marketing communications, the Golden Rule Test means:
a. people will always buy things they don;t really need b. act in a way that you would want others to act toward you c. sales promotions should be relevant and customized to the consumer d. if something seems too good to be true it probably is

b. act in a way that you would want others to act towards you

Improved consumer choices, improved product quality, and reduce prices are three major benefits of what government practice?
a. censorship b. regulation c. endorsement d. taxation

The U.S. government agency with primary responsibility for regulating advertising at the federal level is the:
a. NARC b. AAAA c. FDA d. FTC

The three elements that make up the essence of the FTC's deception policy are:
a. exaggerated claims, reasonable consumer, and material b. misleading, mistargeted, and material c. misleading, reasonable consumer, and untrue d. misleading, reasonable consumer, and material

d. misleading, reasonable consumer, and material

The official definition of unfair advertising was developed by:
a. the AAAA b. the FTC c. the FDA d. Congress

When the FTC forced Listerine to run an ad that explained that their product could not treat colds and sore throats as had been suggested by previous advertising, it was exercising its right to make companies that have run misleading ads correct them. This practice is known as:
a. disputing competitor's claims b. a form of green marketing c. corrective advertising  d. inconsistency reporting

c. corrective advertising 

The federal body responsible for regulating information on the package of food and drug product is:
a. the Better Business Bureau b. the FDA c. Congress d. the FTC

The federal body responsible for regulating advertisements for prescription drugs is:
a. the Better Business Bureau b. the FDA c. the FTC d. Congress

The advertising clearance process refers to:
a. fines imposed by the FTC to force firms to be consistent and truthful with their marketing messages b. a form of self-regulation undertaken by ad media that takes place before an advertisement reaches consumers c. a firm's annual review of their ads' success rate and strategic decision-making process d. a reduction in ad rates that usually coincides with the holidays in the U.S.

b. a form of self-regulation undertaken by ad media that takes place before an advertisement reaches consumers

Green marketing refers to:
a. marketing that is new for a particular product and does not have proven results yet b. Marcom programs that are geared toward younger consumers c. Marcom programs that have received the "green light" from the National Advertising Review Council d. environmentally oriented products and the Marcom programs that support them

d. environmentally oriented products and the Marcom programs that support them

T/FThe FTC has extensively regulated advertisements for violent films, video games, and music that target children.

T/F A frequent criticism of advertising is that is causes people to buy items or services that they do not need.

In the video "The Darker Side of Data", why was a search warrant issued for an Amazon Echo?
a. it was planted as surveillance in someone's home b. tit made purchases for the suspects c. the Echo violated the privacy standards d. the Echo contained data including time stamps and audio files belonging to the suspect

d. the Echo contained data including time stamps and audio files belonging to the suspect

A company receives a report that lists all consumers who have purchased items from children's birthday party magazines. The data show all past purchases made as well as any online search activity for this particular product category.
a. behaviorgraphics b. geodemographics c. demographics d. psychographics

A company receives a report that lists all consumers who have purchased items from children's birthday party magazines. The data show all past purchases made as well as any online search activity for this particular product category. This data is referred to as
a. behaviorgraphics b. geodemographics c. demographics d. psychographics

The consumer characteristics that captures aspects of consumers' psychological makeup and lifestyles, which includes their attitudes, values, and motivations, is called
a. demographics b. psychographics c. geodemographics d. behaviorgraphics

The term for consumer characteristics that reflects measurable population characteristics such as age, income, and ethnicity is
a. demographics b. psychographics c. behaviorgraphics d. geodemographics

The consumer characteristic that captures residence information such as zip code areas and neighborhood is
a. psychographics b. behaviorgraphics c. geodemographics d. demographics

Futures Company's psychographic segmentation scheme is called
a. MindBase b. VALS c. Mosaic d. PRIZM

Claritas' organizational system that delineates every neighborhood in the U.S. into one of sixty-six clusters based on an analysis of demographic characteristics is called
a. Mosaic b. MindBase c. Acron d. PRIZM

According to PRIZM, which demographic term most closely represents a collection of young, mobile urbanites that represent the nation's most liberal lifestyles?
a. Bohemian Mix b. Suburban Pioneers c. Big Fish. Small Pond d. White Picket Fences

The median age of the U.S. population is
a. getting older b. getting younger c. staying the same as it has for the past two centuries d. about 65 years old

One of the most significant demographic developments faced by marketers has been the
a. maturing of the Baby Boomers b. low birthrate of the 1960s and 70s c. Generation Xer's buying habits d. increase of teenagers in the marketplace

c. Generation Xer's buying habits

The term tweens is used to describe
a. preschoolers who are between babyhood and school age b. baby boom generation c. children between the ages of 8 and 12 d. teenagers

c. children between the ages of 8 and 12

The age group that has been subjected to a lot of deprecatory terms to describe its members is
a. Generation Y b. elementary schoolers c. Generation X d. tweens

Harley Davidson's best customers are
a. teenagers b. middle-aged med c. Baby boomer women d. ages 65 and up

The demographic group with the highest amount of discretionary income is
a. tweens b. Generation Xers c. teens d. people age 65 and over

d. people age 65 and over 

America's largest minority group is
a. African Americans b. Hispanic Americans (Latinos) c. Asian Americans d. Pacific Islanders

The top U.S. Hispanic Market as of 2010 in the U.S. is
a. Los Angeles b. Miami c. Chicago d. New York

The minority group in the U.S with the highest average income per person is
a. Pacific Islanders b. Hispanic Americans c. African Americans d. Asian Americans

Vanity Fair manufactures a brand of paper napkin that has an elegant appearance with scroll-work and shells around the perimeter of the napkin. At the bottom of an ad for these napkins, it says "Vanity Fair: Everyday Elegance." What is this an example of?
a. culturally constituted world b. perceptual encoding c. dual-coding theory d. positioning statement

An ad for Visa check card payments shows a young man leaning down to look into the back of his desk drawer with a worried expression on his face and a handful of bills. The ad copy reads, "Stamps. Another reason to pay bills automatically with your Visa check card". This ad is an example of positioning based on
a. imagistic needs b. functional needs c. symbolic needs d. experiential needs

The Diamond Trading Company has an ad that shows a woman wearing a very sparkly diamond ring, and the ad reads, "Your left hand sees red and thinks roses. Your right hand sees red and thinks wine. Your left hand says 'I love you.' Your right hand says 'I love me too.' Women of the world, raise your right hand!" This ad is an example of what type of product positioning?
a. imagistic b. symbolic c. functional d. experiential

Modifying the brand name of Oil of Olay to simply Olay in response to feedback from younger women about the product is an example of
a. positioning based on functional needs b. repositioning c. reformulating d. pandering

Brands that are directed at a consumer's desire for self-enhancement, group membership, affiliation, and altruism are appealing to
a. symbolic needs b. heuristic needs c. functional needs d. experiential needs

The most prevalent form of brand benefit positioning, in general, are appeals to
a. hedonistic needs b. symbolic needs c. experiential needs d. functional needs

An ad that shows the feelings of happiness and joy that a mother feels when she receives a card in the mail from her son who lives far away is an example of an ad that appeals to positioning based
a. symbolic needs b. functional needs c. hedonic needs d. experiential needs

A meat seasoning that advertises that its spices will "wake up your mouth and wake up your life" is positioning on what king of needs?
a. functional b. attribute c. experiential d. symbolic

T/F The term psychographics reflects measurable population characteristics, such as age, income, gender, and ethnicity.

T/FThe Yankelovich MindBase psychographic segmentation scheme consists of eight general segments and thirty-two specific subsegments.

T/F One of the most dramatic features of the American population is its dramatic aging.

T/FOne well-known marketing research firm has classified Baby Boomers into four groups based on their attitudinal preferences; Yup & Comers, Bystanders, Playboys, and Drifters.

T/FAge alone is the best indicator of how individuals live and what role consumption plays in their lifestyles.

T/F A brand positioned in terms of symbolic needs attempts to provide solutions to consumers' current problems.

Read the article on Reimagining Storytelling in Marketing Communications. What does Douwe Bergsma mean when he says "storytelling'?
a. storytelling as in a different way of labeling or describing advertising b. A new form of brand communication c. a fundamental strategic approach to how to view your communication efforts across all touch points d. both b and c are corrected

d. both b and c are correct

Which of the following is NOT true about framework?
a. framework is based on a fundamental human truth b. framework is built around ongoing conflict c. framework is the same as a brand purpose d. framework is built of a solution to the conflict

d. framework is built of a solution to the conflict

According to the article, which of the following is not a touchpoint of storytelling?
a. Google Search b. Video Ads c. Social Media d. All of these are correct

d. all of these are correct

What are comprised of an affective component, a cognitive component, and a conative component?
a. behaviors b. emotions c. beliefs d. attitudes

While it can be unethical, the practice of _______ can be either noble or deplorable depending on how it is utilized.
a. lying b. deception c. persuasion d. misleading

The theory that suggests that people react against any effort to reduce the freedom of choice is called the theory of
a. psychological reactance b. freedom reactance c. psychological resistance d. resistance instinct

a. psychological reactance

Which is not a factor that is fundamental in the persuasion process?
a. Receiver Involvement b. Initial Position c. Emotional Appeal d. Communication Modality

The _____ of message arguments is often the major determinant of whether and to what extent persuasion occurs.
a. attractiveness b. believability c. emotion d. quality

People pay closer attention to the ____ of message arguments when processing written rather than broadcast messages.
a. believability b. quality c. attractiveness d. emotion

Scholars agree that persuasion results not from external communication per se but from
a. appeals to emotion b. self-generated thoughts c.religious beliefs d. body language

b. self-generated thoughts

Which of the following is not a factor for determining an individual's elaboration likelihood for a particular message?
a. ability b. desire c. opportunity d. motivation

The mental activity in response to a message such as an advertisement is
a. elaboration b. emotion creation c. cognitive decisions d. bias formation

Under high elaboration likelihood (EL), consumers can be attracted to those stimuli that serve their
a. functional needs b. symbolic needs c. informational needs d. hedonic needs

Under low elaboration likelihood (EL), consumers can be attracted to those stimuli that serve their
a. hedonic needs b. symbolic needs c. informational needs d. functional needs

Enhancing both the relevance of the brand to the consumer and enhancing the curiosity of the brand by marketers both serve to increase the _____ of consumers.
a. motivation b. interest c. desire d. amount

_____ represent the value, or importance, that consumers attach to consumption outcomes (for example, getting into shape, improving race times, avoiding foot injury).
a. Affiliations b. Relations c. Associations d. Evaluations

Which is not a strategy that marketing communicators employ when attempting to change consumer attitudes?
a. altering outcome evaluations b. shifting attention to a new product c. introducing a new outcome into the evaluation process d. changing beliefs

b. shifting attention to a new product

An attempt to change preferences and behavior by having an individual observe the actions of others and the consequences of those behaviors is called
a. psychological adapting b. vicarious learning c. change modeling d. inferred modeling

T/FA general and somewhat enduring positive or negative feeling toward, or evaluative judgement of, some person, object, or issue is known as an attitude. 

T/F The four components of any overt behavior, or "TACT", are: the target of the behavior, the specific action, the content of the behavior, and the time when it occurs.

target action context time

T/F Consumers are much more likely to be persuaded by convincing and believable messages, especially under a message of high involvement.

T/F If a GoPro advertisement is using attractive scenery along with exciting music next to their products, they are utilizing peripheral cues to draw attention to their ad.

T/FThe Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA) proposes that all forms of planned and reasoned behavior have two primary determinants: beliefs and outcomes.

attitudes normative influences

When a product is new, marketers must find a way to introduce it to consumers and capture their attention. At this point, they are starting at the bottom step (or lowest level) of the hierarchy of Marcom effects, called
a. beliefs b. attitude c. unawareness d. expectations

Free samples and coupons are particularly effective devices for getting consumers to
a. change beliefs about a product b. try new brands of packages goods c. spend more for a higher quality item d. achieve brand loyalty

b. try new brands of packaged goods

The two elements of the hierarchy of Marcom effects that are linked by a double-headed arrow in the Hierarchy of Marcom Effects model because they are mutually reinforcing are
a. expectations and beliefs b. awareness and expectations c. beliefs and attitudes d. brand loyalty and trial

The traditional view on whether or not Marcom objectives should be stated in terms of sales asserts that
a. marketing objectives should always be stated in terms of sales b. there is no correlation between Marcom efforts and sales figures at all c. marketing objectives for the year should rely solely on sales goals, which can be stated very concretely d. it is misguided to use sales as the goal for a particular Marcom effort because Marcom's exact impact on sales cannot be measured.

d. it is misguided to use sales as the goal for a particular Marcom effort because Marcom's exact impact on sales cannot be measured.

Adherents to the vaguely right versus precisely wrong theory argue that
a. marketing's effort on sales and market shares cannot be assessed b. marketing's sole objective should be to create higher brand awareness c. Marcom is not doing its job unless sales and market shares are increasing d. Marcom objectives cannot include sales because there is no direct correlation

c. Marcom is not doing its job unless sales and market share are increasing

The relationship between money invested in advertising and the response, or output, of the investment in terms of revenue generated is called the
a. sales-to-advertising-response function b. objective-and-task-function c. accountability perspective d. objective-to-sales-function

a. sales-to-advertising-response function

Which of the following budgeting methods sets a brand;s advertising budget by simply establishing the budget as a fixed percentage of past or anticipated sales volume?
a. objective and task method b. percentage of sales method c. competitive parity method d. affordability method

b. percentage of sales method 

Which of the following budget methods is generally regarded as the most sensible and dependable advertising budget method?
a. objective and task method b. percentage of sales method c. affordability method d. competitive parity method

a. objective and task method

If Lowes were to study what Home Depot was doing for their annual projected advertising and base their advertising budget on the quantity and quality of ads that Home Depot was using, their method would be called
a. the percentage of sales method b. the affordability method c. the objective and task method d. the competitive parity method

d. the competitive parity method

Which of the following budget methods spends on advertising only those funds that are left after budgeting for everything else?
a. percentage of sales method b. affordability method c. the competitive parity method d. objective and task method

The budgeting method used by over 60% of consumers goods companies and 70% of B2B companies is
a. the objective-and-task method b. the percentage of sales method c. the competitive parity method d. the affordability method

a. the objective-and-task method

The ratio of a brand's advertising expenses to total category advertising expenditures is known as its
a. share of competition (SOC) b. share of market (SOM) c. brand encoding d. share of voice (SOV)

The ratio of one brand's revenue to total category revenue is that brand's
a. share of competition (SOC) b. share of market (SOM) c. share of voice (SOV) d. brand encoding

A psychological theory that contends that people's memory for information is enhanced when multiple pathways are created between the object to be remembered and information about the object to be remembered is called the
a. encoding variability hypothesis b. competitive interference theory c. many pathways theorem d. clutter hypothesis

a. encoding variability hypothesis

This metaphor implies that for marketing communication to be successful, consumers must advance through a series of psychological stages, much the way a person advances on a ladder.
a. hierarchy-of-standards b. ladder of success c. management concensus d. the hierarchy-of-effects

d. the hierarchy-of-effects 

As a marketing manager responsible for the introduction of a brand new product, what Marcom tool would be the most effective for quickly creating brand awareness?
a. advertising b. sales promotions c. deep rebate programs d. customer loyalty programs

The ultimate goal of any marketing communication should be to
a. increase awareness b. challenge the competition c. be creative in its appeal d. increase sales and profits

d. increase sales and profits

T/F Free samples and coupons are particularly effective devices for getting consumers to try new brands of package goods.

T/F Sales promotions can reduce brand loyalty by "training" consumers to be price sensitive and thus inclined to switch among brands to get available price discounts.

T/F Advertising has the undesirable effect of making people more price sensitive and less brand loyal.

T/F In the percentage-of-sales budgeting method, a company sets a brand's advertising budget based on its understanding of what the competition is doing.

The percentage of sales revenue that companies devote to advertising stays consistent across the board.

What is the difference between advertising media and vehicles?
a. media are general communication platforms that carry advertising messages, and vehicles are the specific broadcast programs or print choices in which advertisements are placed b. Media are specific broadcast programs or print choices in which advertisements are placed, and vehicles are general communication platforms that carry advertising messages c. Grey's Anatomy is an example of media and television is an example of a vehicle d. They're synonyms

a. media are general communication platforms that carry advertising messages, and vehicles are the specific broadcast programs or print choices in which advertisements are placed

How did "GM Planworks" revolutionize the advertising industry in 2009?
a. They were the first Fortune 500 adopt company social media as part of their advertising strategy b. GM was the first company to shift to a traditional full-service advertising agency c. It is consolidated all of its automobile brands into one media planning and buying company d. None of these are correct

c. It consolidated all of its automobile brands into one media planning and buying company

Which of the following is not one of the four major types of information used in segmenting target audiences for media strategy purposes?
a. Lifestyle/Psychographics b. Geographic data c. Behavioral data d. Secondary data

All of the following is true about reach except:
a. reach represents the percentage of the target audience b. reach is 1+ ("one-plus"), net coverage, and unduplicated audience c. Reach is best achieved through multiple media d. Prior to advertising, reach gives marketers an idea of how much their target audience will hear and see a message

d. prior to advertising, reach gives marketers an idea of how much of their target audience will hear and see a message

Which of the following is not an objective that media planners can solve?
a. sharability b. weight c. continuity d. recency

What are the three weight metrics?
a. gross ratings, target ratings, and reach ratings b. effective ratings, likes, and shares c. effective ratings, gross ratings, and target ratings d. target ratings, effective ratings, and rating point

c. effective ratings, gross ratings, and target ratings 

During a flighting schedule, an advertiser does what?
a. adopts a program to monitor sentiment analysis b. varies expenditures throughout the campaign c. allocates zero expenditures in some months d. both b and c are correct

d. both b and c are correct

The shelf-space model is built on all of the following ideas except:
a. first exposure to an advertisement for a brand is the most powerful b. the primary role of advertising is to influence brand choice; advertising influences choice for the subset of consumers who are in the market for the product category c. optimizes weekly reach d. influences brand loyalty

d. influences brand loyalty

When it comes to calculating cost, what does the term "contacts" mean?
a. it is based on the cost-per-thousand criterion b. it refers directly to Nielsen ratings c. it is based on cost-per-thousand criterion and the cost of reaching 1,000 members of the target audience (CPM-TM) d. it represents any type of advertising audience that is reached by a single advertising placement in a particular vehicle

d. it represents any type of advertising audience that is reached by a single advertising placement in a particular vehicle 

Which of the following is true about a fixed advertising budget?
a. it maximizes reach, but not frequency b. it maximizes reach and frequency c. it maximizes frequency, but not reach d. it can maximize either reach or frequency, but not both

d. it can maximize either reach or frequency, but not both

Media-schedule optimization alternatives include all of the following except:
a. Effective Reach (3+) b. Maximizing reach (1+) c. weight d. frequency

In the Esuvee Safety Campaign example, what determines a magazines ratings?
a. the magazine's audience size multiplied by the size of the Esuvee Safety Campaign's target market b. the size of the Esuvee Safety Campaign's target market divided by the magazine's audience size c. the magazine's audience size divided by the size of the Esuvee Safety Campaign's target market d. the magazine's audience size added to the size of the Esuvee Safety Campaign's target market

c. The magazine's audience size divided by the size of the Esuvee Safety Campaign's target market

Which of the following is not an objective of the Diet Dr. Pepper campaign?
a. to increase consumer engagement with the brand by 5% b. to enhance those key brand-personality dimentions c. to heighten consumers' evaluations of the key product benefits and image factors d. increase sales by 4% and improve the growth rate to at least 1.5 times that of the diet soft drink category

a. to increase consumer engagement with the brand by 5%

The concept of recency planning is based on what?
a. the idea that consumer needs determine advertising effects b. optimizing weekly reach c. the powerful first exposure d. none of these are an example of recency planning

a. the idea that consumer needs determine advertising effects

T/F As of late, the amount spent on programmatic ad buying is increasing

T/F The biggest challenge in media planning is the design of a strategy that can achieve marketing objects.

T/F Determining "reach" as part of media planning is a useful objective for a finding out how often a target customer needs to be exposed to a message for it to accomplish

T/F Advertisers ahve three general alternatives related to allocating the budget over the course of a campaign: continuous, pulsing, and fighting schedules.

T/F The FDA's "Real Cost Campaign" has been considered a success thanks in large part to copy testing and tracking efforts used to ensure that campaign spots were on target and received by the target audience.

Watch the video, "Everything is Branding". Which of the following is not true about traditional branding?
a. Traditionally, there were only two channels to market your brand b. the marketers's job was to define the brand, defend the brand, and then inform customers about what the brand was about c. marketers control the branding and the image. their opinion was the only one that really mattered d. marketers could say anything they wanted about a brand regardless of authenticity of the statement or audience perception

d. marketers could say anything they wanted about a brand regardless of authenticity of the statement or audience perception

According to the video, how was modern marketing shifted away from traditional marketing?
a. marketing and customer experience are one and the same b. organization don;t define their brands, customers do. perception is reality when it comes to brands c. in traditional marketing, marketing was an exercise in push, but it is now a pull mechanism to get the audience to understand the brand, be a part of it, and to promote the brand d. all of these are correct

d. all of these are correct

What consists of all the techniques sellers use to motivate people to buy their products?

Terms in this set (27).
promotion. consists of all the techniques sellers use to motivate people to buy their products or services..
promotional mix. ... .
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) ... .
advertising. ... .
television advertising. ... .
product placement. ... .
infomercial. ... .
interactive promotion..

What are the 4 P's of marketing quizlet?

product, place, promotion, and price, which together make up the marketing mix.

Which of the following tools are used by marketers to promote products quizlet?

Terms in this set (34) What are the four traditional promotional tools that make up the promotion mix? Advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion. The product itself can also be a promotion tool.

Which of the following tools are used by marketers to promote products?

The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing.


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