Match the system implementation method on the left with its correct definition on the right.

1. Inconsistent Data Definitions
1 A: EVERY DEPARTMENT had its own method for recording data so when trying to share information, data did not match and users did not get the data they really needed.

2. Lack of Data Standards
2 A: MANAGERS need to perform cross-functional analysis using data from all departments, which differed in granularities, formats, and levels.

3. Poor Data Quality
3 A: THE DATA, if available, were often incorrect or incomplete. Therefore, users could not rely on the data to make decisions.

4. Inadequate Data Usefulness
4 A: USERS could not get the data they needed; what was collected was not always useful for intended purposes.

5. Ineffective Direct Data Access
5 A: MOST DATA stored in operational databases did not allow users direct access; users had to wait to have their queries or questions answered by MIS professionals who could code SQL.