Perception checking signals an attitude of respect and concern for the other person true or false

-utilitarian functions ex:police directing traffic
-CREATING AND MAINTAING RELATIONSHIPS: provides clues about attitudes, create/signal emotional climate, reduces uncertainty about the other person, connected to satisfaction/commitment,
-REGULATING INTERACTION: non-verbal regulators: cues that control verbal interaction ex: turn taking signals indicating the speaker is finished talking and ready to listen ex:eye contact
-INFLUENCING OTHERS: capture attention, show or increase liking, generate power, boost credibility
pretending to have a good time at a family celebration even though you are bored
-DECEIVING: nonverbal cues offer important info for detecting deception ex: pupils dilate
-MANAGING IDENTITY: more important in creating expressions than verbal messages, manner: the way we act, stand, move, control facial expressions, adjust voice. appearance: dress, hair,make up, jewelry. accents, setting: physical items we surround ourselves with, personal belongings, vehicles, place we live

what each consists of
challenges faced in each element
RECEIVE/HEAR: see and hear , physiological
challenge faced:psychological/physical noise,auditory fatigue (temporary loss of hearing caused by continuous exposure to the same tone or loudness)
ATTEND: devoting attention to info, filter out some messages and focus on others, to words and nonverbal cues
challenge faced:not interesting
UNDERSTAND: sense-making, interpreting, comparing ,
challenge faced:listeners do not receive the same message because of physical factures like social roles, cultural background, personal interests and needs , language barriers,
RESPOND: observable feedback about whether we are listening attentively or not via nonverbal behaviors: eye contact and verbal behaviors: asking questions
challenge faced:
REMEMBER:recall ,depends on # of times info was repeated
challenge faced: people start forgetting immediately

1.initiating: intrest in making contact
2.EXPERIMENTING: (uncertainty reduction/ "audition" , kind of info we look for depends on nature of relationship were seeking)
*small talk "do you have a girlfriend"
3.INTENSIFYING (express feelings, excitement, cloud 9)
*shared activities, taking trips together, hanging out with mutual friends, gazing, goosebumps,daydreaming, spend more time together, ask for support, do favors, give tokens of affection, express feelings nonverbally (; , get to know friends and family, try to look more physically attractive
4.integrating (convergence, seen as a unit)
5.BONDING:(public commitment: showing the world relationship exists )
*licensee to be married, engagement, cohabitation,
6.DIFFERENTIATING: (autonomy, "we" to "me")
*restablish individual identities, our weekend plans to what i want to do, change, maintain commitment while creating space for being individuals as well
7.CIRCUMSCRIBING (physical/mental withdraw) (affairs could happen)
*communication quantity/quality decrease, hints of dissatisfaction more evident, less romance, more argument, restrictions, restraints, "my friends", areas of separation limit interaction
8.stagnating (routine, lack of enthusiasm)
9.AVOIDING: (lack of communication)
*distance, expression of detachment, zoning out, avoid involvement, leave the room, ignore their questions, steer clear of touching,superficially polite, hostile, mentally dissasocial: think about other person as less capable or important,
10.terminating (redefined)
*disassociation, can be short or drawn out over time,

-evaluation: judges what the other person is feeling, doesn't explain how speaker arrived at conclusion, you language, lacks specifics, ex: "your inconsiderate"
-description: no judgement, observations are specific and concrete, behavior that can be changed not personal characteristics, provide info about how speaker arrived at conclusion
- control: sender seems to be imposing a solution on the receiver with little regard for that persons needs/interests, generate hostility, do what as i say and well get along, nothing we say will change their minds
-problem orientation: focus on finding a solution that satisfies bot their needs, everyone wins, we language, make decisions with rather than for other people
-strategy: arouse defensiveness, speakers hide ulterior motives, manipulation, dishonestly, counterfeit questions "what are you doing friday after work?"
-spontaneity: honest, set aside hidden agendas that others both sense and resist, direct "i have a piano i need to move friday after work. Can you help?"
neutrality: indifference, lacks concern for welfare of other, imp lie the other person isn't important, "sometimes things just don't work out"
empathy: people show they care for feelings of another, accepting their feelings, putting yourselves in their place," i know you put a lot of time and effort into this project"
superiority: patronizing, I'm better than you,
equality: same amount of worth, positive climate in which ideas are evaluated no on the basis of who contributed them but on the merit of the ideas themselves,
certainty: positive their right, their way or the highway, they have all facts don't need more info, disregard ideas of others, lack of regard, "can't, never,always,must"
provisionalism: will change their stand if another position seems more reasonable, "perhaps, maybe, possibly, might, may" open minded messages

-polarization (dysfunctional): polar opposites, see themselves as good and other bad, underestimate commonalities shared and miss areas of agreement and goodwill
-integration (functional): appreciate differences, think of the partner to work with, problem oriented to solve that works for everybody instead of controlling the other person
-opposition (dysf.) : see each other as opponents, view others gain as their loss
-cooperation (funct.):
-confirmation (funct.): don't attack person with who they share the problem, treat each other with affection w/out trying to dominate the other
-coercion (dysf.): do it my way OR ELSE ex: sex, friendliness
-escalation: (dysf.): problems grow larger, one person attacks so the other strikes back harder
-de-escalation: (funct.): solve more problems than they create
-drifting (dysf.): bring in issues that have nothing to do with original problem, orig lost as conflict expands
-focusing: (func.): focus on one subject/problem at a a time
-shortsightedness: (dysf.) defend their own solution, they overlook a different solution that would satisfy both of their goals, jump into conflict w/out thinking about how to approach issue constructively
-foresight: (func): pick battles wisely, see relationship as more important than issue being disputed

Sets with similar terms

When checking your perceptions about others you can follow these steps?

Perception Checking has 3 parts: Description - provide a description of the behavior you noticed. Interpretation - provide two possible interpretations of the behavior. Clarification - request clarification from the person about the behavior & your interpretations.

Which behavior is an example of direct perception checking?

Direct perception checking: Asking someone else whether your interpretations of what you perceive are correct.

Which step of perception is based on the fact that we notice some messages and ignore others?

Selective perception is the process by which individuals perceive what they want to in media messages while ignoring opposing viewpoints. It is a broad term to identify the behavior all people exhibit to tend to "see things" based on their particular frame of reference.

In which phase of the perception process does the recognition of a figure as standing out from a ground of other stimuli take place?

Right?" Give another interpretation. The recognition of a "figure" as standing out from a "ground" of other stimuli takes place during what phase of the perception process? Western culture.