Place these important events that led to american entry into world war ii in chronological order.

01 Japan occupies Dutch-controlled Indonesia, seizing its oil fields

02 British and American forces in North Africa compel the surrender of German general Erwin Rommel

03 200,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers land in Normandy in northwestern France, commencing the most massive sea-land operation in history

04 American planes drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima Nagasaki

Because of the need for high production rates with minimal interruptions, involvement in the Second World War restrained the growth of labor unions in the American economy. (T/F)


Identify how the Good Neighbor Policy of the 1930s sought to improve relations between the United States and Latin America.

(a) The United States refused to acknowledge or support dictators in Latin America.

(b) The policy did not have an impact on troops already stationed in Haiti and Nicaragua.

(c) It sought to reduce U.S. military intervention in the internal conflicts within Latin American countries.

(d) It established binding military alliances.

c. It sought to reduce U.S. military intervention in the internal conflicts within Latin American countries.

Which of the following groups spoke out against Japanese-American internment during World War II?

(a) No single major civil rights or civil liberties group actively criticized the policy.

(b) the NAACP

(c) organized labor

(d) the American justice system

a. No single major civil rights or civil liberties group actively criticized the policy.

Identify the statements that describe the benefits of the GI Bill of Rights.

The economic investments outlined in the GI Bill prevented unemployment and an economic downturn in the postwar period.

While initially only for veterans, it was extended to include all Americans, including civilians who were not mobilized as part of the war.

It included scholarships for college.

It did not include mortgage loans.

* It included scholarships for college.

* The economic investments outlined in the GI Bill prevented unemployment and an economic downturn in the postwar period.

x It did not include mortgage loans.

x While initially only for veterans, it was extended to include all Americans, including civilians who were not mobilized as part of the war.

Which of the following terms were agreed to at the Potsdam conference of 1945?

After the war, Germany was to come under Allied military government.

The policy of unconditional surrender was reversed.

The Allies all consented to allow eastern Europe to become a Russian sphere of influence.

Nazi leaders would face war-crime trials.

* Nazi leaders would face war-crime trials.
* After the war, Germany was to come under Allied military government.

x The policy of unconditional surrender was reversed.
x The Allies all consented to allow eastern Europe to become a Russian sphere of influence.

Wartime proclamations such as the Atlantic Charter worked against Nazism and fascism during the war but also served to undermine colonialism and racism. (T/F)


Place these important events of World War II in chronological order.

(a) 200,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers land in Normandy in northwestern France, commencing the most massive sea-land operation in history

(b) Japan occupies Dutch-controlled Indonesia, seizing its oil fields

(c) American planes drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

(d) British and American forces in North Africa compel the surrender of German general Erwin Rommel

- Japan occupies Dutch-controlled Indonesia, seizing its oil fields
- British and American forces in North Africa compel the surrender of German general Erwin Rommel
- 200,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers land in Normandy in northwestern France, commencing the most massive sea-land operation in history
- American planes drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What were the outcomes for the U.S. economy following the 1944 Bretton Woods conference?

* The U.S. dollar became based on the value of gold.
* American foreign policy was—and to this day, continues to be—driven by the removal of barriers to free trade, resulting in the growth of the world economy.
* The United States became the dominant influence in international finance.

x The Import-Export Bank was established.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing how the Second World War had an impact on American society.

The Second World War_____American society as virtually no other conflict in the nation's history had. Freedom from_____as a wartime ideal addressed the feeling that the Depression would not return after the war, while freedom from_____embraced the ideal of an American's personal liberty being contrasted with life in a fascist state.


1) unified
2) want
3) fear

How did the Neutrality Acts (1935) fit with "isolationism"?

engaging in international trade

The Acts forbid the United States to sell weapons to countries at war.

The Acts forbid Americans from joining military forces for other countries at war.

The Acts forbid Americans from traveling on ships operated by countries that were engaged in the war.

* The Acts forbid the United States to sell weapons to countries at war.
* The Acts forbid Americans from traveling on ships operated by countries that were engaged in the war.

x engaging in international trade
x The Acts forbid Americans from joining military forces for other countries at war.

Which of the following domestic accomplishments for desegregation occurred during the war?

* Segregation was ended in the U.S. Navy.
* Discrimination was banned in defense jobs.

x College opportunities and loans outlined in the GI Bill were provided to all veterans equally, regardless of race.
x Due to a new appreciation for blacks in the military, segregation was lifted temporarily during the war in movie theaters and restaurants.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the significance of The Road to Serfdom.

Friedrich Hayek's work The Road to Serfdom argued that_____ultimately threatened liberty. Conservatives used this book to justify_____role for the state in the economy, by equating fascism and socialism with the_____.

a decreased
free market
New Deal
an increased
economic planning

1. economic planning
2. a decreased
3. New Deal

Read the selection below from Charles H. Wesley, "The Negro Has Always Wanted the Four Freedoms," in What the Negro Wants (1944). Click here to read the full excerpt from the textbook.

[Negroes] have wanted what other citizens of the United States have wanted. They have wanted freedom and opportunity. They have wanted the pursuit of the life vouchsafed to all citizens of the United States by our own liberty documents. They have wanted freedom of speech, [but] they were supposed to be silently acquiescent in all aspects of their life. ... They have wanted freedom of religion, for they had been compelled to "steal away to Jesus" ... in order to worship God as they desired. ... They have wanted freedom from want. ... However, the Negro has remained a marginal worker and the competition with white workers has left him in want in many localities of an economically sufficient nation. They have wanted freedom from fear. They have been cowed, browbeaten or beaten, as they have marched through the years of American life. ...The Negro wants democracy to begin at home. ... The future of our democratic life is insecure so long as the hatred, disdain and disparagement of Americans of African ancestry exist. ...

Why does Wesley believe that black Americans are denied the Four Freedoms?

* Because of Americans' deeply entrenched hatred of Americans of African ancestry.

x Because black Americans have not petitioned the court for them.
x Because African-Americans didn't believe in the Four Freedoms.
x Because white Americans want to maintain their control and power over black Americans.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the ideas in "The Price of Free World Victory."

In his work "The Price of Free World Victory," Henry Wallace rejected the ideas of The American Century as centering too much on_____rather than international cooperation. He felt that wealth should be_____the hands of those who had made it, and not to do so would_____hunger, illiteracy, and poverty.

concentrated in
personal liberty
business dominance
redistributed from

1. business dominance
2. redistributed from
3. increase

What message was the NAACP trying to send Americans with this poster from 1943?

* Blood donations that were separated by white and black donors had no scientific basis.

x The poster supports the process of separating black and white American blood donations during the war and beyond as a medical necessity.
x Racial segregation is justified by science.
x The deployment of all-black combat units into frontline forces is unconstitutional.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the atomic bomb.

Scientists who developed the atom bomb were_____about using the technology at the time. Truman ultimately decided to employ it to______. Ultimately, the use of atomic bombs was rationalized to achieve a lower number of______casualties than might be lost during an invasion.

intimidate the Russians
end of the world war

1) divided
2) end of the world war
3) American

Henry Luce's 1941 book The American Century called for America to embrace a postwar role as a leader of consumerism and freedom not only for themselves, but as a model for the rest of the world. (T/F)


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing American society after the Second World War.

World War II_____the integration of American society. Unlike World War I's_____policies, pluralism was seen as patriotic during the Second World War. By the war's end, racism and nativism had become_____.

intellectually discredited
forced Americanization
culturally mainstream

1) accelerated
2) forced Americanization
3) intellectually discredited

With the end of the war, American society expected that the employment changes the war had brought for women would continue.(T/F)


Place these important events that led to American entry into World War II in chronological order.

Japanese invasion of Manchuria

German violation of the Versailles Treaty and invasion of the Rhineland

the United States begins to sell and lend military aid and supplies to the countries fighting Germany and Japan

attack on Pearl Harbor

Review the following excerpt from Justice Robert A. Jackson's dissent in the controversial 1994 Supreme Court decision Korematsu v. United States. Identify the passage where Jackson argues that the Court's decision to uphold Executive Order 9066—the order interning Japanese-Americans during World War II—serves as an endorsement of government-sponsored racism.


* But once a judicial opinion rationalizes such an order to show that it conforms to the Constitution, or rather rationalizes the Constitution to show that the Constitution sanctions such an order, the Court for all time has validated the principle of racial discrimination in criminal procedure and of transplanting American citizens.

In a fireside chat in December 1940, President Roosevelt announced that the United States would become the "great arsenal of democracy." What did he mean by that phrase?

(a) Roosevelt was referring to the United States providing an equal amount of military supplies to any country involved in the war.

(b) This phrase had nothing to do with military supplies; it was simply a figure of speech.

(c) Roosevelt was referring to the United States providing Britain and China with military supplies.

(d) Roosevelt claimed that the United States and its continued strict adherence to isolationism and trade embargos was a way of demonstrating the strength of democracy.

(c) Roosevelt was referring to the United States providing Britain and China with military supplies.

Which of the following were agreed to at the Yalta conference of 1945?

* secret plans to divide the political influence in southern and eastern Europe between the British and the Russians
* Russia would enter into the Pacific war.

x the establishment of communism throughout eastern Europe
x the establishment of the Baltic states as free and independent spheres

Which of the following statements express the ideas of Henry Luce's The American Century?

* America was to be the dominant power on the planet.
* Free markets were the pathway to liberty.
* People of the world should embrace American ideals and its consumer products.

x Borrowing from the ideas of other nations was essential to global cooperation.

Analyze the map below.
What does it reveal about World War II in the Pacific?

* All major battles took place on islands in the Pacific Ocean.
* Allied forces attacked the Japanese forces from many directions, including by sea, as well as on land through Mongolia and the Soviet Union.
* The Japanese controlled significant parts of the Pacific Ocean, as well as parts of the Asian continent, including Manchuria, Korea, and Burma.

x Many of the largest battles of the Pacific Front were fought on the continent of Australia.

Which nation was excluded from membership in the United Nations Security Council?

Germany France
China Britain

* Germany

Identify the economic goals of the National Resources Planning Board (NRPB).

* to expand Social Security
* to improve access to health care
* to use government spending to secure full employment of men as a way to redistribute income

x to reform the institutions of capitalism with greater government controls

The first few months of American involvement in the War in the Pacific produced a string of military disasters. Select on the map the site of the four-day naval battle that is considered the turning point of the War in the Pacific.


Inspired by exaggerated fears of a Japanese invasion of the West Coast of the United States, the military persuaded FDR to issue Executive Order 9066, which ordered the relocation of all persons of Japanese descent from the West Coast. Select on the map the states where Japanese-Americans were interned in camps during World War II.


In the spring and summer of 1942, authorities removed more than 110,000 men, women, and children of Japanese descent—nearly two-thirds of them American citizens—to camps far from their homes. Select on the map the states where Japanese-Americans were evacuated from a designated "military area."


According to the map of World War II in Europe between 1942 and 1945, where were the Axis forces in retreat at the end of 1942?

* North Africa

The building of new military bases, as shown in the map, contributed to the trend of U.S. industrial development during the war. Analyze the map below, and then determine which of the following facts are representative of that trend.

* A great deal of the spending on military production went toward building aircraft.
* The West Coast emerged as a focus of military-industrial production.

x Due to labor shortages, federal spending on military production actually fell during World War II.
x The South began to shift from industry back to agriculture.

On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes, launched from aircraft carriers, bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, the first attack by a foreign power on American soil since the War of 1812. Select on the map the location where this event took place.

* Pearl Harbor on the map

Using the map, identify the World War II battles that took place within the Japanese sphere of control in the Pacific.

Coral Sea
Pearl Harbor
Leyte Gulf

* Guam
* Coral Sea
* Guadalcanal
* Leyte Gulf

x Pearl Harbor
x Midway

Even though President Roosevelt was committed to liberating Europe from Nazi control, American troops did not become involved on the European continent until 1944. Select on the map the location of the battle of D-Day, the first major involvement of American troops in Europe.

* on the coast of France on the map

What can you infer from the maps that show major battles of World War II?

* Both Axis countries and Allied countries fought the war on multiple fronts.
* The Axis powers in Europe extended their control as far north as Scandinavia, and as far south as Northern Africa.

x The United States deployed atomic weapons in both Europe and Japan.
x Despite their neutrality, neutral countries in Europe served as the locations of major battles in World War II.

The crucial fighting in Europe took place between Germany and the Soviet Union, including the German siege of Stalingrad. Select Stalingrad, which is considered the turning point of the European war, on the map.

* Battle in Soviet Union Territory

What steps led to American participation in World War II?

On December 7, 1941, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan. Three days later, after Germany and Italy declared war on it, the United States became fully engaged in the Second World War.

What events led to US involvement in world war 2 quizlet?

7:50-10:00 AM, December 7, 1941 - Surprise attack by the Japanese on the main U.S. Pacific Fleet harbored in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii destroyed 18 U.S. ships and 200 aircraft. American losses were 3000, Japanese losses less than 100. In response, the U.S. declared war on Japan and Germany, entering World War II.

What steps led to American participation in World War II How did the Neutrality Acts 1935 fit with isolationism?

How did the Neutrality Acts (1935) fit with "isolationism"? The Acts forbid the United States to sell weapons to countries at war. The Acts forbid Americans from joining military forces for other countries at war. The Acts forbid Americans from traveling on ships operated by countries that were engaged in the war.

When did the United States enter World War II quizlet?

The U.S. entered WWII because the Japanese bombed U.S. battleships and airplanes at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The U.S. declared war on the Axis powers on December 7, 1941.


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