Reba works as a teller at a local bank. what function in the value chain is she performing?

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Quantum product innovation results in improvements and refinements of products over time as existing technologies are perfected and managers gain experience performing value chain activities.


True False

A value chain is a series of functional activities that convert inputs into finished goods or services that customers value.


True False

Higher product quality can increase employee productivity, which translates to lower operating costs.


True False

Inputs from an organization's members are sufficient for successful product development.

True False

Good value chain management requires that marketing managers focus primarily on the type of products the company makes.

True False

To create a competitive advantage through superior efficiency, an organization must

Multiple Choice

A ________ strategy is a plan of action to improve the ability of a department to perform its task-specific activities in ways that add value to an organization's goods and services.

Multiple Choice

As part of his company's materials management function, Juan is responsible for assembling newly purchased bicycles and performing repairs.

True False

________ refers to a series of functional activities needed to transform inputs into valuable finished goods or services.

Multiple Choice

A company wants to promote a new line of tools as easy-to-use and more adaptable than competitors' products. Which value chain function would the company use to develop customer perceptions of the utility of the new tools?

Multiple Choice

According to total quality management philosophy, the managers responsible for engineering and quality control are responsible for defining quality.

True False

An appliance manufacturer's products are in high demand despite their premium pricing due to the products' reliability and lower maintenance costs. The manufacturer has achieved a competitive advantage through

Multiple Choice

For an organization to obtain a competitive advantage through superior innovation, it should

Multiple Choice

To achieve ________, managers must find a way to lower costs and/or increase differentiation.

Multiple Choice

A mobile phone manufacturer redesigning a phone to improve ergonomics and enhance styling is an example of quantum product innovation.

True False

________ management is the development of a set of functional-level strategies that support a company's business-level strategy and strengthen its competitive advantage.

Multiple Choice

Implementing a successful TQM program requires functions within the value chain to operate independently, ensuring optimization and focus within each function.

True False

A local car dealership sells a minivan to a couple. Three days later, they call the couple to ensure they are happy with the purchase and to address any questions or concerns they may have regarding the new vehicle. This dealership is trying to gain a competitive advantage through superior

Multiple Choice

Reba works as a teller at a local bank. What function in the value chain is she performing?

Multiple Choice

Efficiency is a measure of the amount of inputs required to produce a given amount of outputs.

True False

When deciding on the catering budget for her upcoming wedding Kris was told?

When deciding on the catering budget for her upcoming wedding, Kris was told that typically around 10% of invited guests usually decline. Kris is using a(n) to simplify her decision making. Jacob, a marketing manager, is determining if the company budget allows for advertising a new product.

Which product innovation results in gradual improvements and refinements of products over time?

The gradual improvement and refinement of existing products over time as existing technologies are perfected are called incremental product innovations.

Which statement explains how the task environment differs from the general environment quizlet?

In what way does the task environment differ from the general environment? Forces in the task environment have a more immediate and direct effect on managers than forces in the general environment.

Are a major source of information about the causes of poor quality so it's important that managers solicit employee suggestions about improvements?

Solicit input from employees. Employees are a major source of information about the causes of poor quality, so it is important that managers establish a system for soliciting employee suggestions about improvements that can be made.