Which statement accurately reflects how the dual process model of coping with bereavement works?

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Terms in this set (61)

Kevin is an adult who has been asked what he would want to accomplish if he had only six months to live. He says he'd spend his time meditating and contemplating the meaning of his life. Kevin is most likely in what phase of the life span?

older adulthood

Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of dying according to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' stages of dying?


What is the most common characteristic of Kübler-Ross' first stage of dying?


Which of the following is a common response from a person in Kübler-Ross' second stage of dying?

- Asking the question "Why me?"
- Feeling resentful towards healthy family members

Which statement is typical of how a person in Kübler-Ross' third stage of dying would react?

The person tries to negotiate in order to live a little longer.

Monica is an adult who has been asked what she would do if she only had six months to live. She responds that she would travel to Italy, go sky-diving, and volunteer at the Salvation Army. Based on studies evaluating attitudes toward death in adulthood, Monica is most likely to be

a younger adult

True or false: Kübler-Ross would recommend that loved ones try to cheer up the dying person in the fourth stage of dying, also known as the depression stage.


List Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying in order from beginning to end, with the first stage at the top.

1. denial and isolation
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance

Robert is an 80-year-old man who has been given three months to live. He has requested to be left alone. When asked, he says that he is not feeling much physical pain and seems devoid of feeling. He realizes he is going to die and feels a sense of peace. Which of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying is he in?


Which of the following statements reflects what a person would say in the first stage of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

"The doctor is wrong. I need to get a second opinion. The doctor must have mixed my file up with someone else's."

Robert Kastenbaum criticized Kübler-Ross' approach because the five-stage interpretation neglected which of the following variations in situations of patients?

- specific effects of illness
- relationship support
- family obligations

Which of the following is not a common part of Kubler-Ross' second stage of dying?


Rachel has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She has been spending a lot of time at her church and praying to God. Specifically she has said to God that if she lives, she will donate half of her money to the church and volunteer at her local food pantry. Which of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying does this reflect?


True or false: Spirituality has been found to help buffer dying individuals from severe depression.


Understanding of the certainty of death appears in which stage of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

fourth stage: depression

What has been found to help dying individuals become more alert and cheerful?

perceived control

In addition to acceptance, which of the following are characteristic of a person in Kübler-Ross' fifth stage of dying?

- an acceptance of one's fate
- a sense of peace
- a desire to be left alone

Which of the following is a criticism made by Robert Kastenbaum about Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

The five-stage sequence has not been substantiated empirically

Which of the following statements best reflects the role of denial in the lives of individuals approaching death?

Denial is an adaptive strategy because it allows a person to delay dealing with impending death, which can help avoid shock.

Which of the following have been shown to help dying individuals avoid despair and depression in their last days?

- knowing one's purpose and meaning in life
- being spiritual or religious

Carol has terminal cancer. She has read that eating certain foods has been found to prolong a person's life. Therefore she spends a great deal of time preparing meals for herself. She was given six months to live but has now exceeded that time. She owes it to her diet and perseverance. What can we expect of Carol's demeanor?

She will most likely be more alert and cheerful.

More than _____ of Americans die in hospitals in a given year.


_________ can play an adaptive role by insulating a dying individual against intense feelings of anger and hurt, but it can also function as a maladaptive strategy.


In terms of setting, most individuals say they would prefer to die at _______


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of discussing death openly with a dying individual?

The dying person can avoid feeling depressed about impending death.

Based on recent studies of dying individuals, what has been identified as a precursor to a dying person's feeling of distress and a desire to hasten death?

seeing no reason for living

What percentage of Americans die in nursing homes?


Communication with someone who is dying should be directed toward

internal growth

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate strategy for communicating with a dying person?

Insist that the person accept death.

According to research, where would most people rather die?

at home

Roger's wife just passed away. He has responded to the loss by repeatedly saying, "I can't believe it," and exhibiting deep despair by crying and sighing. Roger is experiencing


Which of the following statements best reflects the outcome of communicating about death with a dying person?

Discussing death openly with the dying individual has many benefits for the person.

Which of the following reactions have been found to follow after the death of a loved one?

- Separation anxiety
- Pining
- Yearning

What percentage of bereaved individuals have prolonged or complicated grief that lasts more than 6 months following their loss?

7 to 10 percent

What is the most beneficial type of communication one can have with a dying person?

discussions regarding the strengths of the individual and preparation for the remainder of life

Which of the following is an appropriate strategy to use when communicating with a dying person?

You should allow the person to reminisce.

The emotional numbness, disbelief, separation anxiety, despair, sadness, and loneliness that accompany the loss of someone we love is called _________


Enduring despair that remains unresolved over an extended period of time is called ______ disorder.

prolonged grief

About how long after the death of a loved one do most of the negative feelings associated with the death diminish?

six months

When an individual's grief over a deceased person is a socially ambiguous loss that cannot be openly mourned it is called __________ grief


What percentage of survivors experience normal grief reactions?

80 to 90 percent

Examples of disenfranchised grief include which of the following?

- circumstances of the death that are stigmatized such as death because of AIDS
- a relationship that isn't socially recognized such as an ex-spouse
- a hidden loss like an abortion

Which of the following are part of the dual-process model of coping with bereavement?

- loss-oriented stressors
- restoration-oriented stressors

Travis is experiencing the loss of his brother who died from cancer. He feels numb and as if the future does not hold anything for him without his brother. He cannot move on from the loss. What is Travis experiencing?

prolonged grief

Positive and negative reappraisals of one's loss are associated with ____________-oriented stressors in the dual-process model of coping.


When an individual's grief over a deceased person is a socially ambiguous loss that cannot be openly mourned it is called

disenfranchised grief

Which statement accurately reflects how the dual-process model of coping with bereavement works?

Coping with loss and engaging in restoration can be carried out concurrently.

Anastasia had an abortion when she was 18 years old. Even though she made the decision to end the pregnancy, she experienced a deep and pervasive grief for many years. Ten years later, her sister became pregnant. When Anastasia heard the news, she cried for days. Anastasia was experiencing

disenfranchised grief.

What type of emotional reactions can be expected after the sudden accidental death of a child?

- grief that is more intense and prolonged than a death that is not unexpected
- sleep disturbances, nightmares, and other symptoms of trauma
- post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms

True or false: Among the Hopi of Arizona, the deceased are forgotten as quickly as possible and life carries on as usual.


The dual-process model of coping with bereavement consists of two main dimensions called _________-oriented stressors and ___________-oriented stressors.

loss; restoration

True or false: A common occurrence is for family members to go over again and again all of the events that led up to the death as a part of the grieving process.


Which part of the dual-process model of coping with bereavement involves helping the survivor master skills such as learning how to do routine home maintenance?

restoration-oriented stressors

When a person reports financial loss, loneliness, increased physical illness, and a psychological disorder such as depression after a loss, one could assume that the person who died was the person's


In the ______ model of coping, effective coping with bereavement often involves an oscillation between coping with loss and coping with restoration.


Which of the following is an argument that supporters present for holding funerals and other community events to remember the deceased?

They provide a form of closure for family members of the deceased.

Which of the following deaths typically would be LEAST likely to result in an intense and prolonged grieving process for the survivors, due to its nature?

the death of a grandparent from a serious disease

Which of the following statements is true regarding cultural diversity in healthy grieving?

All cultures have unique reactions to the deceased

Which of the following statements does not reflect how those dealing with the loss of a loved one tend to "make sense of the world" as a part of the grieving process?

Survivors of loss tend to wish to be alone immediately following the loss.

Which of the following has not been found to be an outcome for a person who has lost a spouse or intimate partner?

A consistent lack of prolonged grief

Which of the following are arguments that critics present against the funeral industry?

- Funeral directors are focused more on making money than on providing closure.
- Embalming is a grotesque practice.

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What is the dual process model of coping with bereavement?

This model identifies two types of stressors, loss- and restoration-oriented, and a dynamic, regulatory coping process of oscillation, whereby the grieving individual at times confronts, at other times avoids, the different tasks of grieving.

How does the Dual Process Model show grief as a dynamic process?

A crucial part of the Dual Process Model is the concept of oscillation. According to Stroebe and Schut, healthy grieving means engaging in a dynamic process of oscillating between loss-oriented and restoration-oriented coping. A griever will oscillate between confronting the loss and avoiding the loss.

Which of the following have been identified as meaning making processes that bereaved parents go through?

Results. Four major meaning-making processes were identified: (1) sense making, (2) benefit finding, (3) continuing bonds, and (4) identity reconstruction. Sense making refers to seeking biomedical explanations for the death, revisiting parents' prior decisions and roles, and assigning blame.

Which of the following is one of the main dimensions of the dual process model of coping with bereavement?

The dual-process model of coping with bereavement has two main dimensions: (1) loss-oriented stressors, and (2) restoration-oriented stressors.