Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include all of the following except Quizlet

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Terms in this set (88)

Select the sonographic findings that increase suspicion of a choriocarcinoma.
A. Normal fetus and placenta with a cystic vesicular portion
B. Mass invasion through the uterine myometrium to the serosa with hypoechoic liver lesions
C. Soft tissue mass filling the uterine cavity
D. Hyperechoic shadowing mass within the myometrium

B. Mass invasion through the uterine myometrium to the serosa with hypoechoic liver lesions

A patient presents as small for gestational age with a known LMP 10 weeks ago. The sonographic exam reveals a gestational sac equivalent to a 6-week gestation. Select the most likely differential.
A. Blighted ovum
B. Incomplete abortion
C. Miscarriage

A. Blighted ovum

Which of the following is the spontaneous failure and expulsion of an early pregnancy?
A. Abortion
B. Miscarriage
C. Missed abortion
D. Inevitable abortion

B. Miscarriage

Primitive streak

- central region of cells that contributes to the newly developed

mesoderm and endoderm layers, Notochord

- folded tubular region which eventually is replaced by vertebrae,

Neural tube

- tubular fold that closes by the end of the 5th week

Organogenesis is completed at the end of what gestational week?
a. 4th
b. 6th
c. 12th
d. 14th
e. None of the above

c. 12th

Which portion of the fallopian tube has the highest incidence of ectopic gestations?
A. Isthmus
B. Fimbria
C. Body
D. Ampullary


Identify the sonographic finding in the uterus that is made up of bleeding from the decidualized endometrium.


The cavity in which the fetus exists is called the:

amniotic cavity

Findings in ectopic pregnancy include all except which of the following?
a. no evidence of intrauterine pregnancy
b. doubling of the serum beta hCG every other day
c. adnexal mass
d. intraperitoneal fluid

doubling of the serum beta hCG every other day

Choriocarcinoma occurs most commonly after

molar pregnancy

Select the hormone secreted by both the syncytiotrophoblast and placenta.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

Choose the quantitative pregnancy test.
A. Serum
B. Urine
C. Thyroxin
D. Progesterone


If a fibroid coexists with a 12-menstrual-week fetus, the sonographer must identify the relationship of the fibroid to the:


A 30-year-old, G4P2A1 presents to the department with right lower quadrant pain. Her b-hCG is 1,500, and she is 7 weeks by LMP. The sonographer images the double decidual sign, an embryo, and an endometrial thickness of 9 mm. The right ovary demonstrates increased color Doppler flow in a ringlike pattern. What is the most likely differential for this patient's history and sonographic findings?

Normal pregnancy

The most common abnormality associated with cystic hygroma is:

Turner's syndrome

Which term describes an abnormally fast heart rate?
A. Triploidy
B. Dysrhythmia
C. Tachycardia
D. Bradycardia


Which of the following describes the sonographic findings of an embryonic demise?
A. Empty gestational sac smaller than expected size
B. Empty gestational sac greater than 20 mm
C. Thick endometrium with decreased myometrial flow
D. Lack of heart motion, expanded amnion sign, missing double bleb

Lack of heart motion, expanded amnion sign, missing double bleb sign

Which of the following fetal membranes lies withing the connecting stalk?
a. chorion
b. amnion
c. yolk sac
d. allantois


Parity refers to the number of deliveries of viable infants.


Define a heterotopic pregnancy.

An intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) coexisting with an ectopic pregnancy

Identify the type of ectopic pregnancy that is surrounded by less than 5 mm of myometrium.


The crown-rump length measurement may be used up to the _____ gestational week.


The best sonographic correlation in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is the combination of:

free fluid and adnexal mass

Identify the blastocyst layer that eventually develops into the embryonic portion of the placenta.


Name the solid ball of developing cells which occurs after fertilization.


A heterotopic pregnancy is:

b. simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy

Which type of ectopic pregnancy implants on previous cesarean scars?


The serum level of beta hCG with gestational trophoblastic disease is:

dramatically elevated

Which of the following cardiac malformations identifiable in the first trimester?

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome


- bones, muscles, connective tissue, GU tract, cardiovascular, lymphatics,


- epithelial tissue of systems like lungs and GI tract,


- CNS system, nails, hair

Conceptional age of a fetus is from the time of fertilization, and is commonly used in sonography.


Select the risk factor for an ectopic implantation of a pregnancy.

Assisted reproductive therapy

In transabdominal scanning, a normal gestational sac can be consistently demonstrated when the beta hCG level is:

1800 mIu/ml

Generally speaking, the First International Reference Preparation of maternal serum beta-hCG is of what quantification in relation to the Second International Standard?


Cervical effacement is

shortening of the cervix during late pregnancy and labor

Name the structure that produces the embryo's first blood cells.

Umbilical vesicle

Which of the following contributes to the maternal portions of the placenta?

Decidua basalis

In a normal pregnancy, how long does it take the b-hCG to double?

48 hours

A 30-year-old woman arrives for a 1st trimester ultrasound. Clinical symptoms include vaginal bleeding and rapidly declining beta hCG levels. Transabdominal and endovaginal imaging demonstrate an empty endometrial cavity and normal bilateral adnexa. This most likely represents:

complete abortion

The blastocyst burrows into the endometrium at the site of the outer cell mass.


The double bleb sign represents which of the following
first demonstration of the chorion
amniotic sac and the yolk sac
amniotic and chorionic sacs
vitelline duct and the yolk sac

amniotic sac and the yolk sac

A sonogram of a 10-week gestation demonstrates a cystic area within the posterior cranium. This most likely represents:

normal rhombencephalon

The most common sonographic appearance of a blighted ovum is

a large empty gestational sac

There is an increase risk of complete hysterectomy when an ectopic pregnancy is located in the:


Which of the following types of ectopic pregnancy implants in a uterine horn?


The most common cause of vaginal bleeding in the 1st trimester is:

subchorionic hemorrhage

The first reliable indicator of an IUP is the

gestational sac

In early pregnancy, the gestational sac size grows at a rate of:

1.0 mm/day

The postpartum presentation of an invasive mole is characterized by amenorrhea.


What is the most frequent sonographic finding in ectopic pregnancy?

an adnexal mass

Select the gestational age when the yolk sac images between the chorion and amnion.

Carnegie stage 20

A partial absence of the cranium is called:


A morula is a cell mass containing approximately 23 blastomeres.


The first site of formation of red blood cells that will nourish the embryo is the:

primary yolk sac

Risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy include all of the following except

oral contraceptives

Which of the following contributes to the maternal portions of the placenta?
A. Chorionic villi
B. Decidua basalis
C. Chorion laeve
D. Embryonic ectoderm

B. Decidua basalis

Corpus luteum cysts regress and typically are not seen beyond:

16-18 weeks

A gestational sac in which the embryo fails to develop describes:

d. both a and c
a. blighted ovum
c. missed abortion

The placenta develops in the decidua capsularis.


The diameter of the normal yolk sac should never exceed:

6 mm

Which of the following statements about a pseudogestational sac is false?
a.A pseudogestational sac does not contain a yolk sac.
b.A pseudogestational sac contains low-level internal echoes.
c.A pseudogestational sac is eccentrically located within the endometrium.

A pseudogestational sac is eccentrically located within the endometrium.

Select the normal chromosome number for an ovum

22,X or 22,Y

What is the most common pelvic mass seen in 1st trimester pregnancy?

corpus luteum cyst

The allantois is associated with the formation of the

urinary bladder

The DDS sign implies

a normal developing early pregnancy

The embryonic heart begins to beat at:

35 days

Poor prognosis is generally seen in embryos with heart rates below:

90 bpm

Select the term describing an oocyte without maternal chromosomes resulting in proliferation of swollen chorionic villi and the absence of identifiable embryonic structures.
A. Complete hydatidiform mole
B. Partial hydatidiform mole
C. Hydatidiform mole
D. Molar pregnancy

Complete hydatidiform mole

The zona pellucida degenerates allowing the trophoblastic cells to contact the endometrium.


In the first trimester, herniated bowel with return within the abdominal cavity by the:

12th week

The etiology of a complete molar pregnancy is

an anuclear empty ovum fertilized by a haploid sperm

What structure images after the yolk sac?


An ovum without an embryo is known as:

anembryonic pregnancy

What process allows for spermatic penetration of the ovum

Acrosome disintegration

The amnion and chorion fuse around what menstrual age?

14-16 wks

Select the mIU/mL discriminatory cutoff for b-hCG.

Above 1,500 to 2,500

Using an endovaginal approach, the first structure visualized within a gestational sac is the:

secondary yolk sac

The fetal urinary bladder becomes sonographically apparent at:

10-12 menstrual weeks

What type of ovarian cysts occur with trophoblastic disease?


Where does implantation of the embryo occur?


This laboratory test indicates pregnancy when the values are elevated:


A congenital fissure that remains open past 12 weeks in the wall of the abdomen just to the right of the umbilical cord is called:


Implantation occurs at the blastocyst stage 6-8 days post ovulation.


The blastocyst typically enters the uterus:

4-5 days after fertilization

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What are risk factors for ectopic pregnancy?

Degree of risk
Risk factors
Odds ratio
Previous tubal surgery
2.1 to 21
Tubal pathology
3.5 to 25
5.2 to 19
Risk factors ectopic pregnancy - UpToDatewww.uptodate.com › contents › image › printnull

What are 3 causes of an ectopic pregnancy?

In some cases, the following conditions have been linked with an ectopic pregnancy: inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes from a previous medical condition, infection, or surgery. hormonal factors. genetic abnormalities.

What is the most common cause of ectopic pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy usually happens because a fertilized egg couldn't quickly move down the fallopian tube into the uterus. The tube can get blocked from an infection or inflammation. The tube can get blocked from: pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Is miscarriage a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy?

The risk factors for recurrent ectopic pregnancy are previous spontaneous miscarriage, tubal damage, and age older than 30years. After treatment with methotrexate, between 62% and 70% of women had a subsequent intrauterine pregnancy, and around 8% had recurrent ectopic pregnancy.