Skipping continuing education sessions could violate the requirement to maintain professional

cost of radio advertising

primary users are external

_____ buy products in bulk producers, marks them up, and resell to retailers

a law office, an advertising agency, and a hospital are examples of ___

??Direct or indirect cost---assuming that the cost object is the juniors department at kohls

junior department sales clerk

electricity for the building

cost of hangers used to display clothing in the store

failing to read the specification of the software package before purchasing it violates the ____ standard

providing earning information to you sister before it is publicly announced violates the _____ standard

main characteristic of information is that it must be relevant

reports tend to be prepared for the parts of the organization rather than the whole organization

primary users are internal

it is governed by GAAP or the IFRS

the primary characteristic of information are that it must be reliable and objective

reports are prepared as needed

it is not governed by legal requirements

formula for inventory turnover

cost of goods sold / average inventory = inventory turnover

the institute of management accountants(IMA) issues the _______ certification

certified management accountant (CMA)

typically do not have an inventory

johnson & johnson a personal care products manufacturer converts _____ into finished products

choose-finished goods inventory manufacturing companiesraw materials inventory inventory (merch)merchandising companieswholesalersservice companieswork in progress inventory

has three types of inventory on the balance sheet

stealing from your employer is a violation of the ______ standard

skipping continuing education sessions could violate the requirement to maintain professional ________. if your comany paid for you to attend the conference, skipping the sessions also violated the _______ standard

composed of goods partially through the manufacturing process (not finished)

work in progress inventory

forever 21, target, and kohl's are all examples of

______ for a company such as best buy, includes all of the costs necessary to purchase products and get them on to the shelves

most for profit organizations can be described as being in one of three categories

service companies, manufacturing companies, merchandising companies

the monthly professional magazine published by the institute of management accountants is called ____

the certification offered by IMA focuses on ____ and ____ topics

failing to provide job description information to management because you fear it may be used to cut a position in department violates the _____ standard

choose-competence confidentiality integrity credibility

to earn CMA certification a candidate must have a ______.The CMA exam can be taken before finishing the degree

the certification launched in 2012 jointly by the american institute of public accountants and the chartered institute of management accountants is called

Chartered Global Management

information is verified by external auditors

reporting is based mainly on the company as a whole

( net income - preferred dividends) / average common equity = rate of return on equity

( net income + interest expense) / average total assets = rate of return on assets

reports are usually prepared quarterly and annually

gross profit / net sales = gross profit percentage

average net accounts receivable / on day's sales = average receivables

net income / net sales = rate of return on net sales

operating income percentage

operating income / net sales = operating income percentage

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Quick Check


  1. b 3. d 5. c 7. c 9. b
  2. b 4. d 6. c 8. a


Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual 1

Short Exercises

(5–10 min.) S1-

The four primary responsibilities of managers include planning, directing, controlling, and decision making. Managers plan by setting goals and objectives for the company and devising strategies for achieving those goals. Then they direct the day-to- day operations of the company in light of the goals and objectives. They control the company by comparing actual results to plans and then use that feedback to adjust plans and operations. Throughout all aspects of these duties, management is making critical business decisions.

Student responses may vary.

2 Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual

(5–10 min.) S1-

a. Internal auditing department

b. Controller

c. Treasurer

d. Internal auditing department

e. Controller

f. Controller

g. Treasurer

h. Internal auditing department

i. Controller

j. Controller

k. Treasurer

l. Internal auditing department

m. Controller

4 Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual

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(5–10 min.) S1-

Characteristic Check () if related to internal auditing

a. Helps to ensure that company’s internal controls are functioning properly

b. Reports to treasurer or controller

c. Required by the Toronto Stock Exchange if company stock is publicly traded on the TSX

d. Reports directly to the audit committee

e. Ensures that the company achieves its profit goals

f. Is part of the accounting department

g. Usually reports to a senior executive (CFO or CEO) for administrative matters

h. Performs the same function as independent certified public accountants

i. External audits can be performed by the internal auditing department

Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual 5

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(continued) S1-

Finally, An important part of management accountants’ responsibilities is communicating information and providing reports to senior management. To be able to rely on these reports, management must have confidence that the management accountant is not hiding inconvenient facts or presenting a biased view.

Student responses may vary.

Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual 7

(5 min.) S1-

a. Providing earnings information to your brother before it is publicly announced violates the concept of client confidentiality, and fails to uphold trust.

b. Stealing from your employer is a violation of the concept of integrity, and is illegal

c. Skipping continuing education sessions could violate the requirement to maintain professional competence in enabling competencies. If your company paid for you to attend the conference, skipping the sessions also violates the notion of integrity

d. Failing to read the specifications of the software package before purchasing it violates professional competence in enabling competencies

e. Failing to provide job description information to management because you fear it may be used to cut a position in your department violates the notion of integrity and the required skills of a competent accountant

8 Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual

(5–10 min.) S1-

a. Lean

b. Traditional

c. Traditional

d. Lean

e. Traditional

f. Lean

g. Lean

h. Traditional

i. Lean

j. Lean

k. Lean

l. Lean

m. Traditional

10 Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual

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(5 min.) S 1-

  1. Reworking defective units— internal failure

  2. Litigation costs from product liability claims— external failure

  3. Inspecting incoming raw materials— appraisal

  4. Training employees— prevention

  5. Warranty repairs— external failure

  6. Redesigning the production process— prevention

  7. Lost productivity due to machine breakdown— internal failure

  8. Inspecting products that are halfway through the production process— appraisal

  9. Incremental cost of using a higher grade raw material— prevention

  10. Cost incurred producing and disposing of defective units— internal failure

Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual 11

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(continued) S1-

Req. 2

Cost /<Benefit> Analysis

Costs <Savings>

Prevention costs: Negotiating with and training suppliers to obtain higher quality materials and on-time delivery............. $ 300, Redesigning the speakers to make them easier to manufacture............................................. 1,400,

Appraisal costs: Additional 20 minutes of testing for each speaker.......... 500,

Savings on Inspection of raw materials............................ $<400,000>

Internal failure costs: Savings on Rework......................................................... <650,000> Savings on Lost profits from lost production time due to rework...................................................................... <300,000>

External failure costs: Savings on Warranty repair costs.................................... <200,000> Savings on Lost profits from lost sales due to disappointed customers............................................... <850,000 >

Net <Benefit> from implementing quality program............. $ 0

Wharfedale should implement the new quality program. The company would save $0 by implementing the new program but the change would likely improve longer term relations with current as well as potential new customers.............

Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual 13

(5–10 min.) S1-

  1. External failure cost

  2. External failure cost

  3. External failure cost

  4. Appraisal cost

  5. Prevention cost

  6. Internal failure cost

14 Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual

(5 min.) E1-14A

a. Companies must follow IFRS or ASPE in their financial accounting systems.

b. Financial accounting develops reports for external parties such as creditors and shareholders.

c. When managers evaluate the company’s performance compared to the plan, they are performing the controlling responsibility of management.

d. Managers are decision makers inside a company.

e. Financial accounting provides information on a company’s past performance to external parties.

f. Managerial accounting systems are not restricted by IFRS or ASPE but are chosen by comparing the costs versus the benefits of the system.

g. Choosing goals and the means to achieve them is the planning function of management.

h. Managerial accounting systems report on various segments or business units of the company.

i. Financial accounting statements of public companies are audited annually by public accountants.

16 Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual

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(5–10 min.) E1-15A

  1. Financial accounting information

  2. Financial accounting information

  3. Managerial accounting information

  4. Financial accounting information

  5. Managerial accounting information

  6. Financial accounting information

  7. Financial accounting information

  8. Financial accounting information

  9. Financial accounting information

  10. Both

  11. Both

  12. Financial accounting information

  13. Financial accounting information

  14. Both

Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual 17

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(5 min.) E1-17A

Major issues in management accounting include:

  1. The role played in providing information;

  2. The behavioural implications of managerial accounting information (e., how does this impact performance reward systems in organizations?);

  3. The management of organizational capacity;

  4. The development, deployment and use of accounting and management information systems.

  5. The stewardship of sustainable activities in the organization

(Student answers may vary.)

Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual 19

(15 min.) E1-18A

Req. 1

While the amount is not large now, the repeated nature of the thefts means that they add up over time. Also, the repeated nature of the thefts increases the severity of Anik Cousineau’s unethical behaviour. A new employee who has engaged in repeated thefts is unlikely to become a valued and trusted employee.

As controller, Mary Gonzales hired Anik, and she is also responsible for the lack of controls that permitted a new employee to commit this theft. However, this is no excuse for Anik’s unethical behaviour. The controller should think carefully whether it is in the company’s interest to keep Anik or fire her immediately. This incident also reflects poorly on Mary’s competence. She needs to learn from the experience and supervise the next bookkeeper more carefully.

Req. 2

The new information makes Mary’s decision more complex. Being new, she may want to discuss the situation with the company president. Even if the bookkeeper believed she was just “borrowing” the money, her behaviour is still unethical. It will probably be difficult to confirm whether Anik did in fact repay money she had taken in the past. Unless Mary can obtain additional clarifying information, one alternative to firing her would be to indicate to Anik that this behaviour will not be tolerated in the future and to establish better controls and closer supervision.

Student responses may vary.

20 Managerial Accounting Third Canadian Edition Instructor’s Solutions Manual

Is focused on evaluating a company's performance not only by its ability to generate?

Evaluating a company's performance not only by its ability to generate economic profits, but also by its impact on people and the planet.

Which of the following characteristics apply to managerial accounting as opposed to financial accounting?

Managerial accounting reports are less regulated than financial accounting reports. Managerial accounting is characterized by its objectivity, reliability, consistency and historical nature.

Which is not a characteristic of managerial accounting information?

Managerial accounting does not emphasize the external financial statements as it is the role of financial accounting to prepare and present the financial details of a business to external users for transparency.

Are operating costs that are expensed in the accounting period in which they are incurred?

Answer: Period costs are operating costs that are expensed in the accounting period in which they are incurred.