The objective of _____ is to gather data about project usability, costs, benefits, and schedules

Systems Analysis and Design 11th Edition Tilley Test Bank

Published on Apr 9, 2019

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Technology & Computing

Ifeoma Savage

Cost-Benefit Analysis is performed ____ to determine the economic feasibility of an information system project and to compare alternative solutions

_____ refers to the combination of hardware, software, processes, people and data used to support operations, management and decision making

Examples of company-wide applications, called ____, include order processing systems, payroll systems and company communications networks

Systems Analysts use a ___ to graphically represent company operations and information needs

A ___ is an overview that describes a company's overall functions, processes, organization, products, services, customers, suppliers, competitors, constraints and future direction

In a Typical company organizational model, top managers ___

develop long-range plans, called strategic plans, which define the company's overall mission and goals

____ is a systems development technique that produces a graphical representation of a concept or process that systems developers can analyze, test and modify

____ is a systems development technique that tests system concepts and provides an opportunity to examine input, output and user interfaces before final decisions are made

Structured analysis is a traditional systems development technique that uses a series of phases, called the ____, to plan analyze, design, implement, and support an information system

In the waterfall model of the SDLC, the ____ usually begins with a formal request to the IT department, called a systems request, which describes problems or desired changes in an information system or a business process

The purpose of the ____ phase of the SDLC is to create a physical model (specification) that will satisfy all documents requirements for the system.

In object-oriented analysis, an object is a member of a(n) ___, which is a collection of similar objects

(an) example(s) of a vertical system are/is a(n) _____

  • database for an auto dealership
  • medical practice application

the success or failure of an information system usually is unrelated to whether users are satisfied with the system's output and operations.

"because they focus on a longer time frame, middle managers need less detailed information than top managers, but somewhat more than supervisors who oversee day-to-day operations"

"In the systems planning phase, a key part of the preliminary investigation is a feasibility study that reviews anticipated costs and benefits and recommends a course of action based on operational, technical, economic and time factors"

"In the systems analysis phase, the first step is requirements modeling, where business processes are investigated and what the new system must do to satisfy users is documented"

"An IT group provides technical services, which includes application development, systems support and security, user support, database administration, network administration and Web support"

"A corporate culture is the set of beliefs, rules, traditions, values and attitudes that define a company and influence its way of doing business"

A(n) _____ is a group of related components that produces specific results, such as routing internet traffic, manufacturing microchips and controlling complex entities like the Hubble Telescope.

The purpose of the  __ phase of the SDLC is to build a logical model of the new system.

In an information system, data is information that has been transformed into output that is valuable to users

Traditional companies sometimes are called_____ companies because they conduct business primarily from physical locations.

The _____ is an abstraction used throughout IS to show processes that transform inputs into outputs. 

"Maddie has been performing at a very high level at the firm, and so when two colleagues of hers who are currently leading other development efforts get sick or leave the company, she is asked to step in and help manage these two other efforts.

When Maddie sits down at the first meeting at which the first group is gathering, she hears them discussing the feasibility study in which they are currently engaged. She knows, then, in which phase of the SDLC this team currently is. Which phase is it?"

"After leaving the first meeting, Maddie goes down the hall to meet with the outgoing manager of the second team. In that meeting, he shares with her the latest draft of the system requirements document, which is nearly complete. In which phase is the second team currently?"

Systems development typically starts with a ____.

"systems request, followed by a preliminary investigation, which includes a feasibility study"

Strategic planning starts with a ____ that reflects the firm's vision, purpose, and values.

A systems request form should ____.

"When evaluating systems requests, which of the following is an advantage of a systems review committee ____."

one person's bias is less likely to affect the decisions

A feasibility study includes tests for ____ feasibility, which means that a proposed system will be used effectively after it has been developed."

"A feasibility study includes tests for ____ feasibility, which means that the projected benefits of the proposed system outweigh the estimated costs."

A(n) ____ is an example of an intangible benefit.

user-friendly system that improves employee job satisfaction

An example of a tangible benefit includes a(n) ____.

online package tracking system that decreases the need for clerical staff

Of the measures of feasibility in the accompanying figure, ____ considers questions such as "Does management support the project?" and "Will the new system require training for users?"

Of the measures of feasibility in the accompanying figure, ____ considers points such as "Does the proposed platform have sufficient capacity for future needs?" and "Will the hardware and software environment be reliable?"

Of the measures of feasibility in the accompanying figure, ____ assesses tangible and intangible benefits to the company in addition to costs.

Of the measures of feasibility in the accompanying figure, issues that relate to ____ include Has management established a firm timetable for the project? and Will a project manager be appointed?

When assessing priorities for systems requests, a systems analyst should look for a high score in which of the following?

Will the proposed system increase revenue for the company?

Projects where management has no choice in implementing them are called ____ projects.

Determining the project ____ means to define the boundaries (extent) of a project, being as specific as possible.

A(n) ____ is a requirement or condition that a system must satisfy or an outcome that a system must achieve.

Today, it is much more team-oriented than in the past.

This might propose enhancements for an existing system, the correction of problems, or the development of an entirely new information system.

A system needs this to ensure that data is secure and accurate.

Amazon is a B2C entity which falls into this category.

System whose purpose is to provide the right product at the right place at the right time.

With this technology, a supplier attaches a circuit which responds to high-frequency radio waves on each crate or shipping unit. The circuit responds with a code which can be looked up in a database.

When assessing this, a systems analyst must consider the interaction between time and costs.

ts end product is a report to management.

preliminary investigation

Can be obtained during fact-finding to understand how a department functions by its structure.

The part of a preliminary investigation report that summarizes the project request and makes a specific recommendation.

With a no charge method, indirect IT department costs are ____.

treated as general organizational costs and not charged to other departments

In class, we discussed one commonly used methodology for strategic planning, called a SWOT analysis. Describe each component of this analysis with respect to an organization.

  • Strengths: All of the things that are benefitial and overall good to the organization.
  • Weakness: All of the aspects of the organization that need to be worked on in order to become strengths.Opportunities: Potential benefits to the company's growth. It is important for organizations to utilize these opportunities as effectivley as possible.
  • Threats: forces which are either controllable or not controllable that hinder the organizanization. It is important for organizations to figure out ways to eliminate threats and potential threats.

We discussed many monumental (expensive) failures and 10 reasons why these systems implementation projects often fail. What is one approach we might use to ensure a project's success?

One approach we might use to ensure a project's success is fully carry out the analysis phase. Some of the 10 reasons why system implementation project often fail is because the investigation of the organziation is not done to the best of its ability. A reason why systems implementation projects fail is because sometimes a new system doesn't even need to be carried out. During the analysis phase, that could have been figured out with a preliminary investigation, which would include a feasibility study that would help state that the new system might not necesarrily be needed. Ensuring a well thought out analysis phase creates a great foundation for the entire systems implementation project. With a solid foundation there shouldn't be a reason to have to back track with the systems implementation project because a clear systems request would be given, a well defined project scope would be made, contraints would be identified, various ways of finding out facts would occur, a feasibility study would be made and more.

Which assesses tangible and intangible benefits to the company in addition to costs?

The Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) analyzes and evaluates, from a cost and benefit perspective, the candidate solutions to meet the stated need. It will also describe the feasible alternatives, all tangible and intangible benefits, and the results of the analysis.

When assessing ___ a systems analyst must consider the interaction between time and costs?

When assessing schedule feasibility, a systems analyst must consider the interaction between time and costs. Internal and external factors affect every business decision that a company makes, and IT systems are no exception.

When assessing schedule feasibility a system analyst must consider the interaction between time and cost?

When assessing this, a systems analyst must consider the interaction between time and costs. This might propose enhancements for an existing system, the correction of problems, or the development of an entirely new information system. It is a summary of a project request and a specific recommendation.

What is an example of a discretionary project?

Examples of discretionary projects include, but are not limited to, general plan amendments, changes of zone, subdivisions, conditional use permits, and plot plans.


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