To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

You can use the Font group of the Home tab to change the way the text in your presentation appears by changing the font type, size, color, and style.

Change Font Type

One way to emphasize text in a presentation is by changing its font type. A font type is a set of characters with the same design and shape.

  1. Select the text you want to change.

    If you want all of text in a text box to change, you can just select the text box.

  2. Click the Font list arrow.

    Preview a font by hovering over it in the menu.

  3. Select a new font.

    Use the Font list arrow on the Mini Toolbar that appears near the mouse when you have selected text.

    To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

Change Font Size

  1. Select the text you want to change.
  2. Click the Font Size list arrow.

    Preview a font size by hovering over it in the menu.

  3. Select a font size.

    Use the Font Size list arrow on the Mini Toolbar.

    To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

Change Font Color

Changing font color is yet another way to emphasize text in a presentation.

  1. Select the text you want to change.
  2. Click Font Color list arrow.

    The colors that appear at the top coordinate with your current presentation theme.

    Preview a font color by hovering over it in the menu.

  3. Select a new color.

    Use the Font Color list arrow on the Mini Toolbar.

    To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

The Font Color button always displays the color that was used most recently. To quickly apply this color to other selected text, simply click the Font Color button instead of the list arrow.

Apply Text Effects

In addition to changing font type, size, and color, you can also emphasize the text in a presentation by changing the text effects. The most common and popular styles are bold, italic, and underline, but other styles such as shadow and strikethrough are also useful.

  1. Select the text you want to change.
  2. Select a font style like Bold, Italic, or Underline.


    • To bold, Ctrl + B.
    • To italicize, Ctrl + I.
    • To underline, Ctrl + U.

    To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

To remove a font style from selected text, simply click the style button again, or use the Clear All Formatting button.

Change the Case

If you want to change the letter case for an entire block of text, it’s simple to switch to lowercase, uppercase, sentence case, or capitalize each word without manually changing each letter. You can also reverse the case of selected text with the toggle case option.

  1. Select the text.
  2. Click the Change Case button.
  3. Select a case option.

    To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

Align Text

There are a couple of different ways to align the text in a text box. You can select from both horizontal and vertical alignment options.

  1. Select the text.
  2. Select a horizontal alignment option.
  3. Select a vertical alignment option.

    To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

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To increase the font size of selected text, chose the increase font size button, located ____.

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A PowerPoint ________ can help you deliver a dynamic, professional-looking message to an audience. presentation
_________ help one slide flow gracefully into the next during a slide show. transitions
PowerPoint _______ should reinforce the speaker's message and help the audience retain the information presented. slides
An accompanying _____ gives audience members reference note and review material for your presentation. handout
When you begin creating a new PowerPoint presentation, you need to select a ________. theme
A _______ is a specific design with coordinating colors, fonts, and special effects. document themes
When you open a new presentation, a slide with the default _________ layout appears. Title Slide
The box on a slide that has a dotted or hatched-marked border and that contains the insertion point is a text _______. placeholder
PowerPoint assumes every new slide, except for a blank slide, has _____________. a title
By default, slides in a new presentation are in _________ orientation. landscape
The Undo button is located on the _______. Quick Access Toolbar
When you type the wrong character, you can press the ______ key to erase all the characters back to and including the one that is correct. BACKSPACE
When you install PowerPoint the default setting allows you to reverse up to the last _______ changes by tapping or clicking the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar. 20
_________ a slide can help you see slide elements more clearly so that you can position them precisely where desired. Zooming
Text _______ defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols. font
A point is _____ of an inch in height. 1/72
_______ text has a slanted appearance. Italicized
When you add a new slide following the title slide, PowerPoint uses the _______ slide layout for a new slide. Title and Content
You can insert a new slide by pressing the _______ keyboard shortcuts keys. CTRL+M
In a multilevel bulleted list slide, creating a lower-level paragraph is called _____ the text. demoting
To increase the font size of selected text, chose the Increase Font Size button, located ___________________. on the mini toolbar
Using the ________, you can choose the arrangement of placeholders on a new slide. layout gallery
You can type comments to yourself in the ____ for a specific slide while working in Normal view. Notes pane
The default PowerPoint view is ______ view. Normal
A slide _____________ is a specific effect used to process from one to the next slide in a slide show. transiton
Document ________ are the details about a file. properties
Which of the following is a standard document property? author
Which of the following keys can you press to run a slide show starting from slide 1? F5
A slide show is another name for a PowerPoint presentation. True
You easily can give slides in a presentation a professional and integrated appearance by using a placeholder. False
The default slide layouts are set up in portrait orientation. False
A paragraph is a segment of text with the same format that begins when you press the enter key and ends when you press the ENTER key again. True
A level is a position within a structure, such as an outline, that indicates the magnitude of importance. True
To display the on-screen touch keyboard, tap the Touch Keyboard button on the Windows taskbar. True
Style defines the hue of text characters. False
The mini toolbar contains the Italic button. True
The layout gallery displays 10 slide layouts with a variety of placeholders to define text and content positioning and formatting. False
The Theme Fonts group of formatting choices for a document theme contain a set of lines and fill effects. False
The Notes Pane is located above the Slide Pane and is an area where you can type notes and additional information. False
After you have created at least four slides, a scroll bar containing scroll arrows and scroll boxes will appear on the right edge of the window. False
Unlike clip art, you cannot resize a photograph using sizing handles. False
By default, PowerPoint ends a slide show with a black slide. True
You can remove selected text from a slide by pressing CTRL+X keyboard shortcuts keys. True
A star next to a slide indicates that animation effects have been applied to that slide. True
The preview Transitions button is located in the Preview group on the HOME tab. False
To change document properties, first tap or click FILE on the ribbon, to open the Properties view. False
When making a presentation to an audience using PowerPoint, you use Note Page view. False
You can advance slides during a slide show by pressing the PAGE DOWN key. True
It is considered good practice to save a presentation before printing it. True
One of the most common uses of a presentation is to enhance a _________________________ presentation. oral
To encourage your audience's eyes to stop at each line, you should avoid ______________. line wraps
One way to increase font size is to press CTRL+ _________________________. SHIFT+>
A __________________________ is a list of paragraphs, each which is preceded by a bullet. bulleted list
A slide that consists of one or more than one level of bulleted text is called a _______ slide. multilevel bulleted list
Creating a high-level paragraph in a multilevel bulleted list is called ___________ text. promoting
When you drag the scroll box. the ___________ shows the number and title of slide you are about to display. slide indicator
When two slides contain similar information and have the same format, _________ one slide and then making minor modifications to the new slide saves tine and increases consistency. duplicating
PowerPoint 2016 does not allow you to _______________ text around a picture or other graphic. wrap
The process of sliding and dragging and then dropping a thumbnail in a new location is called ________________. drag and drop
PowerPoint inserts text to the _______________ of the insertion point. left
Details about a presentation can be found in the presentations file's ______________. document properties
Pressing the ________________ function key runs the slide show starting with the first slide. F5
If you use the ___________ template, as opposed to a formatted theme, you must take all design descisions. Blank Presentation

How do you change font size in PowerPoint?

Change font size on all slides in PowerPoint.
Go to VIEW at top menu..
Choose "slide master".
Select the level of text you want..
Choose "home" from the top menu..
Change the font size..

When you begin creating a new PowerPoint presentation you need to select a ____?

PowerPoint Module 1.

Which of the following keys can you press to run a slide show starting with slide 1?

F5. Pressing the F5 key begins the slideshow from the first slide.

How do you change the font color on all slides in PowerPoint?

To change the color of text on multiple slides On the View tab, choose Slide Master. In the left thumbnail pane, select a layout that contains the text you want to change to a different color. Select the text on the layout that you want to change.