Use this feature to position the insertion point at a specific location and alignment in a document.


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Use this feature to position the insertion point at a specific location and alignment in a document.

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Press this combination of keys on the keyboard to insert a page break. Ctrl + Enter
A predesigned cover page generally contains these, which are locations where you can enter specific information. Placeholders
Text that appears at the top of every page is called this. Header
Use this keyboard shortcut to display the Find and Replace dialog box with the Replace tab selected. Ctrl + H
If you want to replace every occurrence of what you are searching for in a document, click this button at the Find and Replace dialog box. Replace all
Click this option at the Find and Replace dialog box if you are searching for a word and all of its forms. (ex: use, uses, used, using) Find All Word Forms
Use this feature to position the insertion point at a specific location and alignment in a document. Click and Type
When you insert the page break manually, is it a... hard page break.
When Word automatically inserts a page break, it is a... soft page break.
The difference between a hard & a soft page break is: A hard break is inserted manually while a soft break is inserted by Word. A soft break allows text to flow up & down as it is added/deleted; a hard break does not.
Cover pages, headers, & footers are types of ___ ___ that help you create a document with a consistent format. building blocks
If you are not using a placeholder, you should... delete it
How do you delete a placeholder? Click on the placeholder itself, then press delete.
Click the __ ___ button to tell Word to find the next occurrence of the text. Find Next
Click the ___ button to replace the text and find the next occurrence. Replace
Click the __ ___ button to replace all occurrences of the text. Replace All
Click & Type is another way to do what type of alignment? Center, Right, and Left (horizontal paragraph alignment)
A ___ is text that appears at the top of every page of a multipage document. Header
A ____ is text that appears at the bottom of every page. Footer
Besides text, what can you use the Find & Replace dialog box to locate? Specific characters, or types of formatting. Match case, Find whole words only, Use wildcard, Sounds like, Find all word forms, Match prefix/suffix, Ignore punctuation, & Ignore white space characters
___ ___ highlights the text/character/formatting you want to search for when using the Find and Replace dialog box. Reading Highlight
To remove changes made by using the Find and Replace dialog box, click the ___ button to close the dialog box and then click ___. cancel, undo
Use the __ & ___ feature to position the insertion point at a specific location & alignment in the document Click & Type
____ ___ could affect vertical alignment. Blank lines
The first letter of the first word of a paragraph that is set into a paragraph is called this. Drop cap
This is the Update Field keyboard shortcut. F9
Navigate to a hyperlink by hovering the mouse over the hyperlink text, holding down this key, and then clicking the left mouse button. Ctrl
To link a Word document to a file in another application, click this button in the Link to section in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Existing file or webpage
By default, cross-references are inserted in a document as this. Hyperlinks
Your two styles for Drop cap are: In margin & dropped
Another way to combine files into one besides opening one & copying then pasting is to use what feature? Text from file
What is the non printing character for your bookmark? a fainted grey I-beam
You can hyperlink to: another place in the document, another document, a different Word program, or a Web-page
You can navigate within a document by using: Headings with styles applied, pages of the document, & results from the current search results
A ___-___ in a Word document refers the reader to another location within the document. cross-reference
Using the mouse, select adjacent documents at the Open dialog box by holding down this key while clicking the desired documents. Shift
Using the mouse, select nonadjacent documents at the Open dialog box by holding down this key while clicking the desired documents. Ctrl
Documents deleted from the hard drive are automatically sent to this bin. Recycle bin
Choose this option at the Open dialog box Change your view button drop-down list to display folders and documents alphabetized by name. List options
Choose this option at the Open dialog box Change your view button arrow drop-down list to display information about folders and documents such as modification date, type, and size. Details
Saving a document in this file format removes all of the formatting. Plain text
The abbreviation PDF stands for this. Portable document format
You can create a folder in the... Open & Save as dialog box, Windows Explore.
True or False: When a document is in the Recycle bin, it can be restored. True
True or False: When you delete from your flash drive, it goes to the recycle bin. False
True or False: By default, when you delete from your flash drive it can be restored. False
You can change a documents format by clicking the __ as ___ in your Save As dialog box. Save as Type button
What program opens a PDF file? Adobe
To get to the templates in Word, you click on __ and then___. File and then New
The main folder on a storage medium is called the... root folder
The different views available at the Open dialog box are: List, Details, Titles, & Content
With the ___ option selected, folders & documents display in alphabetical order by name. List
Choose ___ option to display additional information about documents and folders (such as: folder or document type & modification date, document size, etc.) Details
With the ___ option selected, folders and documents display as icons along with information about the folder or document type and size Titles
Choose the ___ option and document names display along with the author’s name, date the document was modified, and document size Content
Use the ___ ___ (*.txt) option to save the document with all of the formatting removed; this is a good format for universal file exchange. Plain text
Use the ___ ___ (*.rtf) option to save the document with most of the character formatting applied to the text in the document—such as bold, italic, underline, bullets, and fonts—as well as some paragraph formatting. Rich text
To determine which documents are open, click the VIEW tab and then click this button in the Window group. Switch Windows
To see a portion of multiple windows, use this feature. Arrange All
Click this button and the active document fills the editing window. Maximize
Click this button and the active document is reduced to the Word button on the Taskbar. Minimize
To see a portion of a document side-by-side, use this feature. View Side by Side
If you are viewing documents side by side and decide you want to scroll in one document but not the other, click this button in the Window group on the VIEW tab. Synchronous Scrolling
Type this in the Pages text box in the Settings category at the Print backstage area to print pages 3 through 6 of the open document. 3-6
Type this in the Pages text box in the Settings category at the Print backstage area to print pages 4 and 9 of the open document. 4,9
If you open the Envelopes and Labels dialog box in a document containing a name and address, the name and address are automatically inserted in this text box of the dialog box. Delivery Address
The maximum number of documents you can have open at one time depends on the ____ ___ of your computer and the amount of data in each document. memory capacity
A ____ is a word document/open document on the screen. window
A ____ is a section of the document opened with other document. pane
The ___ ___ is the document name that displays in the list with a check mark in front of it active document
If you arrange all of the open documents & then click the ____ button in the active document, the active document expands to fill the document screen. Maximize
In addition, the ___ button becomes the ___ ___ button. To restore the active document to its former size, click the ___ ____ button. Maximize button; Restore Down button; Restore Down button
If you click the ____ button in the active document, the document is reduced & displays as a layer behind the Word button on the Taskbar. Minimize
What is the difference between arranging & splitting? If you have more than one document open, you can arrange them on the screen so that a portion is visible. You can divide a window into two panes, which is helpful if you want to view different parts of the same document at once.
In print preview, you can: specify the pages that you want to print & preview the pages
The print options that are available for a document are: Print on two/one side of the paper, page orientation, collated, page size, set margins, and what pages/sections to print.

How do you move the insertion point to the beginning of a document?

Pressing Home moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line. Pressing Ctrl+Home moves it to the beginning of the document. Specifically, this combo moves the insertion point to the space before the first character in your document.

Which key is used to move the insertion point to the start of the next line?

Moving the Insertion Point.

Which feature inserts an entire item when you type a few identifying characters and then press the enter key or F3?

Basic Word; Quiz 1 (Ch1-3);Votaw.