What does it reveal about employment trends in the early twentieth century quizlet?

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What does it reveal about employment trends in the early twentieth century quizlet?

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What does it reveal about employment trends in the early twentieth century quizlet?

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Terms in this set (26)

President William Howard Taft vigorously opposed the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which authorized Congress to repeal all taxation on the wealthy.


The Progressive era also witnessed numerous restrictions on democratic participation. New literacy tests and residency and registration requirements, common in the North and South, limited the right to vote among the poor.


Identify the statements that accurately describe the working environment within the Triangle Shirtwaist Company.

The company refused to negotiate with the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union.

The owners fired 200 employees when they tried to join the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU).

Analyze the passage from John Mitchell's "The Workingman's Conception of Industrial Liberty" (1910).
Liberty means more than the right to choose the field of one's employment. He is not a free man whose family must buy food today with the money that is earned tomorrow. He is not really free who is forced to work unduly long hours and for wages so low that he not provide the necessities of life for himself and his family; who must live in a crowded tenement and see his children go to work in the mills, the mines, and the factories before their bodies are developed and their minds trained.
What Progressive issues does Mitchell allude to in this passage on "industrial liberty"?

the need to eliminate child labor

the importance of education

the concept of a living wage

Watch the video in which author Eric Foner discusses the effect that the Progressive era had on democracy.

It was an era of conflicting impulses that expanded political power but also restricted the number of people who actually could exercise that power.

Identify the trends and events that catalyzed the large-scale global movement of people that took place during the Progressive era.

few opportunities in immigrants' native countries

rapid industrial expansion and the decline of traditional agriculture

political turmoil, including revolutions and burdensome taxation, in immigrants' home countries

The United States led the world in the conservation of natural resources. Identify the accomplishments of the following pioneering conservationists in the United States.

As the head of the U.S. Forest Service, he advised the president to set aside millions of acres of land as wildlife preserves.
Correct label:
Gifford Pinchot

exercised federal policy to create parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier
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Theodore Roosevelt

founded the Sierra Club
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John Muir

In 1893, membership in the National American Woman Suffrage Association stood at 13,000. The group had some success by 1900, as more than half the states allowed women to vote in the local elections. Which states adopted full women's suffrage by 1900?

Wyoming, Colorado, Oregon and Utah

Identify the accomplishments and philosophies of the following Progressive-era figures.

advocated for applying scientific inquiry to solve modern social problems
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Walter Lippman

advocated for reformers to improve the lives of the poor, not from afar, but by moving into poor neighborhoods and building networks of support, including schools and health clinics
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Jane Addams

believed that government was best run by impartial "experts" unaccountable to the citizenry
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Robert M. La Follette

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) had 1.6 million members by 1904. The AFL represented mainly skilled, white, native-born workers. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) was founded in response to the lack of representation for unskilled and foreign-born workers.
Identify the goals and accomplishments of these two organizations.

advocated cooperation with corporate and political leaders to achieve workers goals
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helped settle hundreds of industrial disputes and encouraged improvements in factory safety and the establishment of pensions for long-term workers
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strongly advocated a workers' revolution that would seize the means of production and abolish the state
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William U'Ren was the founder of the Oregon System and a leading figure of Progressive reform. While the Oregon System was very successful, identify the two issues that broke the alliance between the middle-class urbanites, and workers and farmers.

the requirement for state government to provide

employment for the unemployed
a referendum to increase taxes on the wealthy

identify the improvement that Henry Ford made to his method of mass production and its resulting efficiencies, which led to automobiles being within reach of ordinary Americans.

Ford's factory adopted the moving assembly line, by which car frames were brought to workers on a continuously moving conveyer belt, consequently reducing the amount of time it took to build each car.

Identify the statements that describe either programs of social insurance or the workmen's compensation laws enacted by 1913.


The new immigrants quickly assimilated into American culture, eager to learn the English language and expand their communities to include fellow immigrants from other cultures.


Identify the statements that describe either programs of social insurance or the workmen's compensation laws enacted by 1913.

They included minimum wage laws and laws regulating working hours, but these laws applied only to women and children.

Page 705
18.2. How did the labor and women's movements challenge the nineteenth-century meanings of American freedom?
Analyze the map depicting socialist towns and cities in the United States between 1900 and 1920.

Click on the map to enlarge.
Socialists in the Progressive era never won more than 6 percent of the vote in presidential elections. But what does this map reveal about the socialist movement and its political success in the United States?

Socialist mayors were elected across the United States, from industrial towns to agricultural communities.

Socialist commissioners were elected in states as diverse as Alabama, Montana, and Pennsylvania.

Which of the following statements describe socialism in the United States during the Progressive era?

The ultimate goal of the Socialist Party was public ownership of railroads and factories, which would lead to democratic control of the economy.

The Socialist Party demanded improvements to labor conditions.

The Socialist Party became a strong political force by mobilizing unions.

Analyze the illustration from The New Immigration.

Click on the image to enlarge.
What does it reveal about the concept of "new immigration" in the Progressive era?

they were from east and south Europe

What does this image reveal about Americans' perception of government during the Progressive era and the fight for women's suffrage?

Empowered by the right to vote, women could help put an end to the corruption that tainted American government.

Issues such as "white slavery," graft, and food adulteration were universal grievances and fears of Americans.

Identify the scenario that reflects how women and children benefited from "maternalist reforms."

A single mother living in a tenement receives a pension from the government to support her and her children.

There were many varieties of Progressivism. What was the one issue on which all Progressives agreed?

Freedom must be infused with new meaning to deal with the economic and social conditions of the early twentieth century.

identify whether the following initiatives were part of Wilson's "New Freedom" program or Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" program.

New Freedom
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protection of the right of workers to unionize
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active encouragement of small businesses
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envisioned the federal government strengthening antitrust laws

New Nationalism
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heavy taxes on personal and corporate fortunes
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federal regulation of railroads, mining, and oil

Muckrakers saw American cities as teeming with corporate greed that was undermining traditional American values.


Match the Progressive-era president to the event that occurred during his administration.

attacked John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1911
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implemented the Clayton Act of 1914, exempting unions from antitrust laws and barring courts from issuing injunctions that would curtail the right to strike
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used the Sherman Antitrust Act to dissolve the Northern Securities Company
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Robert M. La Follette led a Progressive administration as governor of Wisconsin. He turned that state into a "laboratory for democracy," instituting a series of measures that became known as the Wisconsin Idea. Which of the following measures are examples of La Follette's Wisconsin Idea policies?

He created a statewide system of insurance against illness, death, and accident.

He barred the sale to private companies of land, mineral rights, and other natural resources owned by the state.

Woodrow Wilson moved vigorously to implement his version of Progressivism after winning the presidency in 1912. Match the name of his legislative successes to their respective details.

exempted labor unions from antitrust laws and barred courts from issuing injunctions curtailing the right to strike
Correct label:
Clayton Act of 1914

reduced duties on imports and, to make up for lost revenue, imposed a graduated income tax on the richest 5 percent of Americans
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Underwood Tariff

outlawed child labor in the manufacturing of goods sold in interstate commerce
Correct label:
Keating-Owen Act

established an eight-hour workday on the nation's railroads
Correct label:
Adamson Act

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What does this image reveal about Americans perception of government during the Progressive era in the fight for women's suffrage?

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The founder of the Oregon System that enabled voters to propose and vote on laws, and provided direct primaries to choose candidates for office. He instituted measures known as the Wisconsin Idea, which included nominations of candidates for office through primary elections rather than by political bosses.

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