What is the ability of a muscle or group of muscle to sustain repeated contraction against a resistance for long period of time?

Muscular Strength and Endurance Improvement

What is Muscular Strength and Endurance?

  • Muscular Strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum  effort. 
  • Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated  contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.

What are the testing items?

  • There are three (3) testing items that are designed to gauge your Muscular Strength and  Endurance:
  1. Push-up Test- used to assess upper body muscular endurance. Participants are asked to begin in a high-plank position (on hands and toes, flat body). From there, an audio cadence (“down”) guides them from the starting position, to lowering themselves until elbows are 90 degrees. Another audio cue (“up”) indicates to return to starting position. Participant’s score is the maximum amount of repetitions of the  push-up completed to the cadence with proper form.
  2. Curl-up Test- Similar to a sit-up, used to assess abdominal muscular endurance. Participants are asked to lie on a mat with knees bent approximately 140 degrees with a 4 ½ inch wide, flat band at their fingertips. Arms must be parallel to the trunk and hands must keep contact with the ground/band. On an audio cue (“up”), the participant must “sit up” sliding their hands across the band until they can touch the opposite end of the band. On the audio cue “down,” the participant must return to the starting position and the head must touch the mat. Participant’s score is the maximum amount of repetitions completed to the cadence with proper form to a maximum of 75.
  3. Trunk Lift- This test is done by a student laying flat on his/her stomach, with the arms to the student’s side. The student then lifts their upper body off the ground, with a maximum of 12 inches, and holds it up long enough to be measured.

What are the benchmarks?

  • Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) benchmarks are specific to age and gender and are listed in the charts  below

Benchmarks- Female Middle School ages

Age (yrs)Push- up HFZ Curl-up HFZTrunk Lift
11 7 15 9
12 7 18 9
13 7 18 9
14 7 18 9

Benchmarks- Male Middle School ages

Age (yrs)Push- up HFZ   Curl-up HFZ Trunk Lift
11 8 15 9
12 10 18 9
13 12 21 9
14 14 24 9

  • Increasing your muscular strength and endurance is an important component to living a healthy lifestyle. Decreased body fat percentage, reduced risk of chronic disease, accident prevention and increased capability of daily tasks are just some of the major benefits for addressing this fitness component. 

What can I do to improve my score?

  • Improving your score on all of these assessments requires a regular (2-3 times per week) resistance  training program. The program should address all the major muscles and actions of the body, and not  neglecting any areas thereby creating strength imbalances. Each program should be performed in four  week cycles. Below are some simple suggested resistance training plans designed to increase your  muscular endurance  and, in turn, your score on the three Fitnessgram assessments.

Work-out Plan #1 requires little or no equipment and can be done almost anywhere.

Exercise Modifications Sets x Reps
Body Weight Squats Use bench or chair to gauge depth 2 x 15
Side Plank Hold bend knees and bridge knees to elbows  2 x 30 seconds each
Push-ups Do push-ups on knees or with hands on elevated surface 2x15
Superman Hold     2 x 30 seconds each
Chair Dips bring feet in closer to make dip easier 2x15
Sit-ups v use swiss ball or do crunches until you can do a full sit-up 2 x 15

Work-out Plan #2 requires the use of weights. Adjust the weight you perform each exercise with appropriately.

Exercise Modifications Sets x Reps
Lunges  hold dumbbell in each hand 2 x 15
Dumbbell Bench Press   2 x 15
Sit-ups use swiss ball or do crunches until you can do a full sit-up 2 x 15
Romanian Dead-lift     2 x 15
Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press   2 x 15
Russian Med-ball Twist  feet can be on or off ground 2 x 15

Is the ability of a muscle to hold a contraction or contract repeatedly over a period of time without becoming fatigue?

Muscular Endurance- the ability of the muscles to perform difficult physical tasks over a period of time without causing fatigue.

What is the ability of muscle group to contract against a resistance?

MUSCULAR STRENGTH The ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert a maximum force against a resistance ONE TIME through the full range of motion.

What is the ability to use muscles for long periods of time called?

Muscular endurance: The ability of the muscles to perform physical tasks over a period oftime without becoming fatigued.