What is the focus of the HR department in a firm that operates with a sustainability strategy quizlet?

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    What is the focus of the HR department in a firm that operates with a sustainability strategy quizlet?

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    What is the focus of the HR department in a firm that operates with a sustainability strategy quizlet?

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    What is the focus of the HR department in a firm that operates with a sustainability strategy quizlet?

    Human Resource Management

    15th EditionJohn David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine

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    Terms in this set (60)

    What are the three methods to assess whether HRM matters?

    conceptual arguments: resource based view organizations have a lot of resources available (financially, physically, and interpersonally)
    Case studies: examine companies that do well/struggle to see how it connects to HR.
    Quantitive Analysis: look at companies and determine if they are doing well by how they treat their employees to create a good environment.

    What is HRM?

    a strategic approach to management of an organization's most valued assets, focusing on the people working there, and having the goal of improving their attitudes and behaviors.

    The "resource-based view"

    The value of the resource depends on if it is rare and inimitiable

    what are some kinds of "resources" ?


    What is a competitive advantage?

    the quality of employees that the company has who can not be copied, (one up on the competition)

    What two factors contribute to making resources valuable and have a competitive advantage?

    Rare & inimitable

    the article, "Uber is finally realizing HR isn't just for recruiting," what business function should HR be treated like to demonstrate its priority in an organization?


    In the article, "putting people first," in a study of 968 firms regarding their HR practices resulted in what outcomes with regard to turnover, sales, and stock price?

    - 7.05% decrease in turnover
    -$18,000 increase in stock market value per employee
    -$27,044 increase in sales per employees

    What is the 1/8 rule?

    -1/2 of the organizations won't believe the connection between how they manage people and the profits earned
    -1/2 that do see the connection will make one single change to solve problems, not realizing that the effective management of people requires more approaches
    -1/2 will persist with practices long enough to derive economic benefits
    1/8 (12%) of organizations will do what is required to build profits by putting people first.

    The two general categories of HR challenges

    -organizational demands: factors within the company that influences employees managed
    -Environmental demands: pressures that are outside that impact

    Strategy as an organizational demand

    -plan for achieving competitive advantage
    -employees add value
    -impacts types of jobs performed
    -affects attitudes and behaviors employees show
    -business strategy---> primary HR activities ------> contributions--->

    the two types of strategies

    cost leadership strategy(lowest costs, prices)
    -focus on efficiencies and cost reductions
    -minimize overhead and costs
    -economies of scale are realized
    -only one cost leader in an industry
    Differentiation Strategy (selling unique features, willing pay more)
    -includes features, location, innovation, reputation, status, and quality
    -offering something competing firms do not and customer values

    implications for each strategy

    - jobs are narrow in focus and emphasize standardized and repetitive actions
    -behaviors fairly well understood
    -hired with basic skills
    -trained to understand expectations
    -paid based on performance
    -jobs geared towards creativity or customer service
    -hired with specific skills and new perspectives
    -require cooperation, creativity, knowledge sharing
    -pay based on potential or team accomplishments

    compare concerns between companies in different stages of developement

    young companies:
    -focus on growth and survival
    -face pressure to hire people to help grow
    mature companies:
    -focus on customer retention and future opportunities
    -more resources and established policies and procedures
    -more bureaucratic

    organizational culture

    assumptions, values, and beliefs of a company that affect how employees behave
    -informal or unwritten
    -how employees talk to one another

    Factors that shape culture

    -values and beliefs
    -important decisions made in history
    -HR practices that signals values and behaviors
    -Mgnt practices and actions
    -Strong Cultures provide clear, consistent signals

    Possible responses to injustice

    -speaking up
    -destructive behaviors

    psychological contract

    expectations of employee contributions and what the company will provide in return

    In, "HR department gets new star power at some firms": how is the role of HRM changing in regard to HR executives?

    - HR department has become more involved in strategic planning, employee development, integration with core operations of the organization, and change management.
    -began hiring people with BUSINESS experience

    In, "HR's role in building a sustainable enterprise" Ethics and social responsibility as an environmental influence, what are the implications of infusing ethics and social responsibility into a company?

    -Involves how companies behave towards their stakeholders
    -consistent monitoring of all facets of operations
    -help foster positive reputation and consumer support
    -competing through sustainability strategy

    What is the triple bottom line?

    balancing economic, social, and environmental responsibilities

    The components of job descriptions (TDRs) : Tasks, duties, and responsibilities

    -List every dimension of the job
    -List every task within each dimension
    -rate all of those tasks according to importance

    the components of job specifications (KSAOs)

    come up with the KSAOs needed to perform important tasks

    KSAO stand for

    K: knowledge " know what"
    S: Skills "know how to"
    A: Abilities "Can do"
    O: other factors "personality, and experience

    what characteristics are trainable and which ones are not(less trainable)?

    Trainable: Knowledge & skills
    Less trainable:Abilities & other factors

    types of tools (JEI)

    -position analysis questionnaire
    -Fleishman System
    -occupational information network (O*Net) and dictionary of occupational titles (Dot)

    Which KSAOs does each tool assess

    JEI: does not include
    Fleishman: deals with 52 abilities
    O*Net/Dot does all of them

    How each do rating scales?

    -JEI--> barely acceptable worker, superior worker, trouble work rate importance of task 1-5
    -PAQs---> extent of use, amount of Time, importance of job, possibility occurrence, applicability to job
    -Fleishman----> 7 point scale with behavioral benchmark

    pros/cons of each tool

    PAQS: pros: dimensions are linked to a general aptitude test, board covers input/output, processes, work context
    cons: requires reading level of college graduate, standard format lead to abstract characterization of jobs
    Fleishman: pros: measures directly with abilities, helpful distinct between A's and S's
    cons: leaves out K's, S's, and O's

    the four broad approaches to job designs & goals of each

    Goals: Motivational: man intrinsic enjoyment
    others: max efficiency and safety

    Description of how motivational design

    motivational: the core job characteristics tend to be strongly correlated with job satisfaction
    -the characteristics even trump most other job factors, including:
    -promotion opportunities

    description of mechanistic design (3 types )

    Micro Motion Analysis: records employees doing their jobs at slow speeds, analyze the tape to eliminate or combine steps
    Process engineering: the physical steps employees are doing to do their jobs
    Memo-motion: efficiency of workplace record and playback: slow and fast to see how we can be more efficent

    What are the five core job characteristics?

    VISAF (Variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback)
    V: different activities and skill
    I; results in a whole, identifiable piece of work
    S: how it affects someone
    A: freedom & discretion
    F: provides feedback on performance

    three critical psychological states

    meaningfulness of work, responsibility for results, and knowledge of results

    What is the name of the survey used to compute a "satisfaction" score using the JCM?

    Job Diagnostic Survey

    the trade-offs of the job design approaches, which are at odds with each other

    Motivational & Mechanistic/pertual motor (vice versa)

    What is invisible work?

    intangible work that gets done, and hard to measure productivity

    what key job characteristics are missing from invisible work?

    identity/ feedback

    In the articles, "In New office Designs, room to room and think," and "google got it wrong. the open-office trends destroying the workplace," what job design approach is the MOST applicable to these companies's switch from cubicles/private offices to an open office design?

    Mechanistic approach

    what are some benefits and disadvantages of an open-office space design?

    promotes creativity, more communication, cheaper, more efficient, and redesigning

    What are the steps in the planning process?

    1. demand forecasting
    2.supply forecasting
    3.goal setting and strategic planning
    4. program implementation
    5. evaluation

    demand forecasting

    how much labor will we need? - the amount of employees needed at a job

    three approaches to forecasting demand

    benchmarking: compared to competing businesses, how much labor does similar business use?
    Statistical Methods: Sales from this year correlate with labor demand for next year
    Educated Guess: new products, new launches, changes with competitors

    what is supply forecasting?

    how much labor do we have right at the time?
    -Externally and internally

    What is transition matrix?

    a quantitative method of supply forecasting that allows us to determine the percentage of employees who remain in the company across years

    How do we correct a surplus?

    -pay reductions
    -work sharing
    -hiring freeze
    -natural attrition
    -early retirement

    which options are the fastest with correcting a surplus?

    downing, pay reductions, demotions, and work sharing

    which options will result in human suffering (with correcting surplus??)

    downsizing, pay reductions, and demotions

    how to correct a shortage

    -temp workers
    -retrained transfer
    -turnover reduction
    -new external hires
    -tech changes

    which options of correcting a shortage are faster?

    -overtime, temp workers, and outsourcing

    which options are revocable (can be undone) when correcting a shortage?

    -overtime, temp workings, outsourcing, and retrained transfers

    in the article, "In Washington state, apple picker shortage threatens apple boom," what tactics did the orchard managers use to address the labor shortage?

    -using commuter vans to transport workers
    -planting shorter trees
    -paying higher wages and giving bonuses
    -using mobile platforms instead of ladders

    According to "outsourcing at crux of Boeing strike," what issue has emerged as perhaps the most crucial concern for employees?

    Job security

    four broad factors that make organizations more or less attractive to certain candidates?

    -Vacancy characteristics
    -personnel policies
    -recruitment sources
    -recruiter characteristics

    what are three decision making strategies that candidates might us to decided which jobs to accept?

    -compensatory strategy: rate according to strengths and weaknesses in all categories
    -non-compensatory strategy: "if it doesn't pay 60,000 forget it,"
    -implicit favorite:

    what are the three personnel policies that affect vacancy desirability?

    promoting from within: showing how good of a job we are from within
    lead-the-market-pay: pay employees more then competitors
    image advertising: market what it is like to work for our company and why its a great place

    what is the outcome upon which recruiter characteristic has the greatest impact?

    it has a larger impact for you to take a second interview

    advantages and disadvantages of internal and external hires?

    advantages: cheaper
    disadvantage: not practical in small firms
    advantages: fresh ideas
    disadvantages: riskier

    what is a realistic job preview?

    be honest what the job consists of

    what outcomes can being realistic with job previews be?

    initial turnover will decrease

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