What is the term for a cause of behavior that is brought about by a persons internal traits or personality characteristics?

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What is the term for a cause of behavior that is brought about by a persons internal traits or personality characteristics?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

What is the term for a cause of behavior that is brought about by a persons internal traits or personality characteristics?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

What is the term for a cause of behavior that is brought about by a persons internal traits or personality characteristics?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

What is the term for a cause of behavior that is brought about by a persons internal traits or personality characteristics?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley

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Is a change in behavior or attitudes brought about by a desire to follow the beliefs or standards of other people?

conformity, the process whereby people change their beliefs, attitudes, actions, or perceptions to more closely match those held by groups to which they belong or want to belong or by groups whose approval they desire. Conformity has important social implications and continues to be actively researched.

What is the general term for the cognitive processes by which people make sense of others and themselves?

Most generally, social cognition is defined as any cognitive process that involves other people. These processes can be involved in social interactions at a group level or on a one-to-one basis.

What term refers to the process of trying to determine the cause of a person's behavior?

In social psychology, attribution is the process of inferring the causes of events or behaviors. In real life, attribution is something we all do every day, usually without any awareness of the underlying processes and biases that lead to our inferences.

Is a change in behavior in response to the commands of others?

Obedience is a change in behavior as a result of a direct command from an authority figure. Obedience is an active form of influence in that it is usually directly initiated by an authority figure and is typically external in that overt behaviors are generally the focus of commands.