What needs to be completed for this patient within 10 minutes after hospital arrival?

  • What is Stroke?

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    There are two major types of stroke, they are ischemic stroke which accounts for almost 87% of all strokes and is usually caused by an embolism which occludes an artery and affects the subsequent tissue of the brain that particular artery effects. The second is called hemorrhagic stroke. This type accounts for close to 13% of the rest of strokes and occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds into the surrounding tissue causing damage. In stroke cases, it’s important to recognize that an ECG though helpful, should not take priority over obtaining a computed tomography known commonly as a (CT) scan. Remember, there is no, one arrhythmia specific for or related to stroke, but an ECG may help identify some evidence of a recent acute MI or other arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation which could have been the cause of an embolic type stroke. The goal of stroke care is to minimize brain injury and maximize the recovery.

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  • Stroke Teaching (ACLS Algorithms)

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    When initial signs indicate a possible stroke, you should Perform a Stroke Assessment. Prehospital providers might perform an abbreviated assessment known as the Cincinnati prehospital stroke assessment. It consists of Facial droop, Arm Drift, Speech and Time. In hospital providers might perform a more detailed full NIH stroke score to document neurological status. The steps of care would include ordering an emergency CT scan, getting vitals, monitoring ECG, oxygen therapy, and IV access. An important diagnostic tool for potential stroke is Blood Glucose. Hypoglycemia, or a low blood glucose, can mimic stroke symptoms such as confusion and slurred speech. The goal is to recognize potential stroke signs early and get the patient appropriate fibrinolytic therapy or the most appropriate reperfusion strategy in a timely manner.

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What is a Stroke

The word stroke refers to an acute neurologic impairment following interruption of blood supply to a specific area of tissue in the brain.

Two major types of stroke are:

  • Ischemic stroke
    • Accounts for almost 87% of all strokes
    • Usually caused by an embolism, which occludes an artery, affecting the subsequent tissue of the brain of which that particular artery affects
  • Hemorrhagic stroke
    • Accounts for close to 13% of strokes
    • Occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds into the surrounding tissue, causing damage
    • In the cases of suspected or confirmed hemorrhagic stroke, fibrinolytic therapy is contraindicated and anticoagulants should not be used

Stroke Treatment

Stroke remains a leading cause of death in the United States. Early recognition and treatment of acute ischemic stroke is important, because IV fibrinolytic treatment should be provided as soon as possible.

In stroke cases, an ECG should not take priority over obtaining a computed tomography (CT) scan. There is no arrhythmia specific for or related to stroke, but an ECG may help identify evidence of the cause of an embolic-type stroke.

Many stroke patients demonstrate arrhythmias, but if the patient is hemodynamically stable, treatment of such arrhythmia is usually not indicated. Cardiac monitoring should be maintained during the first 24 hours of observation for patients who have experienced acute ischemic stroke so that atrial fibrillation and other potentially life-threatening arrhythmias may be detected.

The goal of stroke care is to minimize brain injury and maximize the recovery. The American Heart Association (AHA) and American Stroke Association have developed a Stroke Chain of Survival. It correlates actions to be taken by patients, family members, and healthcare providers in order to maximize stroke recovery.

The following are the established links:

  1. Rapid recognition and reaction to stroke warning signs
  2. Rapid EMS dispatch
  3. Rapid EMS system transport and pre-arrival notification to the receiving hospital
  4. Rapid diagnosis and treatment upon arrival to the appropriate hospital

Patients with acute ischemic stroke have a “time-dependent benefit” for fibrinolytic therapy. The critical time period for administration of IV fibrinolytic therapy begins with the onset of symptoms.

Critical time periods from hospital arrival are as follows:

  • Immediate general assessment should be 10 minutes  
  • Immediate neurologic assessment performed within 25 minutes  
  • Acquisition of CT of the head is to be within 25 minutes, while interpretation of the CT scan should be complete within 45 minutes
  • Administration of fibrinolytic therapy should be within 60 minutes from the time of  Emergency Department arrival
  • Administration of fibrinolytic therapy may be delivered as late as 3 to 4.5 hours timed from onset of select patients’ symptoms
  • Administration of endovascular therapy should be 6 hours timed from onset of select patients’ symptom
  • Admission to a monitored bed should be within 3 hours

Adult Suspected Stroke Algorithm

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What needs to be completed for this patient within 20 minutes after hospital arrival?

Obtain a 12-lead ECG and perform neurologic screening assessment. Do not delay CT, obtain CT without contrast within 20 minutes of patient arrival. A neurologic assessment by the stroke team or designee should be done within 20 minutes of patient arrival to the ED.

What time specific goal should occur within 10 minutes of a stroke patients arrival to the ED?

The goal of the stroke team, emergency physician, or other experts should be to assess the individual with suspected stroke within 10 minutes of arrival in the emergency department (ED). The CT scan should be completed within 10-25 minutes of the individual's arrival in the ED and should be read within 45 minutes.

What test should the patient receive within 25 minutes of hospital arrival?

The CT scan should be completed within 25 minutes from the patient's arrival in the ED and should be read within 45 minutes. Within 45 minutes of the patient's arrival, the specialist must decide, based on the CT scan or MRI, if a hemorrhage is present.

What stroke tool should be completed on arrival?

Neurological Screening: The neurological screening should be performed within 10 minutes of arrival. The NIH stroke scale is a 15-item screening tool used to determine stroke and stroke severity.


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