What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

The Vertical Line in CompositionIn a composition, the vertical line is more important than any other. The vertical line separates man (upright) from animal (on all fours), can stand alone without any other support (unlike the horizontal and diagonal line) and demonstrates the direction of gravity. To create a well-balanced vertical composition, the dominant vertical must be bisected by a horizontal or diagonal line to prevent the eye from quickly leaving the picture. For example, in the painting below by Kenyon Cox, notice how the implied horizontal line (the back edge of the chair and the position of the woman’s hands) bisects the dominant vertical line (the leg of the chair and the position of the woman’s dominant arm) in the composition. ​

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?


What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

In the painting above, by John Singer Sargent, observe how the dominant diagonal line bisects the dominant vertical line in the composition. This precise bisection of only two lines creates a strong sense of balance and sets up the design for repeated patterns and calculated parallel intervals throughout the entire compositional scheme.  ​

The Horizontal Line in CompositionWhile the vertical is generally considered the figure painter’s line, the horizontal is known among artists as the landscape painter's line. To create a successful design in a work of art using a dominant horizontal, a vertical or diagonal line must be introduced to balance out the whole. Without a strong vertical or diagonal line, the artist runs into the danger of slicing the image in half with no visual element to keep the viewer from leaving the frame too abruptly. ​For example, in the painting below called “Golgatha” by Julio Reyes, notice how the dominant horizontal line (white) that cuts the rectangle equally on both sides is offset by the strong vertical figure (yellow). Also, observe how the artist is using the steelyard principle to balance out the figure with the background elements. To learn more about the steelyard principle, click here. ​

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

The painting above, “Villa Torlonia, Fountain,” by John Singer Sargent demonstrates how the dominant
​horizontal line (white) is balanced by the vertical (yellow) and diagonal line (green).

The Diagonal Line in CompositionThe diagonal line in a composition is considered to be the most dynamic line and suggests movement along that path. Whether you're working with a Dynamic Symmetry root rectangle or the harmonic armature, the diagonal line will start the construction of a design regardless of its complexity. Additionally, When you run two diagonal lines from corner to corner in a square or rectangle, the intersection of these lines will locate the center of the composition. The center of the picture is important because the eye will naturally seek it out. In the painting below, by William Bouguereau, observe how the two intersecting diagonal lines create an important vertical division in the composition ​

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

What occurs when two or more lines are drawn within a corner following the lines of the corner?

Painting above, “Christ Carrying the Cross” by Hieronymus Bosch,
​demonstrating the use of diagonal lines to create dynamic energy in a composition.

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Are lines of repose and serenity?

HORIZONTAL LINES •are lines repose and serenity. Horizontal lines are found in reclining persons, in landscape, calm bodies of water and in the distant meeting of the earth and sky which is called horizon.

Which element of art that deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of the objects by means of which the eye judges its spatial relationships?

Perspective  Deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of objects by the means of which the eye judges the spatial relationship.

What is jagged lines in art?

We have a psychological response to different types of lines: Curved lines suggest comfort and ease. Horizontal lines suggest distance and calm. Vertical lines suggest height and strength. Jagged lines suggest turmoil and anxiety.

What is horizontal line in art?

Horizontal lines suggest a feeling of rest or repose because objects parallel to the earth are at rest. In this landscape, horizontal lines also help give a sense of space. The lines delineate sections of the landscape, which recede into space.