What refers to a tendency to explain behavior in terms of personalities rather than the situation?

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What refers to a tendency to explain behavior in terms of personalities rather than the situation?

Myers' Psychology for AP

2nd EditionDavid G Myers

900 solutions

What refers to a tendency to explain behavior in terms of personalities rather than the situation?

Psychology: Principles in Practice

1st EditionSpencer A. Rathus

1,024 solutions

What refers to a tendency to explain behavior in terms of personalities rather than the situation?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

12th EditionPatrick J. Hurley

1,933 solutions

What refers to a tendency to explain behavior in terms of personalities rather than the situation?

Myers' Psychology for the AP Course

3rd EditionC. Nathan DeWall, David G Myers

955 solutions

When people tend to explain behavior in terms of personalities rather than the situation this refers to which of the following multiple choice question?

cognitive dissonance. the conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts (referred to as cognitions) fundamental attribution error. when people tend to explain behavior in terms of personalities, rather than the situation, this refers to which of the following? group polarization ...

Which term refers to the tendency to attribute other peoples behaviors?

The actor-observer bias is a term in social psychology that refers to a tendency to attribute one's own actions to external causes while attributing other people's behaviors to internal causes. It is a type of attributional bias that plays a role in how people perceive and interact with other people.

What is the social psychological term for a change in behavior in response to the commands of others?

Conformity is one effect of the influence of others on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Another form of social influence is obedience to authority. Obedience is the change of an individual's behavior to comply with a demand by an authority figure.

When explaining our own failures the tendency to overemphasize personality traits and underestimate situation factors is referred to as the?

fundamental attribution error. In explaining other people's behavior, the tendency to overemphasize personality traits and underestimate situational factors. actor/observer bias.