What refers to the group of potential customers to whom a company wants to sell its products and services?

12. What refers to the group of potential customers to whom a company wants to sell its products and services:
a. Market
d. Supermarket
b. Target Market
e. Potential Market
13. Potential Market is the part of the market you can capture in the future. It is also known as
a. Total Adorable Market b. Total Attainable Market c. Total Accessible Market d. Total Addressab
14.Which one does NOT consider as the importance of Potential Market?
a. Potential markets are an important part of a business' future growth.
b. Ensure the future of your business by identifying new customers.
c. Create a plan B that will whether changes in the economy or market.
d. Increase your liabilities.
15. This refers to the people who have not yet purchased your product but are considering it.
a. Existing Customers b. Prospects
c. Target Market User
d. Potential Bu
16. The following will help you to identify your potential markets, EXCEPT one:
a. Demographic information of your market. c. Demographic profile of your customers
b. Other products that your customers need now. d. Your desired products that you might be only one w
17. How can you reach your potential market?
a. Know their demographic information.
c. Use language that anyone could relate.
b. Use best advertising media flatforms.
d. All of the above.
18. In defining your market, your price must be
a. Luxurious
b. Realistic
c. Seasonal
d. Economica
19.Service is a special form of product which is
b. Tangible
a. Intangible
d. Neither an
c. Both a & b
20. Which of the
following is an example of intangible product?
a. Ham Burger
b. Air Bed
c. Operating Software
d. Laptop​












hope it's help

New questions in English

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Understanding a sentence or text is essential to have the full grasp of the information embedded in it. Context clues embedded in a sentence or text h … elp in comprehending the meaning it expresses. Through context clues, words are associated to get the meaning of the unfamiliar text or the whole statement. You are expected to infer meaning of unfamiliar words based on context clues; locate the meaning of unfamiliar words; and analyze unfamiliar words based on context clues. Let us examine the picture below. What do you think is the profession of these people? How did you know it? Learning Task 1: In your notebook, copy the graphic organizer below. Then, supply the word, information or ideas that can be associated to the given central concept. VIRUSplss give me answer:((​

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Which refers to a group of potential customers to whom a company wants?

TARGET MARKET. -Refers to a group of potential customers to whom a company wants to sell its products and services. Target markets are generally categorized by age, location, income, and lifestyle.

Who are called potential customers?

A company's potential customer is usually referred to as a prospect . It is a person who has the potential to be interested in the services and products that are offered by the company but has not yet purchased.

Which refers to customers or clients who are already using a particular product or service?

<p>Target Market</p> <p>Penetrated Market</p> Set of clients who are already using a particular product/service. Potential Market.

What is potential market?

Potential market is the part of the total population that has shown some level of interest in buying a particular product or service. This includes individuals, firms and organizations. Potential market is also called Total addressable market (TAM).


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