What should the HR manager recommend the director of business development do to build the relationship with the disappointed manager?

  • School Old Dominion University
  • Course Title MGMT 495
  • Pages 46
  • Ratings 100% (7) 7 out of 7 people found this document helpful

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The new director has also come separately to HR regarding the continued hostility from this managerand also about a new employee on the global sales team, who tends to stay to herself and does notinteract with the rest of the team. The new sales employee has no problems with attaining her salesgoals, but the director does not see her as a "team player" and asks the HR manager for assistance withhow best to deal with both of these situations.What response should the HR manager provide to the disappointed and angry manager?A. Acknowledge his viewpoint, and let him vent as much as he needs so that it does not impact his workor damage his credibility.B. Show empathy for his disappointment, confirm that the process was objective, and provide specificdeficiencies from his interview for the job.C. Indicate that his approach is not acceptable and that this is an example of the type of attitude that ledto his not getting the job.D. Tell him that the process was fair and that if he isn't happy he should consider resigning and going toanother organization.

What should the HR manager recommend the director of business development do to build therelationship with the disappointed manager?

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What should HR recommend as the best approach for the director to take in regard to the salesemployee keeping to herself?

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Which type of HR structure allows organizations with different strategies in multiple units to apply HRexpertise to each unit's specific strategic needs?

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Refer to the following scenario for the next 3 questions.The leadership of a medium-sized technology company has determined that the most viable option toexpand their product line is to merge with an existing, larger company. HR is part of the team conductingdue diligence for the merger. One item that concerns HR is the different approaches the companies haveto work/life balance. The employees of the old company feel that they are treated unfairly because pay,

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What response should the HR manager provide to the disappointed and angry manager?

What response should the HR manager provide to the disappointed and angry manager? Show empathy for his disappointment, confirm that the process was objective, and provide specific deficiencies from his interview for the job.

Which approach is most effective for the HR manager to use to resolve his disagreement with the vice president of sales?

Which approach is most effective for the HR manager to use to resolve his disagreement with the vice president of sales? A1.) Suggest that HR conduct several focus groups and exit interviews to find out why employees are leaving the company and if they are dissatisfied with their jobs.

What approach should the HR manager take to address the supervisor's outburst during the initial conversation?

What approach should the HR manager take to address the supervisor's outburst during the initial conversation? Partner with management to create a performance improvement plan that addresses current shortcomings, including a time line in which to resolve them.

Which next step should the VP of HR take to send a clear message to business leaders that HR has heard the concerns and is working to improve the customer experience?

Which next step should the VP of HR take to send a clear message to business leaders that HR has heard the concerns and is working to improve the customer experience? Outline a plan of action to address customer concerns and communicate with business leaders on an ongoing basis.


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