What term refer to an invisible yet real barrier that prevents many women from rising beyond middle



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Sexuality, Society and Gender Stratification

Terms in this set (58)

What is the term for attitudes and activities that a society tends to link to women and men?

gender roles

What term refers to an invisible, yet real, barrier that prevents many women from rising beyond middle-management positions?

"glass ceiling:

Most violence against women occurs:

in the home.

According to Talcott Parsons, gender

forms a complementary set of roles.

The following are goals of feminism EXCEPT for one. Which is it?

reducing sexual freedom

A feminist who seeks to eliminate gender itself is

a radical feminist.

The origin of the phrase, "the rule of thumb" is from:

the time in our history when men were legally permitted to beat their wives, as long as the stick was no wider than a thumb.

What is the term for the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female and male?


What is the term for the unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and women?

gender stratification

What is TRUE about men and women?

There are no overall differences in intelligence between males and females.

You have been asked to coach a high school team that is competing province-wide for best school in overall intellectual ability. In general, your team would fare better if:

You choose an equal mix of males and females for your team.

Which of the following characteristics exemplifies the kibbutzim?

Gender is irrelevant to most of everyday life.

Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies in New Guinea illustrates that:

gender is a variable creation of culture.

What is the form of social organization in which males dominate females?


What is the form of social organization in which females dominate males?


What is the belief that one gender is innately superior to the other?


The idea that sexism is institutionalized in Canada:

means it is built into the operation of various social institutions.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the costs of sexism?

Patriarchy drives men to relentlessly seek control resulting in accidents and violence.

At about age ______, children begin to apply gender standards to themselves.


What is the term for attitudes and activities that a society links women and men?

gender roles

One implication of the research of Janet Lever and Carol Gilligan on gender differences in human development is that:

girls learn morality in terms of responsibility to others.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding gender and the mass media?

The characters of males and females in the media today are much the same.

Select the reason behind the changing character of the Canadian workforce since 1900.

the rising divorce rate

Approximately ______ percent of married couples in Canada depend on two incomes.


Which of the following is FALSE regarding women in the labour force?

Gender stratification in the workplace is difficult to see in today's society.

Which of the following is TRUE about housework?

Men support women entering the workforce, although most resist taking on a more equal share of household duties.

What three factors account for most of the earning disparity between men and women?

type of work; family responsibilities; discrimination

The barrier that is invisible, but which prevents women from rising beyond middle management positions is referred to as:

the "glass ceiling."

Which of the following was TRUE about gender and education in Canada by 1994?

Compared to men, more women received bachelor's and first professional degrees.

Which of the following is TRUE about Canadian women university graduates in 1997?

Women earned a majority of master's degrees.

Which country has the most women holding the most parliamentary seats?


Which of the following is TRUE of minority and Aboriginal women in Canada?

Aboriginal and minority women are doubly disadvantaged.

Sexual violence s fundamentally about:


What is the term for comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome?

sexual harassment

According to the text, sexual harassment:

happens to men and women.

Which of the following is TRUE about a structural-functional analysis of gender?

over many generations, the sex-based division of labour has been taken for granted.

Which theoretical approach argues that conventional ideas about gender create division and tension, with men seeking to protect their privileges as women challenge the status quo?


Which of the following is TRUE, in terms of the social-conflict perspective?

Capitalism intensifies males domination.

What is the term for the advocacy of social equality for the sexes, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism?


What variant of feminism accepts the basic organization of Canadian society, but seeks to expand the opportunities of women?

Liberal feminism

______ feminism claims patriarchy can be overcome only through elimination of gender itself.


Which of the following is TRUE of feminism?

Resistance to feminism is primarily directed at the social and radical types; there is widespread support of the principles that underlie liberal feminism.

Define and compare sex and gender; primary and secondary sex characteristics


Describe the influences of biology and culture on sexual orientation and the evidence in support of each side.


Describe the consequences of gender or sexual stereotyping for males and females.


Define homophobia, xenophobia, bisexuality, and sexual orientation?


What is sexism?, Give examples of sexism in Canada.


Define feminism. How is feminism different from sexism?


What is meant by the "feminization of poverty"?


Define patriarchy and matriarchy. What is the evidence on the inevitability of patriarchy?


Define gender stratification, and gender socialization an the factors involved to maintain it.


Describe the relationship between gender, gender roles, and social stratification in terms of labour force participation, occupations, income, wealth, housework, the "second shift", education, politics and violence.


What is the glass ceiling, and why does it exist?


Define and explain sexual harassment using the sociological perspective and sociological theories.


Explain gender issues using the three theoretical perspectives: structural functionalism, social conflict and symbolic interaction.


Define feminism


identify the basic ideas and theories of feminism


Explain why there is resistance to feminism in Canada


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What term refers to an invisible yet real barrier that prevents many women from rising beyond middle

The barrier that is invisible, but which prevents women from rising beyond middle management positions is referred to as: the "glass ceiling."

What was the term for the invisible barrier that in the past prevented women from moving into leadership positions?

The glass ceiling, a phrase first introduced in the 1980s, is a metaphor for the invisible and artificial barriers that block women and minorities from advancing up the corporate ladder to management and executive positions.

What term best refers to an invisible barrier that prevents women from advancing in a career path despite being qualified for higher positions?

Key Takeaways. The glass ceiling is a colloquial term for the social barrier preventing women from being promoted to top jobs in management. The term has been broadened to include discrimination against minorities. Marilyn Loden coined the phrase "glass ceiling" at a 1978 Women's Exposition. 1.

Which term refers to the invisible barrier facing women as they try to advance in the workplace?

glass ceiling. The invisible barrier facing women as they try to advance in the workplace.