What term refers to the belief that ones own language native country and cultural rules and norms are superior to all others?



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The Changing Environment of Organizations

Terms in this set (75)

What term refers to the belief that one's own language, native country, and cultural rules and norms are superior to all others?
A. Ethnocentrism
·B. Polycentrism
·C. Anthropocentrism
D. Egocentrism


The ethnic and cultural mix of the U.S. workforce is:
· changing.
· becoming more homogeneous.
· stagnant.
· decreasing.


Judy loves to watch sports and strongly prefers to associate with people who also love to watch sports. Judy exhibits which type of barrier to inclusion?
· Ethnocentrism
· Prejudice
· The "like me" bias
· Perceived threat of loss

· The "like me" bias

When were baby boomers born?

· 1943-1963

Nelly hires Jang as an accountant because Jang is Korean and Nelly thinks that all Asians are good at math. Nelly exhibits which kind of barrier to inclusion?
· Ethnocentrism
· Stereotyping
· This example does not illustrate any barriers to inclusion.
· The "like me" bias


One of the largest employment discrimination lawsuits was settled for more than $11.7 million against Walmart and Sam's Club. What was the main group that was discriminated against in this case?


Understanding and addressing the environment of a business has traditionally been the purview of:
· a clearly written policy manual.
· affirmative action plans.
· top management.
the federal government.

· top management.

White people hold _____ percent of total seats on corporate boards of directors.

more than 80

Danai is black and was born in Zimbabwe. These facts about Danai illustrate _____ diversity.

· surface-level

Alee and Kieron work as teaching assistants at a university. Whereas Alee has two years of experience and knows everything about the job, Kieron just started and still has a lot to learn. These differences between Alee and Kieron illustrate _____ diversity.


Which of the following is NOT one of the four most significant factors accounting for the growth of international trade?
· Improvements in communication and transportation
· Competition
· Cost
· Political upheaval

Political upheaval

While visiting Israel on a work trip, Juan, who hails from Mexico, is shocked by the degree to which Israeli workers routinely circumvent their bosses' orders. Juan's surprise is most likely due to the fact that:

· Mexicans generally have a higher power distance than Israelis.
· Israelis tend to be more individualistic than Mexicans.

Sam has a hard time holding down a job because he never listens to his bosses. He doesn't respect authority and always does things own way, until inevitably he breaks one rule too many and gets fired. Sam most likely has a:

· low degree of power distance.

A high degree of _____ may help a person to have a global perspective.

uncertainty tolerance

Jordan struggles in his diverse workplace because he isn't willing to learn from people who are different from him and has a hard time coming to grips with the fact that people everywhere aren't the same. Jordan lacks:

a global perspective.

Global Perspective Competency

-Cultural knowledge and sensitivity
-Adapting global selling program

_____________ is the ability to interact effectively with people of

Cultural competence

cultural competence

the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures

Kirsten works as an office manager in an acupuncture clinic. When given clear instructions on what to do, Kirsten does her job remarkably well. However, when she encounters a scenario that isn't covered by the instructions she was given, Kirsten experiences severe anxiety and cannot troubleshoot or make good judgment calls. Kirsten most likely has a high degree of:

uncertainty avoidance.

uncertainty avoidance

the degree to which societies are willing to tolerate uncertainty and risk

Nick lives by himself in a cabin in the woods. He sees himself as being "his own man" rather than as part of any organization or group. Nick exhibits high:
power distance.


__________ is the degree of inequality that exists and that is accepted among people with and without power.
Span of control
Strength differential
Power distance
Privilege difference

Power distance

power distance

Degree to which societies accept the idea that inequalities in the power and well-being of their citizens are due to differences in individuals' physical and intellectual capabilities and heritage

Hank's main goals in life are to get promoted at all costs, make a lot of money, and fill his big house with expensive paintings and artwork. Hank exhibits high:
uncertainty avoidance.
power distance.


_____ refers to the methods used to create products, including both physical goods and intangible services.


Each of the following is an advantage conferred by advances in information technology EXCEPT:
increased operational flexibility.
more collaboration among employees.
improved management processes.
more personal communication.

more personal communication.

Foreign competition in the 1970s led to the decline of which sector in the United States?


The service sector has been responsible for almost _____ percent of all new jobs created in the United States since 1990.


Which of the following is an advantage conferred to businesses by advances in information technology?
Less urgency in communication
Increased down time
More personal communication
Leaner organizations

Leaner organizations

Each of the following is a disadvantage conferred by advances in information technology EXCEPT:
less collaboration among employees.
increased urgency in communication.
less personal communication.
less down time.

less collaboration among employees.

_____ refers to businesses working together for the common good and valuing human dignity.
Corporate governance
Social responsibility

Social responsibility

_____ refers to the oversight of a public corporation by its board of directors.

Corporate governance

Ethics refers to which of the following?

How people ought to act in different situations

Happy Jack's Chicken Shack serves organically raised chickens and does everything it can to minimize its impact on landfills and greenhouse gases. Happy Jack's exemplifies:
corporate governance.
corporate sustainability.

corporate sustainability.

Which of the following questions does not reflect one of the three main ways that ethical situations can be framed?
How do employees treat each other?
How does the organization treat its employees?
How do employees treat the organization?
How do employees and the organization treat other economic agents?

How do employees treat each other?

Which of the following specifies what data a company will collect about its customers, how that data will be used, and how its customers can opt out of having their information collected and/or shared?
Code of ethics
Privacy policy
Psychological contract
Benefits package

Privacy policy

Agnes sits on the board of directors for a hospital. Which of the following situations constitutes a conflict of interest?
A. Clancy, Agnes's brother, breaks his arm and comes to the hospital for treatment.
B. Herman, Agnes's husband, runs a medical equipment firm that the hospital might purchase a new MRI machine from.
C. Floyd, Agnes's ex-husband, is also on the hospital's board of directors.
D. Florence, Agnes's niece, asks Agnes to write a recommendation letter for her application to medical school.


The terms of the psychological contract are:
workplace behaviors.

not explicitly stated.

The development of the psychological contract involves what kind of factors?

Both individual and organizational factors

Sarah, a part-time barista at the local coffee shop, is angry when she learns that Dina, a full-time barista who has the same responsibilities as Sarah and has been working at the shop just as long, makes an extra $2 an hour plus benefits. The coffee shop is using what kind of workforce?


______ is/are an inducement from the organization to the individual.


_____ workers add value in an organization simply because of what they know.


_____ is the practice of hiring other firms to do work previously performed by the organization itself.
Knowledge working
Contingent working


Which of the following practices has been criticized for resulting in the loss of domestic jobs?
Hiring knowledge workers
Hiring contingent workers


Sarah works part-time as a barista. In this capacity, she is a(n) _____ worker.


Ivonne has been a freelance web designer for over a decade. She has made high-quality websites for numerous prominent clients, many of whom are foreign. Ivonne is what kind of worker?



Definition:The variety of observable and unobservable similarities and differences among peopl

Surface-level diversity

Definition:Observable differences in people, including race, age, ethnicity, physical abilities, physical characteristics, and gender

Deep-level diversity

Individual differences that cannot be seen directly, including goals, values, personalities, decision-making styles, knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes

Separation diversity

Differences in position or opinion among group members reflecting disagreement or opposition—dissimilarity in an attitude or value, for example, especially with regard to group goals or processes

Variety diversity

Differences in a certain type or category, including group members' expertise, knowledge, or functional background

disparity diversity

Differences in the concentration of valuable social assets or resources—dissimilarity in rank, pay, decision-making authority, or status, for example


Definition:The internationalization of business activities and the shift toward an integrated global economy

Cultural competence

The ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures


The set of shared values, often taken for granted, that help people in a group, organization, or society understand which actions are considered acceptable and which are deemed unacceptable.


Exists to the extent that people in a culture define themselves primarily as individuals rather than as part of one or more groups or organizations


Characterized by tight social frameworks in which people tend to base their identities on the group or organization to which they belong

Power distance

The extent to which people accept as normal an unequal distribution of power

Uncertainty avoidance

The extent to which people feel threatened by unknown situations and prefer to be in clear and unambiguous situations


Definition:The extent to which the dominant values in a society emphasize aggressiveness and the acquisition of money and other possessions as opposed to concern for people, relationships among people, and overall quality of life

Long-term values

Definition:Include focusing on the future, working on projects that have a distant payoff, persistence, and thrift

Short-term values

Definition:More oriented toward the past and the present and include respect for traditions and social obligations

global perspective

A willingness to be open to and learn from the alternative systems and meanings of other people and cultures, and a capacity to avoid assuming that people from everywhere are the same


Refers to the methods used to create products, including both physical goods and intangible services


A form of business that combines and transforms resources into tangible outcomes that are then sold to others

service organization

Definition:One that transforms resources into an intangible output and creates time or place utility for its customers


A person's beliefs regarding what is right or wrong in a given situation

corporate governance

Refers to the oversight of a public corporation by its board of directors

corporate social responsibility

Businesses living and working together for the common good and valuing human dignity

knowledge workers

Those employees who add value in an organization simply because of what they know


The practice of hiring other firms to do work previously performed by the organization itself; when this work is moved overseas, it is often called offshoring


Outsourcing to workers in another country

contingent worker

A person who works for an organization on something other than a permanent or full-time basis

tiered workforce

When one group of an organization's workforce has a contractual arrangement with the organization objectively different from another group performing the same jobs

psychological contract

A person's set of expectations regarding what he or she will contribute to an organization and what the organization, in return, will provide to the individual

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Which of the following refers to the belief that your own culture is superior to other cultures?

Ethnocentrism is a belief in the superiority of your own culture. It results from judging other cultures by your own cultural ideals.

What is the belief that one's own group culture or subculture is inherently superior to other cultures and groups?

Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture. a tendency to view other ethnic or cultural groups from the perspective of one's own.

What is the tendency to judge others according to our own culturally based standards?

Ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to judge another culture by the standards of one's own culture. Ethnocentrism usually entails the notion that one's own culture is superior to everyone else's.

Which of the following refers to the belief that the cultural ways of one group are superior to those of another?

Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's culture and way of life are superior to those of other groups. This attitude leads people to view other cultures as inferior, wrong, backward, immoral, or barbaric. Because people internalize their culture and take it for granted, they may be hostile toward other cultures.


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