What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?


6th EditionSpencer A. Rathus

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

Social Psychology

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

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What was the Texas solution to the inequities in public school funding quizlet?

Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

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Terms in this set (40)

Property crime fell in 2020 in America relative to 2019.


Crime rates in America have been ____ since the 1990's, and the perception of violent crime rates is that they are __.

falling, rising

A majority of police officers in America have a four-year college degree.


The Terry v. Ohio decision by the Supreme Court decided what law enforcement policy?

When a police officer can stop and frisk a person.

In Louisiana a person can be convicted of a crime without a unanimous jury decision.


Approximately what percentage of imprisoned people in Texas are there for drug crimes?


In how many states is the death penalty illegal?


For what reason do most Americans support the death penalty?


Some U.S. states have begun limiting or even banning the practice of keeping prisoners in solitary confinement.


Black people make up about __ percent of the U.S. population, and make up about _ percent of deaths by law enforcement officers.

13, 28

All 50 states expanded Medicaid following adoption of the Affordable Care Act.


What percentage of the cost of the Medicaid expansion has the federal government promised to pay?


How long do unemployment insurance benefits typically last?

26 weeks

All 50 states offer unemployment insurance.


The Legal Services Corporation is part of which level of government?


What group of children is the CHIP program designed to cover?

Children in low income households that do not qualify for Medicaid

Public welfare spending in Texas in 2017 was _ per capita.

Less than $1,500

Was public welfare spending per capita in Texas more or less than the national average?


The term "submerged state" refers to what?

Government social welfare programs that operate indirectly.

The U.S. Constitution requires that the government provide tuition-free public education for all U.S. residents.


Charter schools are a type of private school.


Which of the following are funded directly by public money (you can select more than one answer)

Traditional public schools

Independent school districts are governed by which of the following agencies?

State department of education

Which of the following statutes requires that all states adopt mandatory, standardized tests in math and English.

None of the above

Right-to-work laws ban the formation of public sector unions, including teachers unions


Fill in the blank: Inequities in public school spending per student across districts are ___ than inequities in taxable property wealth.


Charter schools are similar to magnet schools except that

Charter schools are not unionized

Historically, the main function of public schools other than instruction was to promote ____ of common norms and values.


How many states had adopted the Common Core as of 2018?


Who has authority to set increases in public university tuition and fees in almost every state?

The board of governors

State funding of public postsecondary education consists of:

Appropriations, grants and contracts to institutions, and student financial aid

Texas belongs to _

neither major grid. Texas has its own electrical grid.

What is the appropriate definition for the "Race to the Bottom" and "Race to the Top" approaches?

Race to the Bottom - Lessening environment restrictions to create a more business-friendly economy

Race to the Top - Pursuing stricter environmental restrictions in order to address climate issues.

A brownfield is __

when some land goes unused for a long period of time because of pollution.

Which of the following is an example of a federally-led initiative that addresses pollution issues within the states?

Clean Water Act of 1972 (CWA)

Which state has the best air quality and which state has the worst air quality?

Hawaii, Utah

toxic dumps are more likely to be located in areas with higher concentrations of minorities in America.


What are some explanations for the correlation between race and exposure to toxic chemicals?

Racial Discrimination (redlining housing markets)

Why does the world rely on fossil fuels so much?

Because they are cheap and abundant.

What are issues associated with adopting green and renewable energies?

There are high start-up costs associated with these energies.

Verified questions


**Use the simplex method to find the optimal solution. Assume that all variables are nonnegative.** Minimize $f=3 x+9 y$ subject to $$ \begin{array}{r} x \leq 20 \\ y \leq 20 \\ x+y \geq 21 \end{array} $$

Verified answer


Contrast a lump-sum liquidation with an installment liquidation.

Verified answer


Solve the Problem for the indicated variable. $F=\frac{9}{5} C+32$; for $C$

Verified answer


**Critical Thinking** Not all societies have market economies. Some have command or traditional economies. Use the discussion of opportunity cost and cost-benefit analysis in Chapter 1 on pages 20 and 24 to explain why you would or would not like to live in a society with a different economic system. Prepare a decision grid similar to the one on page 20 to help you with your analysis. Write a paragraph that summarizes your conclusion.

Verified answer

Which of the following are ways in which public schools in Texas are funded?

Texas uses local, state and federal funds to support educational operations and facility construction in public school districts throughout the state.

In which case did the Texas Supreme Court order major changes in the public education funding system?

What did the Texas supreme court case Edgewood v. Kirby do? Ordered major changes in the public education funding system.

What is the biggest challenge to education reform in Texas quizlet?

What is the biggest challenge to education reform in Texas? glaring disparities in the funding system for rich and poor school districts violated the Texas Constitution.

Why is the San Antonio v Rodriguez case important quizlet?

Why is the San Antonio v Rodriguez case important? The U.S. Supreme Court found that Texas can use property taxes to fund public education.