When ethics are in play, members of a society treat each other with fairness, equity, and justice.

The following procedures describes the _________

One manager outlines the problem to be addressed, and 30 or 40 minutes are allocated for group members, working individually, to write down their ideas and solutions. Group members are encouraged to be innovative.

Managers take turns reading their suggestions to the group. One manager writes all the alternatives on a flip chart. No criticism or evaluation of alternatives is allowed until all alternatives have been read.

The alternatives are then discussed, one by one, in the sequence in which they were proposed. Group members can ask for clarifying information and critique each alternative to identify its pros and cons.

When all alternatives have been discussed, each group member ranks all the alternatives from most preferred to least preferred, and the alternative that receives the highest ranking is chosen

What is the rule that describes ethical decisions in which a choice must be made to distribute or deny benefits among people and groups in a fair equitable or impartial way?

The utilitarian rule states that ethical decisions are those that produce the greatest for the greatest number of people. When they use this rule, managers try to choose the option or behavior that causes the greatest good or the least harm for stakeholders.

When an ethical decision is based on maintaining and protecting the fundamental or inalienable rights and privileges of people which ethical rule is being applied?

Under the moral rights rule, an ethical decision is one that best maintains and protects the fundamental or inalienable rights and privileges of the people affected by it.

What ethical responsibilities do managers have quizlet?

Ethical managers display honesty and integrity, act in a way that communicates and enforces ethical standards, are fair in their decisions and the distribution of rewards and show kindness and concern for others.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between law and ethics?

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between law and ethics? Even though an action is legal, it may not be ethical.