Which are reasons why organizations are moving to a flatter organizational structure with fewer layers?

The interconnected world means organizations rely less and less on traditional pyramid structures, but more on collaboration. This ideal represents the nature of leadership in a flat organization. An even playing field allows organizations to leverage employee talent, passions and expertise to better apply these to business challenges.

The business world thinks of traditional leadership consisting of managers and subordinates, but contemporary structures blur the lines between leadership and following — although leadership is more of a skill than a technical role. It should stand to reason that all workers take part in leadership. Where does that leave management inside work functions and relationships?

What Is a Flat Organization?

In a flat organization, there are little to no management levels between "superiors" and staff. It promotes an increased involvement in decision-making with less supervision.

A flat structure elevates each employee's responsibility inside the organization and eliminates excess management layers to improve coordination and communication. Fewer levels between employees improve the decision-making process among staff. The lack of need for middle management boosts the organization's budget.

With a flat structure, there is a risk for generalization and confusion if the company fails to hone and specifically direct team goals and talents. Organizations with a flat structure find success when they allow specialists to pursue passion projects that serve the organization with team support. That means dividing up into smaller units.

Many hierarchical structures lose their entrepreneurial spirit, and to inspire its return, organizations increasingly turn to the flat structure that characterizes many startups. This switch of structure allows employees to pursue projects they find meaning in and do well at, tapping into the talents and resources of their colleagues. However, these projects must fit within company objectives and goals.

Flat Organizations and Company Growth

Medium, Buffer and Zappos all stood behind the power of the flat structure to empower employees and unite them. However, as companies grow, the need for leadership and delegation increases — and without a plan, flat organizations stagnate, as an entrepreneurial spirit isn't enough to power business growth.

So, what kinds of ground rules apply as a company grows? 6Wunderkinder uses the flat structure, and as they grow, they consider setting time limits to track whether employee-led projects are working, or if they need to get called off. The flat structure allows leaders to communicate the goings-on of the company versus telling people what to do, finding more of a meaningful role in coaching employees who find more satisfaction in their work.

Integrating Flat Structures with Company Goals and Culture

The hierarchic organization of a company may cause issues such as the rejection of high-potential projects that must pass through excessive decision-making filters. The more filters, the more likely a great project gets rejected that could positively impact company growth. Many leaders only see projects that meet the probability of getting funded, leaving great ideas — and the coach able employees behind them — in the dust.

Research supports this point that when many levels exist in an organization concerning the total amount of employees, information experiences distortion as it goes through hierarchical layers. Employees feel the need to bypass their superiors or use them as messengers. Employers can strive to make the passing of information more transparent and involve employees more in the presentation and decision-making processes.

Cutting through those layers also boosts the speed of how and when decisions get made. The time it takes to bring a product to market reduces, too. A study of 300 executive leaders across the globe discovered the higher degree of organization layers, the slower the company reached customers with new services and products. Reduce the layers to boost speed, efficiency and performance. Companies may achieve these same results through outsourcing but integrating flat structure into company operations creates more benefits and opportunities while saving money.

A company can cut overhead costs by minimizing the layers of management and, therefore, empowering employees to take the lead and pursue their passions. Companies must have clearly defined missions, goals and growth plans to be successful with a flat structure in the long term.

When that's in place, employees find their place, meaning and passion for the work. They feel motivated to pursue leadership and projects to further their career and the company. Retention and positive work culture run high, while costs run low.

An organization’s structure impacts everything from how the organization operates to how well employees communicate internally. A well-defined organizational structure helps employees work more efficiently, laying the groundwork for internal operations, establishing a chain of command, and helps with transparency in the workplace.

Companies typically adopt either a hierarchical or a flat organizational structure to break down their internal operations and how the work will be carried out across teams. A number of factors, including size, goals, skills, and number of employees, determine the type of structure that best fits an organization.

In this article, we’ll break down both hierarchical and flat organizational structures: what they are, the pros and cons to using each type, and examples of companies that operate in each of these ways successfully.

What Is a Hierarchical Organizational Structure?

Hierarchical organizations resemble a pyramid and rely on a vertical chain of command, with the CEO at the top and several layers of management underneath. Large companies and government agencies with a high number of employees typically adopt a hierarchical structure to better accommodate their size and clarify reporting relationships.

Advantages of a Hierarchical Organizational Structure

There are plenty of pros to a hierarchical structure. For example, this type of structure presents a number of opportunities for employees to “climb the ladder” and grow with the organization. Hierarchical organizations have a clear career path, enabling employees to gradually advance and reach more senior positions. Reporting relationships are also clear thanks to the top-down structure.

Companies with a hierarchical organizational structure typically consist of several departments and are likely to have more niche positions than flat organizations, which allows employees to become experts in their field, with many opportunities to specialize.

Disadvantages of a Hierarchical Organizational Structure

But, of course, there are disadvantages to a hierarchical structure as well. Organizations with this type of structure are prone to bureaucracy and tend to experience communication silos and a lack of collaboration across departments. The bureaucracy and red tape can also cause roadblocks that slow innovation and prevent work from getting done.

Amazon’s Hierarchical Organizational Structure

Amazon is an example of an organization with a hierarchical structure, largely due to its size. As the largest internet retailer, the company currently employs approximately 560,000 people around the world. With the hierarchical structure, all of Amazon’s employees report up to the founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos.

Under Bezos, there are several levels of management across many departments, such as:

  • Software development

  • Information technology

  • Legal operations

  • Human resources

  • Finance and administration

  • Business operations

  • Product management

The hierarchical organizational structure works for Amazon because the company is organized into a number of small teams under separate management. This structure allows managers to work more closely with heir team members and to facilitate control over their department.

Here is an example of a hierarchical organizational structure:

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What Is a Flat Organizational Structure?

Flat organizations have a structure with few levels of middle management between leadership and employees—or, in some cases, no middle management at all. Small organizations and startups often have flat structures because they have fewer employees and less of a need for hierarchical management.

Although hierarchical organizational structures have been the go-to option for a long time, many modern companies are opting for flat structures that allow for a collaborative, interconnected team where everyone contributes equally.

Advantages of a Flat Organizational Structure

A flat organizational structure has its advantages as well. With this type of structure in place, employees often have more responsibility and are more involved in important conversations. Transparency is also a big advantage when using a flat organizational structure thanks to the limited bureaucracy. Having fewer levels of management also simplifies internal communication and enables fast decision-making, and because the layers of middle management are removed, power and responsibility are divided evenly throughout the organization.

Disadvantages of a Flat Organizational Structure

On the other hand, a flat structure can sometimes make it difficult for employees to specialize in specific roles. In many cases—especially with startups—each employee is expected to be a “jack of all trades” and to pitch in on a number of different tasks. Because there are few (or no) management layers, managers are often stretched thin, which can sometimes cause confusion among employees and lead to issues such as poor oversight and a lack of direction.

Valve’s Flat Organizational Structure

Like many modern organizations, a video game company called Valve has adopted a flat structure for organizing employees and clarifying roles and responsibilities. In fact, the gaming startup has placed an increasing emphasis on the decision to go completely boss-less. Although the company does technically have a founder and CEO, Gabe Newell, his role is much more hands-off than that of the average executive.

“Everybody is expected to essentially vote on what is most important to our customers by the projects that they work on,” explains Newell. “So none of them are working on those projects because somebody else told them to work on them. Everybody’s working on those projects because they thought they could make the largest contributions to our customers by working on them. People move around all the time.”

Here is an example of a flat organizational structure:

Ready to build your own flat organizational chart?

Bringing Your Structure to Life with Org Chart Software

Traditional org charts make it difficult to depict cross-team collaboration, dynamic roles, and limited management roles. However, with more companies moving toward progressive, flexible styles of working, modern org chart software is becoming increasingly essential to accurately illustrate organizational structures and keep them up to date as they evolve.

Whether your company has a hierarchical or a flat organizational structure, using modern org chart software like Pingboard makes it easy to create a holistic visual representation of your employees, roles, and functions. Pingboard org charts are interactive and highly customizable, meaning they can be adapted to fit the needs of any organization, regardless of how it’s structured.

Choosing the right structure is essential in order for companies to provide clarity around roles, operate more efficiently, and be more successful overall—and interactive org chart software is essential for painting a visual representation of that structure and sharing it across the organization to bring it to life.

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Why do you think companies are moving to a more flatter organizational structure?

Advantages. Flatter organizations tend to foster greater communication between employees than taller ones. In addition, employee morale may be higher, especially those who are high achievers. A company with a flatter organizational structure also has less bureaucracy because of fewer echelons or tiers.

Why use a flat organizational structure?

A flat structure elevates each employee's responsibility inside the organization and eliminates excess management layers to improve coordination and communication. Fewer levels between employees improve the decision-making process among staff. The lack of need for middle management boosts the organization's budget.

Why a flat organizational structure is more suitable for businesses with few employees?

Advantages of a Flat Structure It removes excess layers of management and improves the coordination and speed of communication between employees. Fewer levels of management encourage an easier decision-making process among employees. Eliminating the salaries of middle management reduces an organization's budget costs.

What is a flatter organisational structure?

In a flatter structure, all employees are on a level playing field with shared authority and decision-making powers. These are also referred to as “self-managed” teams, as employees decide what they work on and when. Similarly, a holacratic organisation has no managers, bosses or job titles.


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