Which disaster triage tag would the nurse find on victims of a mass casualty event with minor injuries who arrived to a hospital in a private vehicle?


Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) may help staff hospitals or community health settings that face shortages and provide first aid stations or special-need shelters. The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) manages mass fatalities, emergency animal care, and establishes fully functional field surgical facilities. A Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) is a medical relief team deployed to a disaster area with enough medical equipment and supplies to sustain operations for 72 hours. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training so that people are better prepared for disasters and hazard situations in their own communities.

Test-Taking Tip: Choose the best answer for questions asking for a single answer. More than one answer may be correct, but one answer may contain more information or more important information than another answer.

Which clients belong to Class I according to the disaster triage tag system?

Victims with life-threatening injuries or illness (such as head injuries, severe burns, severe bleeding, heart-attack, breathing-impaired, internal injuries) are assigned a priority 1 or "Red" Triage tag code (meaning first priority for treatment and transportation).

Which tag color according to the disaster triage tag system is assigned to a client who has an immediate threat to life?

According to the disaster triage tag system, a red colored tag is used for a client who has an immediate threat to life. A black colored tag is used for a client who is expected to die or is dead.

Which client should be treated first according to the disaster triage tagging system quizlet?

Which client does the nurse plan to treat first according to the disaster triage tag system? Class I clients are emergent clients who are marked with red tag. These clients have an immediate threat to life and need attention first.

In which order would Clients receive care based on triage tag color quizlet?

Red-tagged clients have major injuries, black-tagged clients are expected and allowed to die, and yellow- tagged clients have major injuries.