Which economic theory adopts the idea that cutting the marginal tax rate can actually increase government revenue?



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Terms in this set (34)

Match the statement on the left with the economic philosophy it represents on the right.

-Laissez-faire capitalism: The best thing the government can do for the economy is stay out of it as much as possible.

-Keynesianism: The government can control the business cycle by strategically spending or changing the tax rate.

-Supply-side economics: Lower taxes lead people to work harder, which increases overall revenue for the government.

Place the following events in the history of American economic policy in chronological order.

-The great depression begins
-Franklin Roosevelt starts the New Deal
-Keynesianism becomes the dominant economic theory in American politics.
-Supply-side economics gains popularity.

While ----- involves proposals such as cap-and-trade and raising the gasoline tax, ------ involves plans such as building stronger flood walls and relocating individuals living in flood-prone areas.


Which of the following are examples of public policy?

-A federal rule issued by an agency
-A law passed by Congress
-A court ruling

Match the economic goal on the left with the example on the right that best demonstrates it.

-Protect employees and consumers: Congress calls the head of General Motors to testify over faulty car ignition systems.

-Promote business development: The government awards over one billion dollars in funding to microchip consortium Sematech

-Promote economic prosperity: The national science foundation awards million of dollars in research grants.

-Promote stable markets: Congress enacts a single national regulation for car emissions.

Imagine that the nation has just entered an unexpected recession. Place the following items in the order in which we would expect them to occur according to a textbook approach to monetary policy.

-The federal Reserve lowers the target for the federal funds rate.
-Consumer interest rates decrease
-The number of businesses and individuals taking out loans increases.
-Economic growth recovers.
-The federal Reserve raises the target for the federal funds rate.

Which of the following methods are currently being considered by the federal government to deal with climate change?

-Promoting alternative technologies
-Mitigation by reducing emissions.
-Adapting to climate change

The following video discusses the actions taken by
One of the main tools of the Federal Reserve is its ability to set short-term interest rates, called the federal funds rate. Why were the Fed's abilities constrained in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis?

-Interest rates were set to almost zero percent, leaving the Fed no room to reduce them further.

Watch the animation below, and then select which of the following groups are disproportionately likely (relative to their percentage of the population) to earn the minimum wage.

-young workers
-white workers

Federal government authorized spending on new seawalls to contain flooding due to climate change is an example of what concept?


Match the political parties to their beliefs about economic policy.

-Republican Party: Lower taxes overall, reduced government spending in general, less government regulation in general.
-Democratic Party: Increased government spending in general, more government regulation in general, higher taxes on the wealthy

Which of the following taxes are regressive taxes?

-Social security tax
-State sales tax

The belief that cutting the marginal tax rate can actually increase the amount of revenue the government collects is most compatible with which economic theory?

-Supply-side economics

In which decade did environmental regulation first become a priority of the federal government? Enter 1820 for the 1820s, 1940 for the 1940s, etc.


Taxing and spending is related to ----- policy, while ----- policy is related to regulating the economy through manipulating credit and interest rates

1.) Fiscal

The ----- is the main part of the government responsible for ensuring that ----- stays at a reasonable rate, usually around 2 to 3 percent per year.

1.) Federal Reserve
2.) Inflation

Which organization sets the president's proposed budget for the year?

Office of management and budget

Which of the following interest groups is consistently considered the most powerful in lobbying the government about economic issues?

Business organizations

Why are environmental issues often considered economic issues as well?

-Attempting to solve environmental issues usually imposes an economic cost.

Which of the following statements are correct?

-The congressional budget office is in the legislative branch
-The congressional budget office was created to provide congress with information about the costs and impacts of potential policies
-The office of management and budget is in the executive branch
-The office of management and budget prepares the president's budget

Which of the following items are examples of public goods?

-National defense
-Interstate highway system
-Cleaner air

The Environmental Protection Agency has weakened regulations of greenhouse gases since 2009.


Categorical grants help achieve which goal of economic policy?

Promoting business development

At the federal level, those in the ----- pay the highest share of their income towards taxes. When discussing state and local taxes, those in the ----- pay the highest share of their income towards taxes.

1.) top 1%
2.) Lowest 20%

Which of the following statements about gross domestic product (GDP) are true?

-It is a traditional measure of a country's economic growth
-It measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country.

Why do supply-side economists believe that tax cuts will lead to more economic growth?

They believe the tax cuts will provide an incentive for people to work more and invest more

Which of the following are examples of government policies that promote alternative technologies?

-Providing tax incentives for producing clean energy
-Subsidies for solar panel manufacturers

Which of the following are tools that the Federal Reserve can use to carry out monetary policy?

-Engaging in open-market operations
-Changing the federal funds rate

Actions that the ---- government(s) took after the publication of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle in 1906 and Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed in 1965 are examples of the desire to -----.

1.) Federal
2.) Protect employees and consumers

Reducing emissions is part of what approach to combating climate change?


Which of the following statements describe how the federal government promotes the free market and economic prosperity?

-The securities and exchange commission provides a transparent and safe capital market
-Congress enacts laws that protect people from economic fraud

In 1960, the average price of a loaf of bread was 30 cents. By 1990, the average price was $1.30, and today it is around $3.00. This is a description of what concept?


Using the graphs, sort the following states into those whose minimum wage was higher in 2015 than in 1979 and those whose minimum wage was about the same, after accounting for inflation.

Kansas, California, Illinois

Which of the following statements would a Keynesian agree with?

-Tax cuts and increased spending during recessions are good ideas
-Government should run deficits during recessions
-The government can soften the effects of a recession

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Which economic theory adopted the idea that cutting the marginal tax rate can actually increase government revenue quizlet?

Proponents of Keynesianism argue that government can stimulate the economy by increasing public spending and cutting taxes.

Which economic theory adopts the idea that cutting the marginal tax rate can actually increase government revenue group of answer choices?

-Keynesianism: The government can control the business cycle by strategically spending or changing the tax rate. -Supply-side economics: Lower taxes lead people to work harder, which increases overall revenue for the government.

What is Keynesian theory of economics?

Keynesian economics argues that demand drives supply and that healthy economies spend or invest more than they save. To create jobs and boost consumer buying power during a recession, Keynes held that governments should increase spending, even if it means going into debt.

What is the economic theory that suggests the use of tax cuts to the wealthy to stimulate the economy?

Trickle-down economics, or “trickle-down theory,” states that tax breaks and benefits for corporations and the wealthy will trickle down to everyone else. It argues for income and capital gains tax breaks or other financial benefits to large businesses, investors, and entrepreneurs to stimulate economic growth.


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