Which instruction should the nurse give to parents to help their child get accustomed to a new babysitter?

While the infant is supine, if the head is turned to one side, the shoulder, trunk, and finally pelvis will turn toward that side. This reflex appears at 3 months, and persists until 24 to 36 months of age. Body righting is a modification of the neck-righting reflex in which turning hips and shoulders to one side causes all other body parts to follow; it appears at 6 months, and persists until 24 to 36 months of age. When the body of an erect infant is tilted, the head is returned to an upright, erect position; this is known as otolith righting, which appears at 7 to 12 months of age, and persists indefinitely. When an infant in prone or supine position is able to raise head, it is known as labyrinth righting. It appears at 2 months, and is strongest at 10 months of ag

Sets with similar terms

Which type of play would the nurse encourage when providing age appropriate care to a preschool age child who is hospitalized quizlet?

Which type of play should the nurse encourage when providing age-appropriate care to a preschool-age child who is hospitalized? The nurse should encourage the hospitalized preschool-age client to participate in associative play. Team play is appropriate for the school-age child.

Which action should the nurse recommend to the parents of a toddler age client who has a difficult temperament when disciplining the child select all that apply?

A toddler-age child who has a difficult temperament should be disciplined with time-outs and physical containment. Ignoring the child's behavior is not effective for any type of temperament.

Which safeguards should the school nurse teach parents to assess for prior to allowing school

Safeguards prior to participation in athletic programs include a physical examination every two years, the use of appropriate equipment, and participating in warm-up exercise prior to physical activity.

Which statement by the student nurse indicates an understanding about children who engage in associative play?

Which statement by the student nurse indicates an understanding about children who engage in associative play? "Children play together and are engaged in a similar activity."