Which item would not be covered under building coverage in a building and personal property policy

  1. A property insurance policy that ensures a commercial building on a replacement cost basis includes the ordinance or law coverage endorsement. Following a loss to the structure the endorsement would cover expenses incurred by the insured because of enforcement of any buildings, zoning, or land use law that result in

    A. Loss or damage

    B. Any increase cost of repairs or reconstruction

    C. Demolition and removal cost

    D. All of the above

    D. All of the above

    This endorsement incorporates the coverages that were provided by contingent liability endorsement, demolition endorsement, and increased cost of construction endorsement. Oftentimes, if the insured has an exposure to on of these coverages, there will be exposure to all of them..

  2. When does the coverage begin under the builder's risk form?

    A. On the date the policy is delivered

    B. On the date the premium is paid

    C. On the date construction starts

    D. On the date the policy is issued

    C. On the date the construction starts

  3. Vandals do damage to glass that is part of a covered building. Under the broad form of a building and personal property policy each glass will be covered for up to

    A. $100

    B. $150

    C. $250

    D. $500

    A. $100

    Damage to glass that is part of the covered building (excluding neon tubing) is covered up to  $100 for each plate glass or $500 per occurrence if caused by vandalism or one of the other caused of loss

  4. The occurrence form trigger is based on which of the following?

    A The amount of the insured's deductible

    B. The amount of claims made during the policy period

    C. The date when injury or damage occurs

    D. The place where the injury or damage occurs

    C. The date when the injury or damage occurs

    The "Occurrence" form trigger is based on the date when injury or damage occurs, and covers claims made at any time for injuries that occur during the policy period.

  5. Which of the following statements concerning the builders risk coverage for is correct?

    A. May be written on a reporting or the completed value of the structure

    B. usually continues in effect for 1 year after completion of the structure

    C. May be written to cover the interest of the builder only, and cannot include coverage for the over

    D. May not be written for perils other than fire and extended coverage

    A. May be written on a reporting form or the completed value of the structure

    Builder risk insurance is a property insurance form that provides direct damage coverage on structures while they are under construction. Coverage may be written on a completed value form (requires 100% coinsurance) or reporting form (values are reported completed).

  6. All of the following are essential elements of commercial package policy (CPP) EXCEPT

    A. Policy conditions

    B. Valuations and/or settlement provisions

    C. Interline endorsements

    D. Declarations page

    B. Valuations and/or settlement provisions

    Regardless of how the policy is written, it will be comprised of the following essential elements 1) declarations, 2) conditions, 3) interline endorsements, and 4) coverage parts

  7. All are true of the supplementary payments of a CGL EXCEPT

    A. They pay pre-judgment and post-judgment interest

    B. They pay all reasonable cost incurred by the insured in helping investigate or defend a claim

    C. They pay defense cost even after the aggregate limits has been reached

    D. They pay all expenses incurred by the insurer

    C. They pay defense cost even after the aggregate limits has been reached

    Once the aggregate has been reached, the insurer will not be responsible for paying further claims, therefore the insurer no longer pays to defend

  8. According to the common policy conditions for a commercial package policy, if the insured dies, the policy rights and duties

    A. Transfer to a legal representative after court appointment

    B. Die with the insured

    C. Are suspended until probate is completed

    D. Automatically transfer to a legal representative

    D. Automatically transfer to a legal representative

    The ISO common policy conditions for the commercial package policy states that in the event of the insured's death, rights and duties are automatically transferred to the insured's legal representative.

  9. The commercial property declarations page contains which of the following?

    A. Interline endorsements

    B. Common policy conditions

    C. Cause of loss forms

    D. Description of the property insured

    D. Description of the property insured

    The declarations page provides the information as to who, what, where, and how much. The interline endorsements, policy conditions, and cause of loss forms are modular parts that are combined to create the contract

  10. Which is not a contract bond?

    A. Performance bond

    B. Maintenance bond

    C. Bid bond

    D. Litigation bond

    D. Litigation bond

    A litigation bond is a court bond guaranteeing that someone involved in a court case gets money due after the case is decided

  11. All of the following are excluded in the equipment breakdown basic policy EXCEPT

    A. Loss of power, lights, heat, steam, or refrigeration

    B. Explosion of steam boilers

    C. Ordinance or law coverage

    D. Business interruption

    B. Explosion of steam boilders

    Equipment breakdown coverage covers the sudden and accidental breakdown of the vessel. Business interruption may be added by endorsement.

  12. A loss has occurred before the first report has been filed on a value reporting coverage form. Which is NOT true?

    A. Full amount of loss up to the policy limit is paid if the loss occurs before the first report due date.

    B. 75% of the loss is paid if the loss occurred after the first report due date

    C. Never more than 75% of the loss is paid

    D. Provisional premium is based on 75% of the full amount of coverage

    C. Never more than 75% of the full amount of coverage

    If the loss is before the first report is due, full amount of the loss will be paid. Because provisional premium is based on 75% of the full amount of coverage, only 75% of the loss is paid if the first report is overdue.

  13. Person business property out in the open is covered under Commercial Property Policy only while

    A. Within 100 feet of the described premises

    B. Located on the described premises

    C. Specifically described on the declarations

    D. Within 150 feet of the described premises

    A. Within 100 feet of the described premises

    Business personal property is defined in the policy as property located in the insured structure or within 100 fee of that structure

  14. The business income coverage form covers consequential loss of business income that occurs when a business must suspend operations because of a direct loss. Which of the following terms best describe the nature of this type of coverage?

    A. Time element

    B. Claims made

    C. Occurrence

    D. Direct damage

    A. Time element

    The business income coverage form covers the consequential loss of business income that occurs when a business must suspend operations because of a direct loss. These forms are also called time element forms because of the direct relation of the time a business is unable to operate to the amount of the loss

  15. Which item would NOT be covered under Building Coverage in a building and personal property policy?

    A. The building housing a dress shop

    B. The ice cream case permanently installed in an ice cream shop

    C. The bulldozer being used as part of a business addition under construction that is parked 500 feet from the building

    D. The tables and chairs used by a coffee shop as part of their outdoor seating

    C. The bulldozer being used as part of a business addition under construction that is parked 500 feet from the building

    Insures the building described, including outdoor fixtures and furniture, items used to service the property, permanently installed machinery and equipment , and additions under construction, including the materials, supplies and equipment within 100 feet of the premises. There is a $1,000 limitation for loss or damage to outdoor signs attached to the building.

  16. Richard owns and operates a commercial business. He has included a business income coverage form with his commercial package policy. When Richard's business is severely damaged by fire, the business income coverage will pay for

    A. Net income plus continuing expenses of the business

    B. Sales value production less the cost of raw stock

    C. Annual sales less the cost  of merchandise

    D. Loss of total annual sales

    A. Net income plus continuing expenses of the business

    In the event of a covered loss, the business income coverage will pay those profits that would have been realized if there had been no loss and the expenses of the business that continue, even though the business is not operating.

  17. Who is not considered an employee in a CGL?

    A. Temporary worker

    B. Leased worker

    C. Full-time worker

    D. Part-time worker

    A. Temporary worker

    By definition in a CGL, a temporary worker is not considered an employee

  18. An insured has legal liability coverage with a $50,000 limit on tenant's property. After a loss, the tenant sues for $75,000 because the property loss was more than $50,000, the defense costs were $10,000, and the other investigative expenses were $5,000. What will the insurer pay?

    A. $50,000

    B. $55,000

    C. $60,000

    D. $65,000

    D. $65,000

    The insurance is responsible for all defense and expenses, in addition to the policy limit

  19. The transfer of money from inside a banking premises to a person other than a messenger outside those premises or to a place outside those premises is covered under which commercial crime coverage?

    A computer fraud

    B. Money orders and Counterfeit paper currency

    C. Other crime coverage

    D. Outside premises

    A. Computer fraud

    The transfer of money from inside a banking premises to a person other than a messenger outside those premises or to a place outside those premises is covered by computer fraud.

  20. Which of the following Employee Fidelity Bonds would cover all employees?

    A. A blanket position bond

    B. An individual bond

    C. A named schedule bond

    D. A position schedule bond

    A. A blanket position bond

    A blanket position bond covers all employees, and limits are expressed on a per employee basis

  21. A plaster has finished a job. What kind of liability coverage would protect him if the plaster falls and hurts someone because he did not do the job correctly?

    A. Products

    B. Professional E & O

    C. Completed operations

    D Medical payment

    C. Completed operations

    The Plaster's completed operations pay because his negligence led to the loss. It does not pay to redo the job

  22. Rita drops off her wedding gown at Vicky's Dry Cleaners for a final pressing. The store's press breaks, so Vicky takes Rita's dress to her other store across town. On the way to the other store, Vicky is held at gunpoint until she gives the man the wedding dress. What crime coverage form would pay for the loss of the gown in this situation?

    A. Funds transfer fraud

    B. Extortion- commercial entities

    C. Miscellaneous crime

    D. None of these

    B. Extortion -commercial entities

    Commercial Entities provides payment, up to the limits of coverage, made in response to threats of bodily harm directed against the insured, its employees, directors of those persons' relatives who are captured or allegedly captured. The extortion must occur away from the premises

  23. A commercial special form covers property in transit up to

    A. $500

    B. Full replacement cost

    C. $5,000

    D. ACV

    C. $5,000

  24. The extra expense coverage form provides

    A. Payment for unforseen expenses an insured may incur while the business is shut down following a property damage loss

    B. Coverage that will permit the insured to continue in business without interruption following a property damage loss

    C. Extra money for an insured whose accounts receivable records have been damaged

    D. Additional money to pay for property losses at a covered location

    B. Coverage that will permit the insured to continue in business without interruption following a property damage loss

  25. Which of the following statements is true regarding the commercial general liability policy's Coverage C - Medical payments?

    A. The coverage is liability insurance because it pays only if the insured is legally liable

    B. The coverage provides high limits of insurance for bodily injury losses

    C. The coverage is considered "good will" because payments are made without regard to fault

    D. The coverage applies to bodily injury to the named insured.

    C. The coverage is considered "good will" because payments are made without regard to fault

    Coverage C- Medical payments provides necessary medical, surgical, ambulance, hospital, nursing, or funeral expenses for injuries to third parties. Payments will be paid without regard to the fault or negligence of the insured.

  26. Which bond is required by a court before allowing one to take the assets of another to satisfy a legal obligation?

    A. Cost bond

    B. Injunction bond

    C. Attachment bond

    D. Bail bond

    C. Attachment bond

    An attachment bond is used to guarantee that if the action to attach property was wrong, any damage suffered will be paid

  27. Which of the following lines of insurance CANNOT be included in the commercial package policy?

    A. Crime

    B. Boiler and machinery

    C. Inland marine

    D. Ocean marine

    D. Ocean Marine

    There is no commercial package policy coverage forms for ocean marine and none for aviation

  28. The Employee Theft crime policy coverage includes a coverage extension that applies to employees temporarily outside the coverage territory for up to

    A. 120 days

    B. 30 days

    C. 60 days

    D. 90 days

    D. 90 days

  29. According to the common policy conditions for a commercial package policy, if the insured dies the policy rights and duties

    A. Transfer to a legal representative after a court appointment

    B. Die with the insured

    C. Are suspended until probate is completed

    D. Automatically transfer to a legal representative

    D Automatically transfer to a legal representative

  30. The insured purchased a $200,000 extra expense policy. If the percentage applying to the limit of insurance are 40%, 80%, and 100%, what would be the maximum payable for a 47-day loss?

    A. $120,000

    B. $160,000

    C. $200,000

    D. $80,000

    B. $160,000

    Extra expense coverage is written with minimum of 3 applicable percentages that apply to the limit of insurance in the declarations. When the period of restoration is 30 day or less, the first percentage applies, when it is more than 30 days and not more than 60 days, the second percentage applies, when more than 60 days, the third percentage applies

  31. When other insurance is written on the same basis as a commercial property policy, the obligation of the insurer is to cover

    A. All of the loss

    B. The loss on an excess basis

    C. The loss on a primary

    D. A share of the loss

    D. A share of the loss

  32. The standard property deductible per occurrence on a CPP is

    A. $1000

    B. $250

    C. $100

    D. $500

    D. $500

    Higher or lower deductibles may apply, but property policies generally come with a $500 deductible

  33. Robbery is

    A. Taking of property from within the premises leaving visible signs of forced entry

    B. Taking of property by use of force, violence, or fear

    C. Taking of property without causing property damage or bodily harm

    D. Any act of stealing

    B. Taking of property by use of force, violence, or fear

  34. Which is NOT included in a commercial package policy?

    A. Dwelling policy coverage

    B. Commercial crime coverage

    C. Boiler and machinery coverage

    D. Commercial property

    A. Dwelling policy coverage

  35. Employee fidelity may be written in all the following ways EXCEPT

    A. Position schedule

    B. Location schedule

    C. Individual

    D. Name schedule

    B. Location schedule

    Fidelity bonds are purchased by employers and may be written for individual named employees, on a named scheduled basis where one bond is issued for several employees listed by name, or position schedule where several positions are listed and whoever is occupying a scheduled position is covered.

  36. La Casa Pizza Shoppe has a neon sign attached to its building that features a man playing a guitar. During a severe thunderstorm, the sign is damaged by wind and hail. What is the maximum amount La Casa's building and personal property policy will pay for the damage to the sign?

    A. $1,000

    B. $2,500

    C. $5,000

    D. $500


    There is a $1,000 limitation for loss or damage to outdoor signs attached to the building

  37. HMS Toys carries more inventory from October 1 to December 31. Which of these would provide higher coverage limits during those months and lower limits the rest of the year?

    A. Value reporting

    B. Spoilage

    C. Inventory increase

    D. Peak season

    D. Peak season

    The peak season endorsement provides higher limits when needed for a known time period. Reporting forms are appropriate for risks whole value fluctuate both up and down throughout the policy period.

  38. All of the following are essential elements of a commercial policy package (CPP) EXCEPT

    A. Valuation and/or settlement provisions

    B. Interline endorsement

    C. Declarations page

    D. Policy conditions

    A. Valuations and /or settlement provisions

    Regardless of how the policy is written, it will be comprised of the following essential elements 1) declarations page, 2) conditions, 3) interline endorsements, and 4) coverage parts

  39. The business income coverage form covers consequential loss of business income that occurs when a business must suspend operations because of a direct loss. Which of the following terms best describes the nature of this type of coverage?

    A. Claims mode

    B. Occurrence

    C. Direct damage

    D. Time element

    D. Time element

  40. B&B Market was sued when an employee detained a person he believed to be a shoplifter, but the person turned out to be the meter reader. Which coverage would apply to this suit?

    A. Crime coverage part

    B. Personal and advertising injury liability

    C. Bodily injury liability

    D. Property damage liability

    B. Personal and advertising injury liability

  41. If an insured bakery is sued because its marketing states that the products of another bakery may not be safe, which coverage of a commercial general liability will defend the suit?

    A. Completed operations

    B. Personal and advertising injury liability

    C. Premises and operations

    D. Product liability

    B. Personal and advertising injury liability

  42. Which coverage would a business owner need in a crime policy to cover money that may be stolen from a messenger?

    A. Fidelity bond

    B. CGL

    C. Safe burglary

    D. Outside premises

    D. Outside premises

  43. The insured with a claims made CGL may request in writing claim and occurrence information from the insurer at any time up to 60 days after the policy period ends. The insurer must provide the information

    A. Within 30 days

    B. Within 60 days

    C. As soon as practical

    D. Within 45 days

    D. Within 45 days

  44. Crunchy Flakes Cereal Company shipped some of its product in faulty containers that caused spoilage. This resulted in some consumers becoming ill. If the company is sued for this event, it would be an example of a

    A. Contractual liability claim

    B. Product liability claim

    C. Premises and operations claim

    D. Personal injury claim

    B. Product liability claim

  45. Which professional liability form provides form coverage for liability arising out of malpratice, error, or mistakes made of rendering professional services?

    A. Directors and officers liability

    B. Medical malpractice

    C. Physicians, surgeons, and dentist malpractice

    D. Lawyers professional liabilty

    C. Physicians, surgeons, and dentist malpractice

  46. Which of the following forms provides the broadest coverage under an employee theft coverage form?

    A. Position schedule

    B. Name schedule

    C. Individual

    D. Blanket position

    D. Blanket position

    Blanket position bond covers all employees in all positions on a per employee basis

  47. The common policy conditions is a modular part combined with other parts to create the contract. The "common policy condition" section contains provisions that are applicable to all lines of coverage that may be included in the policy. Which of the following provisions would be found in the common policy conditions section of the policy?

    A. Prior to the insurer making inspections, surveys, and reports relating to the insurance, approval from the insured must be obtained.

    B. Requests for any changes in the policy requested by the insured may be made by the second named insured

    C. The insurer is granted the right to audit books and records of the insured relating to the policy period of up to 5 years

    D. The first named insured may cancel the policy any time by giving written notice to the insurer

    D. The first named insured may cancel the policy any time by giving written notice to the insurer

    The insurer is granted the right to audit books and records for a period of up to 3 years. The insurer is automatically granted the right to make inspections, surveys and such relating to the insurance. Only the first named insured may make requests for any changes in the policy

  48. Under the provisions of the business income coverage form, all of the following are true, EXCEPT

    A. The insured is reimbursed for payroll that continues after the loss begins

    B. The insured is reimbursed for the loss from the date of loss to date of restoration or policy expiration date, whichever comes first

    C. If the insured and insurer are unable to come to agreement as to the value of loss, either party may make a written demand for an appraisal

    D. The insured agrees to resume all or part of operations as quickly as possible

    B. The insured is reimbursed for the loss from the date of loss to date of restoration or policy expiration date, whichever comes first

    Business income will pay beyond the expiration date of a policy. It will pay until the business is restored or the limits of coverage are exhausted

  49. All the following types of property are covered by a standard builders risk form EXCEPT

    A. Temporary structures

    B. Machinery that will be permanently attached to the building

    C. Tools 50 feet from the building

    D. The building itself

    C. Tools 50 feet from the building

    Property covered under a builder's risk coverage form includes the building and structure, temporary structures, foundations, fixtures, machinery, equipment, materials, and supplies within 100 feet of the premises if intended to become a permanent part of the building. Tools that are not intended to become permanent part of the structure will not be covered, no matter how close they are to the building.

  50. Most fidelity bonds have a period of time in which losses which occurred while the bond was in force are covered even though not found until after the coverage has terminated. This is known as

    A. A look back period

    B. A discovery period

    C. An indemnity

    D. A retro period

    B. A discovery period

  51. Computer fraud crime coverage places what limit on each occurrence of the loss of manuscripts, drawings, or records?

    A. $100,000

    B. $2,000

    C. $5,000

    D. $10,000

    C. $5,000

  52. A commercial property special form covers property in transit up to

    A. $500

    B. Full replacement cost

    C. $5,000

    D. ACV

    C. $5,000

  53. All of the following statements concerning liability coverage are true EXCEPT

    A. Liability policies normally include supplementary payment provisions

    B. Liability policies defend the insured against claims real and alleged

    C. The policyholder can sue the insurer whether or not all conditions and provisions of the policy have been met

    D. The insurer cannot refuse to pay a claim even if the insured is bankrupt

    C. The policyholder can sue the insurer whether or not all conditions and provisions of the policy have been met

  54. What is the purpose of the government crime coverage form?

    A. To protect the federal government from employee dishonesty

    B. To provide those who do qualify for crime coverage in the normal market with extra crime insurance

    C. To protect state government buildings from vandalism

    D. To provide those who do not qualify for crime coverage in the normal market with crime insurance

    D. To provide those who do not qualify for crime coverage in the normal market with crime insurance

  55. Which of the following would be covered under the crime coverage inside the premises - theft of money and securities?

    A. Loss or damage to a locked safe, vault, or cash register

    B. Loss resulting from the surrendering of property in any exchange or purchase

    C. Dishonest acts of employees, directors, trustees or representatives

    D. Accounting or arithmetic errors or omissions

    A. Loss or damage to a locked safe, vault, or cash register

  56. Which of the following statements is true concerning a bonded contractor who defaults on a construction performance contract?

    A. The obligee may engage another contractor and then seek reimbursement from the surety

    B. The surety may cancel the bond and avoid paying any losses or expenses

    C. The contractor will lose his license to operate in the state

    D. The principal has no obligation to complete any remaining work or to pay for the expenses

    A. The obligee may engage another contractor and then seek reimbursement from surety

  57. Besides the peril of earthquake, which other peril is covered by the Earthquake Cause of Loss Form under a commercial property policy?

    A. Volcanic Eruption

    B. Tidal Wave

    C. Hurricane

    D. Lighting

    A. Volcanic Eruption

  58. A specialized form of liability insurance covering legal expenses and damages to shareholders, members,or others for the personal legal liability of directors and officers of a corporation or nonprofit organization because of wrongful acts in the course performing their official duties, is called

    A. Malpractice insurance

    B. Directors and officers liability

    C. Comprehensive directors and officers fiduciary liability insurance

    D. Errors and omissions insurance

    B. Directors and officers liability

    Directors and officers liability policies will pay those damages that the corporation or nonprofit entity would, under the law, be required to reimburse the individual director or officer for judgments arising from actions alleging wrongful acts

  59. In a boiler and machinery policy, the items insured under the policy are defined in the

    A. Declarations

    B. Conditions

    C. Policy definitions as "covered equipment"

    D. Boiler and machinery coverage form

    C. Policy definitions as "covered equipment"

  60. In a commercial package policy, who may cancel the policy in writing and make changes to the policy with the consent of the insurer?

    A. Insurer

    B. First named insured

    C. Last named insured

    D. Beneficiary

    B. First named insured

  61. Burglary is defined as

    A. Taking of property from within the premises leaving visible signs of forced entry

    B. Taking of property from the care of a person in a violent act.

    C. Any act of stealing

    D. Taking of property by use of force, violence or fear

    A. Taking of property from within the premises leaving visible signs of forced entry

  62. The Commercial General Liability Coverage form excludes bodily injury or property damage that the insured has assumed under any contract or agreement. However, the exclusion does not apply to certain types of contracts, as long as the injury or damage occurs

    A. After the execution of the contract

    B. After the contract expires

    C. Before the execution of the contract

    D. Before the contract expires

    A. After the execution of the contract

    The commercial general liability coverage form excludes bodily injury or property damage that the insured has assumed under any contract or agreement. However, the exclusion does not apply to certain types of contracts, as long as the injury or damage occurs after the execution of the contract

  63. An insured has legal liability with a $50,000 limit on tenant's property. After a loss, the tenant sues for $75,000 because the property loss was more than $50,000. The defense cost were $10,000, and the other investigative expenses  were $5,000. What will the insurer pay?

    A. $50,000

    B. $55,000

    C. $60,000

    D. $65,000

    D. $65,000

    The insurance company is responsible for all defense cost and expenses, in addition to the policy limit

  64. Which of the following endorsements under and Equipment Breakdown policy is used for calculating the amount to be paid on a lost business claim after a direct loss?

    A. Refrigeration Interruption Coverage

    B. Turbine Units Explosion Coverage

    C. Refrigeration Interruption - Report of Values

    D. Business Income - Report of Values

    D. Business Income - Report of Values

  65. Which employee fidelity bond pays no more than its limits of liability for each separate occurrence no matter that several separately identifiable employees were involved in a single loss?

    A. Blanket position

    B. Position schedule

    C. Individual

    D. Commercial blanket position

    D. Commercial blanker position

  66. A policyholder has a boiler and machinery policy with a $200,000 limit. If a boiler explosion causes $100,000 damage to the boiler itself, $50,000 damage to the insured's building, and $30,000 of expediting expenses, how much will the insured collect under the policy?

    A. $175,000

    B. $180,000

    C. $200,000

    D. $100,000

    A. $175,000

    The limit of the equipment breakdown policy applies to property of the insured, property of others and expediting expenses in any combination in any combination as long as expediting expenses does not exceed $25,000

  67. All of the following are additional causes of loss included in the broad form of a commercial property policy EXCEPT

    A. Weight of ice, snow, or sleet

    B. Water damage

    C. Replacement cost

    D. Failing objects

    C. Replacement cost

  68. The major portion of the premium for a boiler and machinery policy pays

    A. Repair to prevent

    B. Coverage for BI & PD of others

    C. For replacement

    D. For inspections and examinations

    D. For inspections and examinations

  69. A commercial package policy (CPP) allows the insured to select the coverage needed and customize the policy to meet the needs of the insured's business. In a CPP, the business owner may select from all the following types of coverage EXCEPT

    A. Boiler and machinery coverage

    B. General liability coverage

    C. Workers compensation

    D. Crime coverage

    C. Workers compensation coverage

What is not covered by content insurance?

Contents insurance typically covers your personal belongings while they're in your home or in transit to a new home, according to the III. However, this coverage usually doesn't pay for damage to your belongings when it was caused by movers —whether when they were packing the items or physically moving them.

Which of the following is covered under a dwelling policy?

Most homeowners insurance policies cover the following perils under dwelling coverage: Theft. Vandalism. Fire and smoke damage.

Which of the following is not covered under accounts receivable?

Which of the following is NOT covered under accounts receivable coverage form? Loan principal amounts are not covered under the form. However, other expenses, such as interest on necessary loans, are covered.