Which nursing action is appropriate when providing care to a patient who is prescribed intermittent tube feedings quizlet?

Performing hand hygiene

The first nursing action when monitoring a patient's blood glucose level is to perform hand hygiene. Hand hygiene limits the transfer of microorganisms. While turning on the glucometer, choosing the puncture site, and removing the reagent strip from the container are all appropriate nursing actions for this procedure, these will not be the first step for the nurse.

Test-Taking Tip: Key words or phrases in the question stem such as first, primary, early, or best are important. Similarly, words such as only, always, never, and all in the alternatives are frequently evidence of a wrong response. No real absolutes exist in life; however, every rule has its exceptions, so answer with care.
pp. 1095-1096

Which nursing action is appropriate when providing care to a patient who is prescribed intermittent tube feeding?

The appropriate nursing action when providing care to a patient who is prescribed intermittent tube feedings is to check tube placement prior to each feeding.

Which equipment would the nurse have available to intubate a patient with a feeding tube quizlet?

The nurse should have a towel, stethoscope, and water-soluble lubricant available during the insertion, or intubation, of a feeding tube.

Which nursing action is priority when intubating a patient with a feeding tube?

The nurse is intubating a patient with a feeding tube. In which order should the nurse perform the following actions? Anchor the tube to the patient's nose.

In which order would the nurse implement enteral feedings via Nasoenteric tube quizlet?

For administering enteral feedings via nasoenteric tube, the nurse should first place the patient in high-Fowler's position or elevate the head of the bed at least 30 degrees. The nurse should then verify the tube placement by attaching the syringe and aspirating 5 mL of gastric contents.