Which of the following actions describes a teacher who follows safety measures appropriately?

Field 181: Principal: Subtest I
Sample Selected-Response Questions

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Subarea I–Visionary Leadership, Collaboration, and Educational Contexts

Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

1. The goals that have been articulated for an elementary school include ensuring that all students have equitable access to the curriculum. Which of the following approaches would best help the principal evaluate how well this goal is being achieved?

  1. interviewing students with varied backgrounds about their learning
  2. evaluating coverage of diverse perspectives in curricular materials
  3. examining disaggregated results from recent assessments
  4. analyzing the cultural profile of the students in each classroom
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

2. A principal is working with staff to create and implement plans to achieve goals for improved student learning. In this context, the principal would most appropriately encourage staff members to conduct research into what other schools are doing as a way to facilitate which of the following processes?

  1. incorporating a variety of diverse perspectives into the school's planning efforts
  2. interpreting assessment results to determine strengths and needs in the school's current program
  3. predicting likely impediments to achieving school goals and strategies for avoiding them
  4. identifying effective action steps to remedy school issues identified through data analysis
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

3. A school's guidance counselors present the principal with a proposal for an innovative guidance program that has been used successfully in a number of schools around the region and the country. In making a decision about the proposal, the principal's first priority should be to determine whether:

  1. the new program would require additional funds beyond those already available to the guidance program.
  2. the new program would serve to reinforce and enhance the existing knowledge and skills of guidance staff.
  3. the new program's goals and activities are consistent with the school's current vision and goals.
  4. the new program would promote increased collaboration between guidance staff and other school staff.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

4. A district's new vision and goals state that students will be able to use a variety of technological tools to promote their own learning. Principals throughout the district recognize that a significant amount of new hardware, software, and teacher training will be needed for this initiative to be successful and that funds currently available are entirely inadequate. Which of the following strategies would likely be most effective and appropriate for the principals to use first in their efforts to gain access to needed financial resources?

  1. seeking out foundations and grants that provide funding to support this type of initiative
  2. encouraging students' families to contact local officials about supporting the provision of resources necessary to fund the initiative
  3. asking local media outlets to publicize the initiative and the need for additional school funding
  4. seeking the cooperation of the district's state representative in advocating for additional state funding to support the initiative
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

5. A recently appointed principal must create a new vision for a school where student performance on all academic measures has been declining for some time. The principal knows that the current level of parent/guardian and community participation in the life of the school is very low, as is overall stakeholder support for the school. The principal expects that creating and implementing a new vision in this context will be challenging. Which of the following strategies used by the principal would best help ensure that the new vision will have broad stakeholder support?

  1. sharing with constituents research-based information on the value of a school vision for improving academic performance
  2. creating multiple opportunities for individuals from diverse segments of the community to participate in various stages of the visioning process
  3. sharing with members of the school community clear, accurate information about the school's current academic performance and its implications
  4. creating a representative committee of school and community leaders to review and critique draft versions of the new vision
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

6. Last year a principal led teachers in implementing a plan to incorporate a specific set of research-based techniques into their instruction. The goal of the plan was to increase students' motivation and engagement in learning. This year during classroom observations, the principal sees that a few teachers have modified their use of the prescribed techniques in ways that depart somewhat from the original guidelines. The principal can best respond by first:

  1. providing retraining to those teachers who are not adhering to new techniques as they were originally defined
  2. evaluating the effectiveness of the teachers' modifications to the new techniques in addressing the school's improvement goals.
  3. meeting with all teachers to reinforce the value of the new techniques and stress the importance of consistent schoolwide implementation.
  4. surveying teachers throughout the school to determine their views about the new techniques and their efficacy.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

7. A school last developed a vision over ten years ago, and the existing vision has not been used in a significant way for many years. Following consultation with the district leadership, the school's new principal decides to initiate the process of developing a new vision for the school. The creation of a new vision can be expected to benefit the school most by:

  1. facilitating the process of ensuring accountability for results.
  2. reducing barriers to achieving positive school change.
  3. providing a clear sense of direction for moving forward.
  4. facilitating alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

8. A school is beginning the process of developing a new vision. A public meeting to kick off the process includes attendees reflecting many groups in the community. The principal begins the meeting with some introductory remarks and then gives attendees a brief form to complete before initiating discussion. The form includes open-ended questions such as the following.

A great school is one that ___________

A successful student is able to ___________

An effective classroom is one in which ___________

A high-quality instructional program focuses on ___________

This activity is likely to be most effective in achieving which of the following goals?

  1. helping attendees identify and clarify their core beliefs about education
  2. promoting attendees' understanding of and commitment to the work ahead
  3. encouraging attendees to challenge their current assumptions about the role of schools
  4. providing attendees with a common philosophical framework to guide their participation
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

9. A middle school recently completed development of a mission statement that emphasizes the role of the school in achieving a variety of important goals, such as "enabling students to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners" and "preparing students to participate actively as responsible citizens in an ever-changing society." The principal can best facilitate achievement of the goals in the mission statement by guiding stakeholders to take which of the following actions first?

  1. defining a set of specific, concrete objectives aimed at accomplishing each goal
  2. determining strategies for addressing each goal in various content areas across the curriculum
  3. defining assessment procedures for measuring students' current performance in relation to each goal
  4. determining materials and resources related to each goal that are currently available in the school
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0001: Understand how to develop and implement a shared school vision and associated goals and plans to promote continuous and sustainable improvement in student learning and achievement.

10. In providing direction for a vision development committee, a principal should emphasize the idea that effective vision statements focus on:

  1. celebrating the diversity of a community.
  2. creating a sense of teamwork between teachers and students.
  3. encouraging ongoing professional development.
  4. developing high expectations for student learning.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

11. Arizona's adoption of the Common Core Standards reflects most directly the state's commitment to:

  1. providing instruction that is culturally responsive and meets the diverse needs of all students.
  2. ensuring that high school graduates have the knowledge and skills needed for college or career success.
  3. building collaborative relationships with other states to improve teaching and learning outcomes.
  4. implementing rigorous procedures for ensuring accountability for teachers, schools, and districts.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

12. An elementary school has been trying a new approach to math instruction during the past couple of years, but the results have been disappointing. The principal is putting together a team to consider this problem and identify possible solutions. At first, the team was going to include the principal, an assistant principal, teachers from different grade levels, and the district math coordinator. The principal then decided to include a representative group of parents/guardians as well. Which of the following is likely to be the most important benefit of the principal's decision?

  1. expanding the range of perspectives and ideas that will be brought to the problem-solving process
  2. communicating to the school community the school's strong commitment to addressing the math problem
  3. encouraging the development of a team dynamic that is more positive, balanced, and productive
  4. increasing recognition among various school constituencies that school staff value their input on education issues
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

13. In Arizona, a primary role of the State Board of Education is to:

  1. determine how federal funds will be disbursed to each school district in the state.
  2. monitor the implementation of school and district improvement plans.
  3. set minimum curriculum and competency requirements for high school graduation.
  4. establish rules and guidelines for student participation in special education programs.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

14. The elementary school principals in a district note that kindergartners enter their schools with significant disparities in their literacy backgrounds. Some children are already proficient readers, while others have little or no prior experience with books. Which of the following actions taken by district educators would best help ensure that all young children will have an equal opportunity to be successful readers?

  1. putting in place an early intervention program in which eligible students and their families may participate
  2. arranging for reading specialists to team with kindergarten teachers for daily reading instruction
  3. expanding the availability and use of computer-based literacy programs in kindergarten classrooms
  4. reorganizing the school day for targeted students to substantially expand their time available for reading instruction
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

15. Following many discussions about disparities in educational results among the student groups in a school, the principal announces plans to put in place new programs designed to address this problem. During a meeting to share information about plans for change, many parents/guardians and community members express anger and dismay upon learning that the new programs will largely be funded at the expense of existing school programs. The principal can best respond by emphasizing which of the following ideas?

  1. In times of financial stress, everyone must be ready to compromise on their own priorities in order to help those in need.
  2. The entire community will reap significant benefits in the long run if all students are helped to succeed in school.
  3. School staff will make every effort to minimize waste and maximize efficiency in the delivery of the new programs.
  4. Fairness dictates that those students with the greatest academic weaknesses should receive the greatest support.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

16. The members of a site council have been sharply divided in their views on how to address an important school issue, with three members holding one view and two members holding an opposing view. Discussion on the issue has now reached an impasse. The principal can best try to achieve consensus among council members by using which of the following approaches first?

  1. summarizing the two options and using the defining elements of each of them to generate an intermediate option
  2. encouraging those holding the majority view to make their best case to the remaining two members
  3. maintaining a neutral position on the issue and helping the two sides identify common ground
  4. prompting members on both sides to consider which option under consideration is in the best interest of the school
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

17. A middle school principal would like to encourage greater participation by diverse groups in the school's site-based planning and management. As a first step, which of the following actions by the principal would most likely be effective in addressing this goal?

  1. working with district officials to create districtwide policies that promote greater awareness of diversity issues
  2. creating a committee of diverse stakeholders to recommend and implement appropriate strategies for this purpose
  3. asking the president of the school's parent/guardian organization to recruit diverse volunteers for advisory groups
  4. writing an article for the district newsletter about the importance of promoting broad-based community participation in school governance
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

18. A high school's "no pass, no play" policy requires that student athletes maintain a specified minimum level of academic performance to participate in team sports. The principal is aware that this policy has been increasingly ignored in recent years, and he wants to make sure that it is enforced consistently in the future. He plans to ask the school's site council to address this issue at an upcoming meeting. Which of the following best describes the principal's most appropriate role in regard to the site council's deliberations on this issue?

  1. speaking privately with various council members to build internal support for his position
  2. impartially presenting the council with the pros and cons of returning to consistent enforcement of the policy
  3. helping the council members keep sight of the school's primary educational mission
  4. discreetly providing assistance to stakeholders lobbying the council to reinvigorate the policy
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

19. A school principal could best use a press release to the local media to communicate about a decision to:

  1. establish a system of awards for recognizing outstanding student achievement in various subjects.
  2. grant permission to a larger than expected number of area families to homeschool their children.
  3. transfer substantial funds from one budget account to another to meet unforeseen needs.
  4. change the school's guidelines regarding behaviors for which school faculty may be disciplined.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0002: Understand the political, social, economic, and cultural contexts of education and how to use effective communication and collaboration skills to build positive, productive relationships with stakeholders inside and outside the school.

20. In recent decades, which of the following factors has been most responsible for decisions to place greater emphasis on developing students' problem-solving and decision-making skills across the curriculum?

  1. an increase in media influence
  2. a change in occupational demands
  3. an increase in educational accountability
  4. a change in inclusion practices
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.

Subarea II–Fiscal and Operational Management and Legal/Ethical Guidelines

Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

21. A district's decision to realign several school attendance areas has significantly increased student enrollment in one particular school, resulting in a need for more instructional space. Teachers at the school, who are concerned about space issues and potential increases in class size, have lobbied strongly to maintain the status quo as much as possible. The principal knows that much space currently used for noninstructional activities will have to be turned into regular classroom space. In responding to this challenge, the principal's most important initial priority should be to:

  1. obtain approval from the superintendent or other appropriate district staff prior to reassigning any instructional space within the building.
  2. ensure that any changes in space utilization will not impair the school's ability to meet its vision and goals for instruction and learning.
  3. limit the space changes that are made to those that are likely to cause the least amount of disruption to the school's teaching staff.
  4. seek input from students' families regarding any concerns or ideas they may have regarding the nature of the space changes to be made.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

22. Each year, school districts and charter schools in Arizona are required to report their Average Daily Membership (ADM) from the prior year. The information provided is used to help:

  1. document teacher-student ratios.
  2. determine state funding levels.
  3. support educational accountability.
  4. evaluate school attendance trends.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

23. A school with significant funding problems and a severe shortage of high-quality technological tools wants to increase its access to technological resources for teaching and learning. The school's leadership can best promote achievement of this goal by taking which of the following actions first?

  1. employing various strategies to network with educators in more affluent and technologically advanced schools
  2. exploring potential partnerships with local businesses that may have an interest in supporting the school
  3. identifying cuts in other areas of the instructional program to offset expansion of funding for technology
  4. using newspapers and other local media to appeal to the public for assistance in raising funds for the school
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

24. Which of the following actions is consistent with accepted school accounting procedures?

  1. A school booster club that buys decorations for a school dance submits receipts and deducts enough cash from ticket sales to cover expenses.
  2. A special education teacher purchases a high-quality used computer for the school resource room and then requests reimbursement after providing the office with a receipt.
  3. A principal asks the district business manager to establish an account to handle small everyday school expenditures such as postage stamps.
  4. A school music director deposits proceeds from a concert's ticket sales into her own checking account and then writes the school a check for the total amount received.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

25. After receiving many complaints about various school maintenance issues, a principal decides to initiate a review of current school maintenance practices. In conducting this review, the principal should be aware that long-term maintenance of the physical plant is likely to be most cost effective and least disruptive if school staff emphasize which of the following approaches?

  1. avoiding expenditures until repair issues arise and then completing each repair as expeditiously as possible
  2. putting in place a program of scheduled preventive maintenance activities
  3. completing minor repairs as soon as they are discovered and major repairs at the end of each school year
  4. implementing an end-of-semester inspection and maintenance system
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

26. In recent years, a school has had a poor record of compliance with safety requirements and procedures. Which of the following actions by the new school principal would be most appropriate and effective for promoting greater staff compliance in this area?

  1. conducting periodic safety inspections and communicating results to staff
  2. e-mailing staff with regular reminders regarding expectations related to school safety
  3. increasing the frequency and severity of disciplinary actions for staff noncompliance
  4. distributing research-based information to staff about aspects of safety that are a problem in the school
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

27. A principal will be leading a team in updating the school's outdated emergency response plan so that members of the school community will know what to do in case of a natural disaster or a human-caused emergency situation. Which of the following steps would be most useful to take first in this effort?

  1. meeting with community leaders to identify individuals and resources available to assist the school in various worst-case scenarios
  2. reviewing the emergency plans of a sample of similar schools across the state and comparing them with the school's current plan
  3. soliciting information from local police, fire, and public health personnel about potential school vulnerabilities and appropriate responses
  4. researching each element of the school's current emergency plan to assess compliance with relevant laws and regulations
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

28. Midway through the fiscal year, a middle school principal is informed that due to cutbacks in state funding the school budget will be reduced by 15 percent. Which of the following would be the most appropriate first step for the principal to take in responding to this unanticipated problem?

  1. Organize a meeting with staff members to discuss which programs are most essential to the school's mission.
  2. Conduct a survey of students to determine which school services they value most and use most frequently.
  3. Investigate fund-raising options with the school's parent-teacher organization and other key stakeholder groups.
  4. Propose a preliminary revised budget that reduces funding for all programs and services by an equal amount.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

29. A parent volunteer group informs the principal that the group has raised over $5,000 for the school library. When including this revenue in the budget, the principal should be aware that these funds should be:

  1. allocated entirely during the upcoming school year.
  2. restricted in terms of their use.
  3. held in a separate bank account.
  4. overseen by the library-media specialist.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0003: Understand fiscal and operational management and their use in promoting achievement of the school's educational goals.

30. After a boiler explosion at a high school, the principal ensures that all facts about the accident are conveyed to students, staff, and families as soon as they can be established. This is an appropriate response on the principal's part mainly because it:

  1. bolsters confidence among students, staff, and families in the ability of school personnel to respond effectively to a crisis.
  2. demonstrates school administrators' commitment to maintaining a safe educational environment.
  3. reduces the disruption to school activities likely to result from anxiety-inducing rumors about the incident.
  4. decreases the likelihood that students, staff, and/or families might pass along misinformation to the media.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

31. The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) specifies that schools receiving certain federal funds for Internet access must do which of the following?

  1. maintain a system for tracking Web sites visited by students using school computers
  2. adopt and enforce a policy to monitor the online activities of minors at the school
  3. report suspected contact between students and potential Internet predators to federal authorities
  4. install firewalls to prevent unauthorized access to students' confidential records
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

32. Which of the following is the primary legal consideration for school staff when determining a classroom assignment for a student with disabilities?

  1. The student should be placed in whichever learning environment offers the greatest support from appropriate special education professionals
  2. Any written request from the student's parent/guardian for a particular teacher or program should be honored.
  3. For at least a portion of each school day, the student should have direct access to a trained specialist in his or her area(s) of need.
  4. The student should be educated with nondisabled peers to the greatest extent appropriate given his or her needs.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

33. A school includes many students who have a first language other than English. Which of the following is a right of these students according to federal law?

  1. to have access to instructional materials in their first language
  2. to have their language skills assessed in the language in which they are most proficient
  3. to receive instruction that is comprehensible to them
  4. to be placed in an educational setting with peers with the same language background, as possible
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: C.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

34. A high school principal is meeting with a parent who is unhappy about instruction relating to world religions that is included in her child's current social studies course. Which of the following teacher practices described by the parent in regard to this content should be of most concern to the principal on ethical grounds?

  1. encouraging students to share information about their own religion with their classmates
  2. presenting a particular religion as being especially worthy or valid as compared with others
  3. leading student discussions aimed at contrasting the beliefs and traditions of different religions
  4. requiring all students to learn about religions other than their own even if they do not wish to do so
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expanded Correct Response: B.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

35. Which of the following would best demonstrate a principal's commitment to ensuring the provision of effective and equitable learning opportunities for all students?

  1. prompting teachers' use of individualized standards and expectations for guiding instructional planning
  2. allocating financial resources to school programs in proportion to the number of students served
  3. incorporating individual and group background factors into decision making about students' classroom placements
  4. promoting teachers' development and use of skills for differentiating classroom instruction to meet needs
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

36. Which of the following actions by a principal would most likely be considered unethical?

  1. writing a letter of recommendation for a minimally competent staff member that fails to detail negative aspects of the individual's performance
  2. using office staff time to assist in creating education-related materials that will be marketed online for personal gain
  3. taking an opportunity at a public event to hold a private conversation about a school budget concern with a member of the district school board
  4. refusing to provide local journalists with any information they have requested about a student who has been arrested for a serious crime
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

37. Which of the following situations most clearly illustrates a principal modeling principles of transparency?

  1. The principal carefully follows due process procedures in disciplining a student who has committed a serious school offense.
  2. The principal regularly submits required reports to the superintendent on the status of the school budget and other matters.
  3. The principal recruits representatives of a variety of stakeholder groups to participate in developing a new school vision and mission.
  4. The principal provides data and reasoning to justify a decision to eliminate funding for a school program the following year.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

38. Which of the following provisions of the U.S. Constitution has most often served as the primary basis of constitutional rights suits against public educational institutions in the United States?

  1. "No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
  2. "The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."
  3. "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
  4. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, . . . are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: A.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

39. It would be most important for a high school principal to work closely with the district's legal advisor when developing a school policy to:

  1. require all visitors to the school to check in at the main office.
  2. suspend students who are caught smoking in the school.
  3. require students who arrive late to school to serve a detention.
  4. ban suggestive or offensive clothing from the school.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: D.
Objective 0004: Understand laws, regulations, and judicial decisions affecting education in Arizona and ethical guidelines and behavior expectations for principals.

40. A high school principal receives a call from a prominent municipal leader who is upset about several recent editorials in the school's student newspaper that were highly critical of local officials. The municipal leader says the editorials were personally offensive and suggests that the principal should enforce limits on the types of articles published in the school newspaper. The principal could best respond by:

  1. promising to work with the newspaper's faculty advisor to establish guidelines for the content of editorials.
  2. explaining that students' freedom of expression may be restricted only if it poses a substantial risk of disrupting the learning process.
  3. suggesting that the municipal leader contact the district governing board to discuss concerns about the student newspaper.
  4. offering to discuss the problem with the school site council at the council's next regularly scheduled meeting.
Enter to expand or collapse answer. Answer expandedCorrect Response: B.