Which of the following best describes the drive reduction theory of motivation?

Unformatted text preview: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following BEST describes motivation? Choices a need or desire that activates and guides behavior toward a goal the priority of some needs above others the optimum level of arousal a balanced physiological and psychological state Correct. Motivation arises from the interaction between pushes and pulls that energize our behavior and direct it toward a goal. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION According to drive-reduction theory, when a physiological need (such as hunger) creates an aroused tension state, what does that tension state do? Choices It reduces the drive to achieve homeostasis. It lowers the temperature of the body. It drives the organism to reduce the need and return to homeostasis. It creates an instinct. Correct. The state of tension or need motivates the animal (or human) to take action to reduce or resolve that need and return the body to a state of homeostasis. Drive-reduction theory helps explain why you go to the pantry for a snack when your stomach begins to growl. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION What is the optimum level of arousal? Choices The optimum level of arousal depends on the difficulty of the task, with easy tasks requiring less arousal than difficult tasks. The optimum level of arousal depends on the drive to accomplish a task, with less desirable tasks requiring less arousal than enjoyable tasks. The optimum level of arousal depends on the difficulty of the task, with easy tasks requiring greater arousal than difficult tasks. The optimum level of arousal depends on the type of task, with less physical tasks requiring less arousal than mental tasks. Correct. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, physiological arousal associated with peak performance varies with the difficulty of the task. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which motivation theory BEST explains why Michael, who has plenty of food and owns a nice house, now feels like he needs to find a soul mate with whom he can share his life? Choices drive-reduction theory achievement motivation instinct theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Correct. Since Michael’s physiological needs (food and water) and safety needs (a good house) have already been met, the next need he will turn to is the need to give and receive acceptance and love. This would explain his hunt for a spouse. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following is TRUE of people with high achievement motivation? Choices They are more stressed and less happy. They start many tasks without finishing them. They have more talent than discipline. They do more and achieve more. Correct. People high in achievement motivation are not simply more motivated by their goals; they’re more likely to set higher goals and reach them. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION According to psychological research, which of the following is MOST important for academic achievement? Choices intelligence raw talent vocabulary self-discipline Correct. Self-discipline is a more reliable gauge of academic performance than intelligence or talent are. If someone has a natural gift for math but lacks the discipline to apply that talent, he or she will likely be outdone by someone with less skill but more dedication. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following BEST explains the concept of selfefficacy? Choices It is the ability to self-regulate on a task. It is a belief about how metacognitive we are. It is a measure of overall achievement motivation. It is our belief about our ability to succeed on a task. Correct. Self-efficacy is a person’s belief about how well he or she will be able to deal with a specific task. Saved moments ago. ULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Ashanti feels confident in her ability to locate good sources when researching for her class paper, but she puts off the writing because she struggles with correct grammar and citations. Which of the following BEST describes her selfefficacy? Choices Ashanti has low overall self-efficacy for writing this class paper. Ashanti has high overall self-efficacy for writing this class paper. Ashanti has high self-efficacy for the research portion but low self-efficacy for the writing portion of the paper. Ashanti has high self-efficacy for the situational factors and low selfefficacy for the personal factors. Correct. Self-efficacy is task specific, so it is possible to have different expectations for success on various aspects of a project (like this paper) that requires multiple tasks. Saved moments ago. Diane is not confident in her ability to meet her sales goals for this month. Considering the sources of self-efficacy, how could her manager increase her self-efficacy for achieving this goal? Choices The manager could really put the pressure on Diane to achieve this sales goal and make sure she understands that her quarterly bonus—or even her job—is at stake. The manager could remind Diane of each of the few times that she has failed to meet her monthly sales goals in the past. The manager could stop by Diane’s desk and give her a general pep talk, such as “Go get ’em, Diane!” The manager could provide specific feedback on Diane’s sales strategies (those that are effective) and encourage her to shadow the top salesperson on the team to learn some new strategies. Correct. By providing specific feedback on strategies Diane already uses, the manager would be using social persuasion as a source of self-efficacy to increase Diane’s confidence. The manager would also be boosting Diane’s self-efficacy by letting her vicariously experience success as she shadows the top salesperson. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following BEST describes the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, and how each responds to setbacks? Choices People with a growth mindset believe abilities are fixed and will not try new strategies after a failure, whereas those with a fixed mindset believe ability and intelligence can be changed and will likely not give up after a failure. People with a growth mindset will avoid failure at all costs because they believe it can undermine the growth of their intelligence, whereas those with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence cannot be increased, so they are not bothered by failure. People with a growth mindset believe that ability can develop up to a point before it becomes fixed, whereas those with a fixed mindset believe that you must experience failure in order to “fix” your intelligence or ability. People with a growth mindset believe abilities can be developed and will try new strategies after a failure, whereas those with a fixed mindset believe ability and intelligence cannot be changed and will likely give up after a failure. Correct. People with a growth mindset respond more positively to setbacks than people with a fixed mindset do. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following statements would help a student develop a growth mindset? Choices “Let’s look over your work together and figure out where you got confused or whether you need a new strategy.” “That advanced science class is challenging; it could hurt your GPA if you get a B.” “You tried very hard, and that is all that matters.” “You have always been good at math, and I’m proud that this is your talent.” Correct. This statement communicates to the student that challenges present an opportunity for learning, a key characteristic of a growth mindset. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Nick thinks to himself, “I’m definitely going to fail this psychology exam because I’m an idiot when it comes to liberalarts classes.” Which of the following is an example of a counterargument that he could make to help develop a growth mindset? Choices “I’m going to fail this exam, but at least I’m good at other subjects like business.” “This exam is challenging, so I’m going to have to set aside extra study time to make sure that I’ll succeed.” “Both of my parents struggled academically, so it’s not my fault that I have trouble in some of my classes. “The instructor makes her exams way too hard, so there’s no way I can be expected to pass.” Correct. This counter-argument reframes the obstacle as a challenge that Nick is capable of overcoming if he perseveres. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following BEST describes self-regulation? Choices the willpower and self-control to stop unwanted behaviors or habits the instinct to achieve a goal or desired outcome at any cost a series of actions related to managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to achieve a specific outcome or standard the external tools used to best manage one’s time in order to accomplish many tasks in the same period of time Correct. Self-regulation is a process of controlling our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions in order to reach specific goals or standards of behavior. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION A psychology student would like to earn an A on his paper, so before he begins to write, he examines the resources that his instructor has provided. He reads the sample paper to get a sense of the scope of the assignment, carefully reviews the instructions, and refers to the grading rubric when writing and also when revising his paper. He even sets up an appointment with a tutor at the writing center to get feedback. Which component of self-regulation do his actions BEST illustrate? Choices motivation monitoring willpower metacognition Correct. The student is monitoring his behavior by comparing his paper to the standards set in the sample paper and rubric so that he can achieve his goal of earning an A. Saved moments ago. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTION Which of the following BEST explains how self-efficacy, mindset, and self-regulation are related to grit? Choices Each aspect proves that you just have to think positive thoughts and good things will happen to you. Since grit and mindset are the same concept, self-efficacy and selfregulation are also different terms for the same concept. To develop grit, you must believe that your intelligence is not fixed and that you will succeed on a task, and you must be able to self-regulate as you persevere. Developing a fixed mindset will lead to improved self-efficacy and give you the motivation to be able to regulate your behaviors. Correct. To develop passionate perseverance for a long-term goal, you need to believe that your perseverance will lead to improvement or success. You also need to have a growth mindset and a high degree of self-efficacy, as well as the self-regulation skills to actually persevere through difficulties. Saved moments ago. ...
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Which of the following best describe the drive reduction theory of motivation?

Correct answer: The Drive-Reduction Theory reduces motivation to satisfying drives caused by biological needs.

Which of the following best describe drive reduction theory quizlet?

Which of the following best describe drive reduction theory? This theory suggests that a lack of water produces motivation to obtain it. This theory suggests that a lack of a biological need energizes behavior to fulfill the need.

Which of the following describes the drive theory of motivation?

According to the drive theory of motivation, people are motivated to take certain actions in order to reduce the internal tension that is caused by unmet needs. For example, you might be motivated to drink a glass of water in order to reduce the internal state of thirst.

What is drive reduction in motivational terms?

The drive reduction theory of motivation works on the premise of the body's constant need to achieve homeostasis or balance. Once a state of stability is reached, the discomfort or the internal tension within the body subsides and the drive prompting the behavior is no longer there.