Which of the following can be categorized as Taskwork processes multiple select question creative behavior transition processes boundary spanning decision making?

Which of the following can be categorized as Taskwork processes multiple select question creative behavior transition processes boundary spanning decision making?

Chapter 12: LearnSmart Questions

Communications, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that

contribute to their ultimate end goals are known as


Jada sends an email to his coworker Isaiah to ask for sales information to include

in the monthly status report. According to the communications process model,

Jada is the ___ and Isaiah is the ____

oSender, receiver

Which of the following can be categorized as taskwork processes?

oDecision making, creative behavior, boundary spanning

Which of the following statements about teamwork processes and team

commitment is true?

oPeople tend to be satisfied in teams in which there are effective

interpersonal relationships

An emotional attachment to other members of the team and the team itself


The degree to which members believe the team can be effective across a variety

of situations and tasks


The level of common understanding among team members regarding the team

and its tasks

oMental models

How specialized knowledge is distributed among team members

oTransactive memory

The tendency of highly cohesive groups to value consensus and harmony at the

price of decision quality is referred to as

oGroup think

Team member activities that correspond directly to accomplishing the team’s

work are referred to as ____ processes.


Information and meaning is transferred through the process of _____.


Which of the following are examples of teamwork processes?

oInterpersonal processes, action processes, transition processes

List the steps of the nominal group technique in order from the first to last

oParticipants meet as a group to outline the purpose of the meeting

oParticipants independently document their ideas

oParticipants share their ideas with the group, clarify ideas, and build upon

the ideas of others

oParticipants independently rank ideas and submit their rankings to the


Examining the team’s tasks, challenges, and available resources

oMission analysis

Developing courses of action and contingency plans

oStrategy formulation

What are taskwork processes, and what are some examples of team activities that fall into this process category?

Taskwork processes are the activities of team members that relate directly to the accomplishment of team tasks. Taskwork processes include creative behavior, decision making, and boundary spanning.

  • creative behavior,when teams engage in creative behavior, their activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions. (brainstorming, nominal group technique)
  • decision making, information that is gathered and shared among members is synthesized into collective knowledge, which is then used as a basis for different types of team decisions. (decision informity, staff validity, hierarchical sensitivity)
  • boundary spanning, which involves three types of activities with individuals and groups other than those who are considered part of the team (Ambassador activities, Task coordinator activities, scout activities).

What are teamwork processes, and what are some examples of team activities that fall into this process category?

Teamwork processes refer to the interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team’s work but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself. Teamwork processes include transition processes, action processes, and interpersonal processes.

  • transition processes are teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work.
  • action processes are important as the taskwork is being accomplished.
  • interpersonal processes, the processes in this category are important before, during, or between periods of taskwork, and each relates to the manner in which team members manage their relationship.

What factors influence the communication process in teams?

Communication is a process through which much of the work in a team is accomplished. Effectiveness in communication can be influenced by the communication competence of the sender and receiver, noise, information richness, and network structure.

  • communication competence, the skills involved in encoding, transmitting, and receiving messages.
  •  the presence of noise that interferes with the message being transmitted.
  • information richness, the amount and depth of information that gets transmitted in a message.
  • network structure, the pattern of communication that occurs regularly among each member of the team.

What are team states, and what are some examples of the states that fall into this process category?

Team states refer to specific types of feelings and thoughts that coalesce in the minds of team members as a consequence of their experience working together. Team states include cohesion, potency, mental models, and transactive memory.

  • cohesion, members of teams can develop strong emotional bonds to other members of their team and to the team itself.
  • potency, the degree to which members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks.
  • Mental models, the level of common understanding among team members with regard to important aspects of the team and its task.
  • transactive memory, how specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in an effective system of memory for the team.

How do team processes affect team performance and team commitment?

Teamwork processes have a moderate positive relationship with team performance and a strong positive relationship with team commitment.

What steps can organizations take to improve team processes?

Organizations can use training interventions to improve team processes. Such interventions may include training in transportable teamwork competencies, cross-training, team process training, and team building.

  • transportable teamwork competencies, this label reflects the fact that trainees can transport what they learn about teamwork from one team context and apply it in another.
  • cross-training, team members can develop shared mental models of what’s involved in each of the roles in the team and how the roles fit together to form a system. (personal clarification, positional modeling, positional rotation)
  • Team process training, occurs in the context of a team experience that facilitates the team being able to function and perform more effectively as an intact unit.
  • team building, normally is conducted by a consultant and intended to facilitate the development of team processes related to goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and role clarification.

Team process,

the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals.

Process gain

, getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members.

Process loss

, getting less from the team than you would expect based on the capabilities of its individual members. (

coordination loss, motivational loss


  • In teams, members have to work to not only accomplish their own tasks, but also coordinate their activities with the activities of their teammates. Although this extra effort focused on integrating work is a necessary aspect of the team experience, it’s called coordination loss because it consumes time and energy that could otherwise be devoted to task activity. Such coordination losses are often driven by production blocking, which occurs when members have to wait on one another before they can do their part of the team task.
  • The second force that fosters process loss in team contexts is motivational loss, or the loss in team productivity that occurs when team members don’t work as hard as they could.feelings of reduced accountability, in turn, cause members to exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks. This phenomenon is called social loafing.


involves a face-to-face meeting of team members in which each offers as many ideas as possible about some focal problem or issue.

nominal group technique

is a group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision making.

decision informity

, whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities.

staff validity

, the degree to which members make good recommendations to the leader.

hierarchical sensitivity

, the degree to which the leader effectively weighs the recommendations of the members.

Ambassador activities,

communications that are intended to protect the team, persuade others to support the team, or obtain important resources for the team.

Task coordinator activities,

involve communications that are intended to coordinate task-related issues with people or groups in other functional areas.

scout activities,

things team members do to obtain information about technology, competitors, or the broader marketplace.

Relationship conflict,

disagreements among team members in terms of interpersonal relationships or incompatibilities with respect to personal values or preferences.

Task conflict

, disagreements among members about the team’s task.


happens in highly cohesive teams when members may try to maintain harmony by striving toward consensus on issues without ever offering, seeking, or seriously considering alternative viewpoints and perspectives.

personal clarification,

with this type of training, members simply receive information regarding the roles of the other team members.

positional modeling

, involves team members observing how other members perform their roles.

positional rotation,

this type of training gives members actual experience carrying out the responsibilities of their teammates.

One type of team process training is called

action learning

. With this type of training, which has been used successfully at companies such as Motorola and General Electric, a team is given a real problem that’s relevant to the organization and then held accountable for analyzing the problem, developing an action plan, and finally carrying out the action plan.

Which of the following teamwork processes are teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work?

transition processes are teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work. action processes are important as the taskwork is being accomplished.

What are team States?

Team states (also called team emergent states) refer to the feelings, cognitions, and motivations that team members have in common. You can think of team states as the beliefs that each and every member has while being involved with the team.

How are Taskwork processes different from teamwork processes?

Tsk work processes include creative behavior, decision making, and boundary spanning. teamwork processes refer to the interpersonal activities that facililitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself.

Which of the following are teamwork processes quizlet?

Teamwork processes include transition processes, action processes, and interpersonal processes.