Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community quizlet?

  1. Social Science
  2. Psychology
  3. Community Psychology

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Terms in this set (31)

A, C, D, E, F
The eight subsystems are communication, health and social services, economics, recreation, physical environment, education, politics and government, and safety and transportation. Demographics and census data are not subsystems.

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Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community quizlet?

Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community quizlet?

Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community quizlet?

Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community quizlet?

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Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community?

Which of the following characteristics would be most indicative of a healthy community? Although all items sound positive, a sense of community cohesion in a safe community (clean air and water) would be most helpful to its residents.

What are the characteristics of a healthy community quizlet?

Terms in this set (9).
clean and safe environment..
environment that meets everyones needs..
an environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone..
an understanding of local health and environmental issues..
community that participates on identifying local solutions to local problems..

What characteristics define a community quizlet?

What characteristics define a community? A group that shares a common interest, encompasses a sense of member belonging, and interaction among a group of people.

What is the best technique to assess a community's health quizlet?

A healthy community is one in which residents are happy with their choice of location and exhibit characteristics that would draw others to the location. Thus, the best way to determine the health of the community is to talk to those living in it.