Which of the following is a common mistake parents make when trying to stop unwanted behaviors quizlet?

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Answer: Adults who were suffering from serious mental disorders

Freud arrived at his developmental theories through his work with which of the following groups?

His own children

Children who were orphaned

Male adult patients who had suffered traumatic events

Adults who were suffering from serious mental disorders

Answer: Id, ego, superego

Which of the following describes Freud's view of the components of an individual's personality?

Formal operations

Id, ego, and identity

Consciousness, preconsciousness, and reality

Id, ego, superego

Answer: Libido of the id

According to the psychoanalytic perspective, which aspect of our personality demands to be satisfied in physically pleasurable ways?

Executive control of the ego

Moral guardian of the superego

Libido of the id

Reality principle of the superego

Answer: Superego

Jada saw some money lying unattended on a store counter. She really wanted to take it but her conscience kept her from doing so. Which part of Jada's personality is telling her that it would be socially unacceptable to take the money?





Answer: Stealing a pair of earbuds because you want them

According to Freud's psychosexual theory, which of the following illustrates the functioning of the id?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Restraining your desire to have a hot fudge sundae

Stealing a pair of earbuds because you want them

Planning a sexual interlude with your dating partner

Answer: The perpetrators of abuse are more likely to forget the incidents than are the victims.

Which of the following is a correct statement regarding repressed memories?

Adults who were abused as children never recall the abuse.

The best way to reveal repressed memories is for a therapist to actively suggest that such memories exist.

It is highly unlikely that false memories will be retrieved because of the fundamental inaccuracy of human memory.

The perpetrators of abuse are more likely to forget the incidents than are the victims.

Answer: Fixation

According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, which of the following occurs when an inadequate early environment fails to meet the needs of any particular stage of psychosexual maturation?

Defense mechanisms

Libido failure



Answer: psychosocial.

Freud is to psychosexual as Erikson is to



dilemma resolution.


Answer: internal drives; cultural demands

Erikson's developmental theory is called "psychosocial" because it involves the interaction of __________ and __________..

internal drives; environmental consequences

internal drives; unregulated emotions

internal drives; cultural demands

internal drives; social instincts

Answer: Trust vs. mistrust

Elsa was frequently neglected as a child. As an infant, she would be left in wet diapers, and she was not fed on a regular schedule. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, which of the following crises was not properly resolved?

Industry vs. inferiority

Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

Trust vs. mistrust

Initiative vs. guilt

Answer: Learning to trust a primary caregiver and one's own ability to make things happen

Which factor is generally considered to be an essential aspect of an infant's first psychosocial task?

Learning to control bodily sensations or developing shame if unsuccessful

Becoming aware of pleasurable genital sensations and sharing these sensations with others

Becoming purposeful, goal-oriented, and assertive, which leads to conflicts with parents

Learning to trust a primary caregiver and one's own ability to make things happen

Answer: To examine one's identity and possible roles, or risk confusion about the future

According to Erikson, what is the central issue of adolescence?

To develop a sense of autonomy, or become ashamed of one's inability to be independent of parents

To develop initiative and become purposeful and goal-oriented, or to feel guilty about the inability to focus and achieve

To form intimate relationships, or to risk isolation and rejection

To examine one's identity and possible roles, or risk confusion about the future

Answer: 18 to 30 years

Erikson's dilemma of intimacy vs. isolation is associated with which developmental age?

Birth to one year

2 to 3 years

18 to 30 years

30 years to late adulthood

Answer: A sense of wanting to give back to society and future generations

According to Erikson's psychosocial theory of development, which of the following defines generativity?

A sense of wanting to give back to society and future generations

A sense of needing to make up for one's shortcomings

The need to resolve a midlife crisis

The need to establish intimate relationships

Answer: Generativity vs. stagnation

Carolyn is thinking of her children and what they are to become. She wants to see her children succeed and raise healthy families of their own. Carolyn spends more and more time thinking about how best to help her children become good people who contribute to society. Which of Erikson's psychosocial stages is Carolyn most likely experiencing?

Identity vs. role confusion

Integrity vs. despair

Intimacy vs. isolation

Generativity vs. stagnation

Answer: Stagnation

A self-absorbed, nongenerative adult who is not concerned with establishing and guiding a new generation will be at risk for which of the following?





Answer: It has been very difficult to test their key concepts.

Which of the following is the major weakness of psychoanalytic theories?

They contribute more to our understanding of how learning occurs than to our knowledge of human development.

Such theories do not explain social, emotional, or personality development.

They have had little impact on laypeople's understanding of psychology.

It has been very difficult to test their key concepts.

Answer: manipulation of the environment.

Watson believed that children could be trained to be or do anything through

manipulation of the environment.

sensory deprivation.

a focus on meeting early basic needs.

biological conditioning.

Answer: unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

During classical conditioning, if the sour taste of lemon juice automatically causes your mouth to pucker, the lemon juice is the ________ and the pucker of lips and tongue is the ________.

conditional stimulus; conditioned response

punishment; conditioned response

unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

conditional stimulus; unconditioned response

Answer: Classical conditioning

If you are training a child to produce a reflexive response following a nonreflexive stimulus, which method of learning are you employing?

Observational learning

Classical conditioning

Response-reward learning

Operant conditioning

Answer: The development of emotional responses such as anxiety or embarrassment

Classical conditioning plays an important role in which of the following?

Intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcements for learning

The development of social skills such as courtesy and patience

The development of emotional responses such as anxiety or embarrassment

Differentiated and effective strategies for problem-solving and negotiating a complex environment

Answer: John Watson

Which psychologist studied "Little Albert?"

Ivan Pavlov

John Watson

B. F. Skinner

Edwin Guthrie

Answer: B. F. Skinner

Who introduced the term "operant conditioning?"

Albert Bandura

B. F. Skinner

Sigmund Freud

Erik Erikson

Answer: it has been reinforced.

Behavior is more likely to reoccur if

there is intrinsic reinforcement.

it has been reinforced.

it is extinct.

it has been punished.

Answer: Negative reinforcement

A boy is pestering his mother for candy in the grocery store, whining for 10 minutes. His mother ignores him for 10 minutes, but finally gives in and says, "Oh, all right. Here it is. Just stop whining!" If the boy engages in more whining in the future, and the mother gives in even more easily, which of the following principles would apply to the mother?

Negative punishment

Positive punishment

Negative reinforcement

Positive reinforcement

Answer: Punishment

Miguel is expected to clean his room and to empty all the trash in the house. When Miguel forgets his chores, he is grounded. Which of the following principles has been appropriately applied if Miguel remembers to do his chores?


Negative reinforcement

Positive reinforcement


Answer: You stop buying lottery tickets after spending several hundred dollars and never winning.

Which of the following is an example of extinction?

You change to a different slot machine because the one that you've been playing doesn't pay very often.

You stop buying lottery tickets until the jackpot is greater than $10 million.

You stop buying lottery tickets after spending several hundred dollars and never winning.

You purchase mega-bucks tickets instead of regular lottery tickets because the odds of winning are greater.

Answer: Partial reinforcement schedules

Which of the following results in behaviors that are difficult to extinguish?

Negative reinforcement

The application of conditioned stimuli

Continuous reinforcement schedules

Partial reinforcement schedules

Answer: They create schedules of partial reinforcement when they think they are punishing.

Which of the following is a common mistake parents make when trying to stop unwanted behaviors?

They forget to use continuous schedules of reinforcement.

They create schedules of partial reinforcement when they think they are punishing.

They use reinforcement of desired behaviors, when they should be using punishment of undesired behaviors.

They don't use punishment often enough.

Answer: Albert Bandura

Which of the following theorists is primarily responsible for developing social-cognitive learning theory?

Albert Bandura

Ivan Pavlov

B. F. Skinner

Louis Morehouse

Answer: Rewards and punishments are not always necessary, as children learn through observing siblings' interactions with their parents.

Which statement summarizes social-cognitive learning theory?

Children learn best through observation as long as they are consistently rewarded for the same behaviors.

Children respond best to frequent reinforcement and praise.

Rewards and punishments are not always necessary, as children learn through observing siblings' interactions with their parents.

Punishment is preferred over reinforcement as a means of teaching new behaviors.

Answer: Self-efficacy

According to social-cognitive theory, which of the following terms describes the expectancies we acquire about what we can and cannot do?





Answer: self-efficacy.

Niko plans to go to a good college. He seems unconcerned about competitive admissions policies because he believes that if he studies hard, he can get in wherever he wants. Social-cognitive theorists would consider this an example of

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

delayed gratification.

a positive self-image.


Answer: When Marla responds angrily to a request from her daughter Sandi, Sandi's sister Amber, who observed this response, decides she will wait a day or two before asking for a new stereo.

Which of these scenarios illustrates the principles of social-cognitive theory?

Zhenya misses her curfew by one hour and is grounded by her parents for one week, yet she continues to miss curfew.

When Marla responds angrily to a request from her daughter Sandi, Sandi's sister Amber, who observed this response, decides she will wait a day or two before asking for a new stereo.

Jillian seeks advice from a chat forum on the Internet about her recurring headaches.

As a result of the role conflict between her parental responsibilities and her need for personal development, Alina decides to drop out of college for a semester.

Answer: It seems to give an accurate picture of the way in which many behaviors are learned.

Which of the following would be considered a strength of social-cognitive theory?

It seems to give an accurate picture of the way in which many behaviors are learned.

It works well when trying to modify undesirable behaviors.

It explains unconscious, involuntary emotional responses.

It defines specific stages most humans pass through as they grow and develop.

Answer: Cognitive

Which of the following family of theories is concerned with the developmental aspects of thinking, memory, and logic?





Answer: Infants rely on their motor skills and senses to explore and learn about the world.

Babies frequently engage in repetitive actions using their hands and their eyes. Which of the following statements explains this behavior?

Children are born with a mind that is a blank slate waiting to be written upon.

Infants' brains are underdeveloped at birth and there is no purpose or meaning to their actions.

Infants rely on their motor skills and senses to explore and learn about the world.

Infants want to avoid punishment from caregivers.

Answer: Scheme

According to the principles of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, how you act at a party depends upon which of the following to guide and direct your behavior?




Sensorimotor skills

Answer: A cognitive structure that guides behaviors and actions.

Which of the following defines the term "scheme" according to Piaget?

A child's mischievous plan to outwit her parents.

The process of taking in new information and revising existing categories in order to effectively deal with similar information in the future.

The meaning a child ascribes to an experience.

A cognitive structure that guides behaviors and actions.

Answer: Assimilation

Two-year-old Marjoe pointed to a cow in a pasture and said "Doggie!" Which Piagetian principle is Marjoe using to name the animal?



Preoperational thought


Answer: Using an existing scheme to make sense of an event or experience

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which of the following applies to the process of assimilation?

Changing a scheme as a result of acquiring new information

Being shaped by the environment

Using an internal model of experience

Using an existing scheme to make sense of an event or experience

Answer: Accommodation

Three-year-old Tran used to call all flying objects such as airplanes and slowly falling leaves "birds." Now he correctly labels airplanes, butterflies, birds, and bees. Which Piagetian process has Tran accomplished?


Concrete operations


Proximal development

Answer: Changing an existing scheme as a result of new information or experiences.

Which of the following describes the process of accommodation?

The use of multiple strategies to address new problems.

Changing an existing scheme as a result of new information or experiences.

Using symbols to represent events from the real world.

Understanding the world in terms of one's senses and motor actions.

Answer: Equilibration

Piaget believed that children use both assimilation and accommodation to create schemes that fit the reality of their environments. Which of the following terms did he use to describe this process?





Answer: sensorimotor.

The first stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development is called




formal operations.

Answer: Preoperational

During which stage of cognitive development does a child first acquire symbols to think and communicate?



Formal operations

Concrete operations

Answer: The child learns that when an object changes shape, its quantity remains the same.

Which of the following illustrates the term "conservation" according to Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

The child learns the importance of recycling.

The child learns to use the minimal number of words necessary to communicate an idea.

The child learns the importance of treating the environment with respect by keeping it clean and uncluttered.

The child learns that when an object changes shape, its quantity remains the same.

Answer: He is presenting an outward representation of his internal thoughts.

Two-year-old Sven can use crayons and paper to draw pictures. According to Piaget's cognitive-developmental theory, why is Sven drawing pictures?

He is presenting an outward representation of his internal thoughts.

At this age, the drawings mean nothing; Sven is simply improving his motor skills.

Sven is in the early stages of learning to write.

He is presenting an outward manifestation of others' thoughts.

Answer: Formal operational

During which of Piaget's stages does the child learn to manipulate ideas, concrete objects, or events, as well as to use abstract ideas and hypothetical situations in solving problems?

Zone of proximal development

Concrete operational

Information processing

Formal operational

Answer: Lev Vygotsky

Which of the following theorists is known for the development of sociocultural theory?

Jean Piaget

Lev Vygotsky

Albert Bandura

Ivan Pavlov

Answer: zone of proximal development.

Four-year-old Elena can untie her shoes, but she needs her mother's help to tie them. She also needs her mother's help to button her sweater. According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, this situation illustrates Elena's


zone of proximal development.

adaptive processes of assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration.

sensorimotor development.

Answer: Scaffolding

Jan likes to fix her own breakfast, but the milk carton is too heavy for her to manage on her own. Her mother pours milk into a smaller container just for Jan. Which of the following has Jan's mother provided?

Concrete operations


A zone of proximal development


Answer: Scaffolding

An adult adapts a process to a child's developmental level in order to assist the child in developing a new skill or ability. What would Vygotsky call this process?





Answer: Sociocultural

"Social interactions are the most important contributors to a child's healthy development." Which of the following theories would most likely support this statement?

Social learning




Answer: a computer.

Information processing theorists liken the human mind to

a well-oiled machine.

a computer.

a library.

a complex puzzle.

Answer: Short-term memory

Before information can be stored in long-term memory, in which of the following memory systems is the information processed?

Sensory memory

Short-term memory

Adaptive memory

Random access memory

Answer: Piaget's cognitive theory and information processing theory

Neo-Piagetian theorists combine which of the following concepts to explain cognitive development in children?

Erikson's developmental stages and Piaget's cognitive theory

Piaget's cognitive theory and information processing theory

Bandura's observational theory and Piaget's cognitive theory

Social-learning theory and Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory

Answer: Cognitive development occurs as a result of diversified experiences in an enriched environment

Researchers who study children's cognitive development from a Piagetian perspective and from an information-processing perspective would agree upon which of the following observations about children's cognitive development?

The development of memory is not an important aspect of cognitive development.

Cognitive development occurs as a result of diversified experiences in an enriched environment.

The development of logical thinking is based upon processes that are less complex than conditioned responses.

Age is not a determining factor in how children manage and process information to think about and act upon the world.

Answer: There is insufficient evidence at present to either support or contradict most of his theory.

In terms of usefulness and reliability, which of the following is true of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory?

It is far more useful than information-processing theory because it has more empirical support.

It relies too much on empiricism to support its application.

There is insufficient evidence at present to either support or contradict most of his theory.

It has more empirical and research support than Piaget's theory.

Answer: Researchers have found that children of parents who provide scaffolding early on perform better in elementary school than children whose parents did not provide scaffolding.

Which of the following is true of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory?

Researchers have found that children of parents who provide scaffolding early on perform better in elementary school than children whose parents did not provide scaffolding.

Most current research supports Vygotsky's ideas.

Children who work collaboratively perform worse on sophisticated tasks than children who work alone.

Most current research contradicts Vygotsky's ideas.

Answer: identical twins.

Behavior genetics researchers have a particular interest in studying

special learning environments.

differentiated cells.

multiple births from independent zygotes.

identical twins.

Answer: IQ scores of identical twins are more strongly correlated than those of fraternal twins from early childhood until middle age.

In examining the relationship between heredity and intelligence (measured by IQ), which of the following is correct?

Fraternal twins are more likely than identical twins to have similar IQs.

Heredity appears to have the largest influence on childhood IQ scores and decreases with age.

Contradicting earlier research findings, a negative correlation in IQ scores exists between identical twins.

IQ scores of identical twins are more strongly correlated than those of fraternal twins from early childhood until middle age.

Answer: The type of television shows a child watches

Which of the following is LEAST likely to influence IQ?

The type of television shows a child watches

A stimulating environment


The IQ of one's parents

Answer: Ethology

Which of the following schools of thought promotes the idea that certain behaviors have developed and persisted in order to ensure survival of the species?


Classical conditioning



Answer: Social rules and behaviors that ensure survival

Of the following concepts, which is an aspect of the sociobiological approach to human development?

Stimulus and response

Cognitive deficits

Social rules and behaviors that ensure survival

Defense mechanisms

Answer: the interactions among the contexts in which children live and develop.

Urie Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory of human development places primary emphasis on

children's biological needs.

the interactions among the contexts in which children live and develop.

genetic or hereditary patterns.

environmental stimuli that elicit and reinforce behavior.

Answer: Macrosystem

According to bioecological theory, which of the following contexts of development includes the values and beliefs of the culture in which a child is growing up?





Answer: Exosystem

According to bioecological theory, which of the following contexts of development includes the institutions of the culture that affect children's development indirectly?





Answer: Microsystem

According to bioecological theory, which of the following contexts of development includes those variables to which people are exposed directly, such as families, schools, religious institutions, and neighborhoods?





Answer: They both assume that we are passive recipients of environmental influences.

Which of the following do psychoanalytic theories of development and most learning theories have in common?

They both assume that nurture has the largest impact on development.

They are both stability theories.

They both assume that we are passive recipients of environmental influences.

They both assume that we are active in shaping our own development.

Answer: a greater number of testable predictions.

In terms of the usefulness of theories, Piaget's theory of cognitive development is more useful than Freud's theory of psychosexual development because Piaget's ideas offered

less heuristic value.

a greater number of testable predictions.

fewer quantifiable variables.

more room for interpretation of terms.

Answer: Eclecticism

An important trend in the study of human development involves incorporating many theoretical perspectives in order to better explain development. Which of the following describes this approach?



The cross-modal approach

The stages of change model

Answer: a. id

Chapter 02 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

According to Freud, the aspect of personality that demands immediate gratification of sexual and aggressive impulses is the __________ .

Answer: a. superego

Answer: a. id

Answer: a. Erikson/b. Freud

Psychosocial is to __________ as psychoanalytic is to __________ .

Answer: a. crises

You say that your roommate is carrying "excess baggage" into his relationships. Erikson would say that your friend has unresolved __________ .

Answer: a. industry

Eight-year-old Jaime is in the third grade. He is very good at drawing and frequently receives praise from his parents and teachers. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, Jaime will develop a sense of __________ .

Answer: a. experiences

All learning theories rely on the principle that development results from an accumulation of __________ .

Answer: a. novel or new

The underlying principle of classical conditioning is teaching an organism to exhibit a biologically programmed reflex in response to a __________ stimulus.

Answer: a. B. F. Skinner

coined the term "operant conditioning."

Answer: a. reinforcement/b. punishment

In operant conditioning, __________ always strengthens behavior; __________ always weakens behavior.

Answer: a. equilibration

In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, __________ is the process of balancing assimilation with accommodation.

Answer: a. conservation

Kara is in the first grade. At lunch, she sits next to her best friend Sheila, and today they are having hot dogs. An older child helps Kara and Sheila by cutting their hot dogs into pieces. Kara complains because her hot dog was cut into five pieces and Sheila's was cut into six. Kara believes that Sheila has more food. Kara has not yet learned the principle of __________ .

Answer: a. scaffolding


According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, training wheels on a bicycle would be an example of __________ .


TB_02_86_Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory

Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory

Apply What You Know

LO 2.3.2—Summarize the principles of cognitive development proposed by Vygotsky

Answer: a. Ethology

___________ studies animals in their natural environment.

Answer: a. microsystem

In Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory, my immediate family, my job, and my dogs are all part of my __________ .

Answer: a. heuristic value

The degree to which a theory stimulates thinking and research is known as the theory's __________ .




Understand the Concepts

LO 2.5.2—Identify the criteria used by developmentalists to judge the usefulness of theories

Answer: a. Eclecticism

__________refers to the use of multiple theoretical perspectives to explain and study human development.

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What is a common mistake that parents make when trying to stop unwanted behaviors?

Which of the following is a common mistake that parents make when trying to stop unwanted behaviors? They create intermittent punishment, when they should be using intermittent schedules of reinforcement.

Which factor is generally considered to be an essential aspect of an infants first psychosocial task?

Because infants are utterly dependent on caregivers for food, clothing, warmth, and nurturing, Erik Erikson determined that children's primary task during this first psychosocial stage of life is to learn to trust their caregivers.

Which of the following family of theories is concerned with the developmental aspects of thinking?

Cognitive theory is concerned with the development of a person's thought processes. It also looks at how these thought processes influence how we understand and interact with the world. Theorist Jean Piaget proposed one of the most influential theories of cognitive development.

Which of the following illustrates the term conservation According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development quizlet?

Which of the following illustrates the term "conservation" according to Piaget's theory of cognitive development? The child learns that when an object changes shape, its quantity remains the same.