Which of the following is a psychological factor that impacts consumer buying decisions?

How and why do people make a decision to buy? Well this is indeed a difficult question to answer as there are many different types of buyers, some being those basic impulse buyers and some are those who use a totally intense system and make thorough investigation before making a purchase decision. While these different types of buyers take their purchase decision in different ways there are 7 important factors that influence all the buying decisions. Let’s discuss the 7 most important factors that Influence the buying decision of a consumer.

Important Factors That Influence The Buying Decision

Factors That Influence The Buying Decision, Contact Discovery, Influencing Customers Buying Decisions, iSN, iSN Global Solutions, Sales Support Services, Account Profilling

1. Economic Factor

The most important and first on this list is the Economic Factor. This one is the main foundation of any purchasing decision. The reason is simple people can’t buy what they can’t afford. The need of a product also doesn’t play a role here, but the most important thing is affordability.

2. Functional Factor

The factor is totally about needs, backed by a logic that what makes sense and also fits in the best interest of the customer. This one factor also plays a very important role in the buying decision.

3. Marketing Mix Factors

There are 4 components in the marketing mix, i.e. product, pricing, promotion and place of distribution and each of these components have a direct or indirect impact on the buying process of the consumers. The consumers consider various things like the characteristics of the product, price charged, availability of the product at the required location and much more.

4. Personal Factors

The personal factors include age, occupation, lifestyle, social and economic status and the gender of the consumer. These factors can individually or collectively affect the buying decisions of the consumers.

Factors That Influence The Buying Decision, Contact Discovery, Influencing Customers Buying Decisions, iSN, iSN Global Solutions, Sales Support Services, Account Profilling

5. Psychological Factor

When it comes to the psychological factors there are 4 important things affecting the consumer buying behaviour, i.e. perception, motivation, learning, beliefs and attitudes.

6. Social Factors

Social factors include reference groups, family, and social status. These factors too affect the buying behaviour of the consumer. These factors in turn reflect an endless and vigorous inflow through which people learn different values of consumption.

7. Cultural Factors

Cultural factors have a subtle influence on a consumer’s purchasing decision process. Since each individual lives in a complex social and cultural environment, the kinds of products or services they intend to use can be directly or indirectly be influenced by the overall cultural context in which they live and grow. These Cultural factors include race and religion, tradition, caste and moral values.

Consumer behaviour can indicates different things like how individuals or groups choose to buy, use and dispose goods or services, to satisfy their needs and desires. Hence it is important to understand that the consumer behaviour is affected by several factors.

To have a good knowledge of the factors affecting the consumer behaviour contact iSN Global Solutions for our Sales Support Services. We offer excellent Account Profiling services and can provide the factors influencing the buying decision in the market. We assure the data and statistics are taken from verified sources at ISN.

Definition: The Psychological Factors are the factors that talk about the psychology of an individual that drive his actions to seek satisfaction. Some of the important Psychological Factors are:

Which of the following is a psychological factor that impacts consumer buying decisions?

  • Motivation: The level of motivation influences the buying behavior of the consumers. It is very well explained by Maslow through his need hierarchy theory comprising of basic needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Usually, the basic needs and the security needs are more pressing needs than the other and hence, these needs become a motive that directs the consumer behavior to seek satisfaction.
  • Perception: The consumer perception towards a particular product and the brand also influences his buying decision. The perception is the process through which the individual selects, organize and interpret the information to draw a meaningful conclusion. Such as, Apple iPhone is perceived as a premium brand and consumers are motivated to buy it to get associated with the elite class of the society.

    The marketers lay emphasis on managing the perceptual processes, Viz. Selective Attention, Selective Distortion, and Selective Retention. In selective attention, the marketer tries to gain the attention of the customer towards his offerings. Different people have different perceptions about the same product depending on their individual beliefs and attitudes which give rise to selective distortion. Thus, the marketer should try to understand the attitudes and beliefs of individuals and design the marketing campaigns to retain the consumers.

  • Learning: The individual’s learning depends on the skills, knowledge and intention. The skills are developed through practice while the knowledge and intention are acquired with the experience. There could be a conditional learning or a cognitive learning.

    In the conditional learning, the consumer derives learning from being conditioned to particular stimuli, i.e. when he is exposed to the similar situation, again and again, he develops a particular response towards it. While in the cognitive learning the individual applies all his knowledge, skill, attitudes, values and beliefs to find the solution of a problem and derive satisfaction out of it.

  • Attitudes and Beliefs: The individuals have certain beliefs and attitudes towards products on which their purchase decisions rests. These attitudes and beliefs are the tendency to respond to a given product in a particular way, and these make up the brand image that influences the consumer buying behavior. Thus, the marketers try to understand the attitudes and beliefs of the individuals and modify these through several marketing campaigns.

Thus, these are some of the psychological factors that the marketer must take into the consideration before undertaking the strategic marketing decision.

Reader Interactions

Which of the following is a psychological factor that impacts customer buying decisions?

There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour: Motivation, perception, learning, and attitude or belief system. Motivation speaks to the internal needs of the consumer. Understanding how to motivate your customer is a powerful tool.

What are the 5 psychological factors?

Some of the important psychological factors are:.
i. Motivation. When a person is motivated enough, it influences the buying behavior of the person. ... .
ii. Perception. ... .
iii. Learning. ... .
iv. Attitudes and Beliefs. ... .
i. Family. ... .
ii. Reference Groups. ... .
iii. Roles and status. ... .
i. Culture..

What are the factors influencing consumer buying decision?

Brand Strategist l Google Display &….
Economic Factor. The most important and first on this list is the Economic Factor. ... .
Functional Factor. ... .
Marketing Mix Factors. ... .
Personal Factors. ... .
Psychological Factor. ... .
Social Factors. ... .
Cultural Factors..

What are the five psychological variables of buying behavior?

In a general scenario, we've got five main factors that determine consumer behavior, i.e these factors regulate if a target customer purchases a product or not. These factors are namely Psychological, Social, Cultural, Personal, and Economic factors.