Which of the following is more likely to be true for an organization that has a highly skilled workforce quizlet?

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Terms in this set (34)

Which of the following is true of about low-cost strategy?

It gives managers greater control over the organizational activities.

_____ refers to the number of subordinates who report directly to a manager.

Span of control

__________ of the organization is the relative authority that each manager in the organization has, from the CEO down to the lowest-level employees.

Chain of command

Task significance refers to the

degree to which a worker feels his or her job is meaningful because of its effect on people inside the organization or on people outside the organization

Which of the following is true about a functional structure in an organization?

It allows managers to monitor a changing competitive environment

Which of the following is an example of how managers can increase the degree of responsibility workers have over their jobs?

allowing workers to monitor and measure their own performance

A cross-functional team refers to a(n)

group of managers brought together from different departments to perform organizational tasks.

Which of the following is true about routine technology?

Problems encountered while using it do not vary much

Task variety refers to

the number of new or unexpected problems that a person or function encounters in performing jobs

The result of the job design process is a(n)

division of labor among employees.

_____ refers to the formal system of task and job reporting relationships that determines how employees use resources to achieve organizational goals.

Organizational structure

A _____ structure refers to an organizational structure that simultaneously groups people and resources by function and by product.


How is flexibility ensured in the matrix structure?

by empowering product teams

________ is the extent to which a job requires the worker to use a wide range of knowledge and abilities.

Skill variety

The greater the level of uncertainty in an organization's environment

the more complex its strategy and technology

Managers increase coordination among functions and divisions by

establishing liaison roles.

The CEO of BigBen Suppliers, Inc. organized the divisions in his organization according to the customers they serve. The BigBen organization is using the _____ structure.


A large organization recently adopted a divisional structure, and there are a number of divisions in the organization. To increase communication and coordination between divisions, the top managers should use

integrating roles.

Organizations can keep their hierarchy flat by

decentralizing authority

_______ is increasing the number of different tasks in a given job by changing the division of labor.

Job enlargement

In which of the following types of organizational structures are employees referred to as two-boss employees?

matrix structure

Kevin noticed that Derek, an automotive technician at his repair shop, was getting bored of repeatedly performing the lone task of changing oil, so Kevin assigned him the additional duty of fixing tires. This is an example of

job enlargement

Which of the following is more likely to be true for an organization that has a highly skilled workforce?

The organizational culture is based on values that foster employee autonomy

A _____refers to an organizational structure composed of all the departments that an organization requires to produce its goods or services.

functional structure

When managers organize divisions based solely on the type of customer they focus on, they adopt a

market structure

A committee of managers from different functions or divisions, or a ________, meet to solve a specific, mutual problem.

task force

Alex started working as a server at a local restaurant two weeks ago. _____ from her supervisor gives her direct and clear information about how well she is performing the job.


_____ is the extent to which a job requires that a worker perform all the necessary activities to complete a job.

Task identity

The culture at Fired-Up Electronics focuses on empowering its employees and makes use of cross-functional teams. What type of culture exists at Fired-Up Electronics?

adaptive culture

The degree to which programmed solutions are available to people or functions to solve the problems they encounter is known as

task analyzability

Andy, the CEO of Alpha Inc., structured his organization according to the goods it manufactured. Which of the following structures is the organization using?

product structure

_____ refers to the shared set of beliefs, values, and norms that influence how people and groups work together to achieve organizational goals.

Organizational culture

Which of the following organizing choices are managers most likely to make if the external environment is stable and resources are readily available?

use detailed rules, SOPs, and restrictive norms to govern employees' activities

At the Highway Department, Dev is assigned to a team to develop a new Route 70 river bridge. Dev reports to both the Engineering Manager and the Route 70 Project Manager. The Highway Department is utilizing a ________ structure.


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Which of the following is more likely to be true for an organization that has highly skilled workforce?

Which of the following is more likely to be true for an organization that has a highly skilled workforce? Correct The organizational culture is based on values that foster employee autonomy.

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Which of the following is true of an organization with a stable external environment and readily available resources? Less coordination and communication are needed among people and functions to obtain resources.

What is increasing the degree of responsibility a worker has over a job?

Job enrichment is increasing the degree of responsibility a worker has over a job. The idea behind job enrichment is that increasing workers' responsibility increases their involvement in their jobs and thus improves their interest in the quality of the goods they make or the services they provide.

Is it true that managers who make design choices that increase job enlargement are likely to increase the degree to which people behave mechanically?

Managers who make design choices that increase job enlargement are likely to increase the degree to which people behave mechanically. The matrix structure of an organization is usually very rigid. The flatter the hierarchy of an organization the less flexible the organization becomes.