Which of the following is not an element in an organizations affirmative action plan Quizlet

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    Terms in this set (70)

    Under respondent superior doctrine, an employer is only responsible for the employee action performed within the:

    Reasonable person standard
    Duration of employment
    Realm of reasonable actions
    Scope of employment

    Scope of Employment

    Which of the following is not an element of a prima facie discrimination case for gender discrimination?

    The employee is qualified for the position
    The employee suffers some adverse employment action
    The employee is in the protected class
    A person of the same gender received favorable employment action

    A person of the same gender received favorable employment action

    When operations of two or more employers are considered so intertwined that they can be considered the single employer, for purposes of both federal statutory coverage and liability, this is called a:

    Integrated Enterprise
    Sole proprietorship

    Integrated Enterprise

    Title VII covers employers who have "_________ or more employees for each working day in each of twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year, and any agent of such a person."



    An employee pursues self-interest as he or she runs a personal errand while driving to a meeting at a company branch office. What is this an example of?

    Reasonable person standard
    Scope of employment
    Frolic and detour
    Duration of employment

    Frolic and detour

    When an employer classifies employees on the basis of gender, plus another characteristic, usually a family-related circumstance, what type of discrimination is this?
    Pregnancy discrimination
    Gender plus discrimination
    Pretextual discrimination
    Perpetual discrimination

    Gender Plus Discrimination

    What was the seminal case establishing the concept of disparate impact?

    St. Mary's Honor Ctr. v. Hicks
    Griggs v. Duke Power
    Connecticut v. Teal
    Texas Dep't of Community Affairs v. Burdine

    Griggs v. Duke Power

    A controlling rule, example, or guide is also known as:

    Judicial review
    Respondent superior
    Contractual understanding


    Which of the following is not a test that determines if an employee is an independent contractor?

    The economic realities test
    The right to work state law index
    The common law agency test
    The IRS 20-factor analysis

    The right to work state law index

    Plaintiffs may allege that the supposed legitimate reason for adverse employment action is merely a __________ or cover-up for discrimination.

    Reasonable reason
    Discrimination in disguise


    A monetary amount necessary to replace what the claimant lost, including money, pain, and other non-monetary losses is known as:

    Punitive damages
    Front pay
    Compensatory damages
    Injunction relief

    Compensatory Damages

    The PDA prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of:

    Pregnancy-related medical conditions
    All of the above

    All of the Above

    Under FMLA provisions, what is considered a qualifying event to receive leave time?

    Serious health condition
    All of the above

    All of the Above

    What protects men and women who perform substantially equal work in the same establishment from sex-based wage discrimination?



    Agency is a _________________ between a principal and an agent whereby the principal, expressly or implicitly, authorizes the agent to work on his or her behalf and with the power to bind the principal.

    Freedom of choice
    Loosely coupled relationship
    Contract relationship
    General understanding

    Contract Relationship

    The ADEA applies to public and private employers and unions with more than __________ employees.



    Sexual harassment is harassment directed at an employee because of his or her:

    Sexual orientation


    The number of age discrimination claims in general have:

    Stayed stagnant
    Dropped drastically in the past decade


    In age discrimination cases, it is important to note that a favored younger employee may be over 40 years old. The key is that the favored employee must be ______________ than the complaining employee, not that the favored employee is outside the protected class.

    Substantially younger
    Under 30 years old and younger
    A different gender

    Substantially Younger

    What is the purpose of ADEA waivers?

    In exchange for job security, the employee agrees to not join any of the local unions
    It prevents employees from leaving the organization for early retirement purposes
    It does not allow an employee to be hired unless he/she promises to never file against the employer with the ADEA
    In exchange for retirement incentives, the employee agrees to not make a claim against the employer under the ADEA

    In exchange for retirement incentives, the employee agrees to not make a claim against the employer under the ADEA

    WARN requires employers with over __________ employees to provide detailed written advance notification of plant closings and mass layoffs to affected employees, union bargaining units, and state and local government officials, ______ days prior.

    50 : 120
    60 : 100
    100 : 60
    120 : 50


    The courts will not review whether the termination of an older worker was ________, but rather whether it was based upon clear procedures, objective budgetary considerations, and actual position elimination.

    Business necessity


    Sexual harassment where the harasser has the authority, or apparent authority, over the employee to change the employee's employment status is known as _________ sexual harassment.

    Quid pro quo
    Hostile environment

    Quid Pro Quo

    Disparate treatment may be established by _____________ of discriminatory motive.

    Subjective evidence
    Direct evidence
    Office rumor
    Indirect evidence

    Direct Evidence

    What was enacted to require almost all employers to pay women and men equally for the same work?



    Religious beliefs, according to the EEOC, include theistic and non-theistic beliefs that are:

    Rationally accepted by a group of people
    Exclusively held by people at the individual level
    Anything that guides personal actions
    Moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong that are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views

    Moral or ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong that are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views

    Where an employee's religious practice conflicts with a work assignment, the employer must make a:

    Reasonable person's effort to help
    Reasonable accommodation
    Different employee adjust his/her schedule
    Termination decision

    Reasonable Accommodation

    What is the central purpose of the independent living movement?

    To take disabled persons out of isolation and institutions and place them squarely in the mainstream community of school and employment
    To decrease the amount of U.S. citizens on welfare and social programs
    To get disabled persons out of the workplace into government supported facilities that can create a greater quality of life for the individuals
    To assist students as they finish high school in preparing for employment or higher education

    To take disabled persons out of isolation and institutions and place them squarely in the mainstream community of school and employment

    What is the most common religion-related complaint in the workplace?

    Schedule change requests
    Religious imagery in working stations


    In the context of age discrimination, which of the following is an employer defense to disparate impact claims?

    Minimum age requirement
    Bona Fide age discrepancy
    Reasonable factor other than age
    Unreasonable factor other than age

    Reasonable factor other than age

    Which of the following is a requirement that triggers liability for race-based harassment?

    A. The conduct must be unwelcome
    B. The conduct must be sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the terms and conditions of employment in the mind of the victim and from the perspective of a reasonable person in the victim's position
    C. The duration of the conditions must take place over at least a six-month period of time
    Both A and B

    both A and B

    A majority of workers say _________ face more discrimination in the workplace than other groups.



    An employer hires a Black salesperson, but assigns the person to territories with a high percentage of Blacks or gives him/her only Black accounts. What is this an example of?

    Preferential treatment
    Steering assignments
    Disparate treatment
    Disparate impact

    Steering Assignments

    Employers are required to accommodate religious diversity, but have no corresponding duty under Title VII to accommodate cultural or ______________ work conflicts.

    Nation of origin

    Nation of Origin

    It was permissible for a Jesuit university to deny a qualified Jewish philosophy professor a teaching position at the university on the basis of his religion.

    True or False


    When looking at whether an accommodation is a hardship, which of the following is something the courts do not look for?

    The cost of accommodation in terms of wages and administration
    The duration of time the employee has spent with the employer
    The type of job involved
    The employer's efforts

    The duration of time the employee has spent with the employer

    The __________ regulates how consumer reporting agencies collect, correct, disseminate, and use consumer credit information.


    FCRA (The Fair Credit Reporting Act)

    The Supreme Court established the ____________ doctrine, which holds that Title VII is not violated when citizenship is a requirement for non-elected governmental positions when those positions require formulation, execution, or review of public policy issues.

    Political function
    National security
    Political security
    American leadership

    Political Function

    Which of the following is not "encompassed" in the EEOC's definition of race?

    Mental capacity characteristics — GPA and ACT/SAT test scores
    Employer perception of a person's race
    Race-associated illnesses - diabetes, obesity, and sickle cell anemia affect some races more than others
    Culture - dress, grooming practices, accent, or manner of speech

    Mental Capacity Characteristics (Intelligence)

    The Rehabilitation Act requires all covered employers to make a reasonable accommodation for the physical or mental disability of an employee unless the employer can establish that the accommodation would create ______________ based upon business needs and cost.

    An undue hardship
    Extra time to perform
    An inconvenience
    An initial annoyance

    An undue hardship

    A disabled person must be qualified to carry out the ____________________ before the protections of the ADA may be invoked.

    Practical tasks of the job
    Non-essential job functions
    Essential functions of the job
    Marginal job functions

    Essential functions of the job

    When a worker's own errant conduct contributed to an injury in the line of work, this is known as:

    Fellow servant rule
    Horseplay rule
    Contributory negligence
    Assumption of risk

    Contributory negligence

    A union shop that requires membership as a condition of employment is known as a(n):

    Right to work shop
    Closed union shop
    Free rider shop
    Union shop

    Closed Union Shop

    What was the purpose and effect of the amendment to the ADA of the ADAAA?

    It changed the employer rule to only organizations with over 100 employees
    To make the act less descriptive when it comes to how to classify a disability
    To include racial stereotyping along with disabilities
    It broadened the definition of "major life activity" to be construed in favor of coverage

    It broadened the definition of "major life activity" to be construed in favor of coverage

    Amendments to The Vietnam Era Veteran Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 require that federal contracts entered into after 1 December, 2003, and worth more than _________________ require contractors and subcontractors to undertake AA for specified categories of veterans, which include a priority referral requirement for employment openings.



    Without having to file lawsuits, the federal government may suspend or cancel contracts with non-complying contractors or debar them from bidding on future government contracts.

    True or False


    When the court either orders the imposition of an affirmative action plan, which it may continue to supervise, or allows the parties to develop an agreed-upon plan by way of settlement, this is known as:

    Diplomatic measures
    Judicial affirmative action
    Democratic affirmative action
    Affirmative action controls

    Judicial affirmative action

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) outlines that employers with a certain number of employees are subject to the guidelines of the Act. How many employees must an employer have before it must conform to the ADA?



    The process of determining what accommodation is required is an intensive fact-specific inquiry conducted by the employer and the employee together. Which of the following is not an included step?

    The employer and employee engage in a joint determination regarding barriers to performance
    The employee determines which accommodation is reasonable
    A listing of possible accommodations is examined
    The employee asks for an accommodation

    The employee determines which accommodation is reasonable.

    A review of what a contractor's workforce looks like is known as:

    Reasonable self-analysis
    Workforce outlook
    Reasonable breakdown
    Workforce breakdown

    Reasonable Self-Analysis

    The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) prohibits employers from purposefully:

    A. Intercepting by electronic means any employee wire, oral, or electronic communications
    B. Accessing, without permission, stored electronic communications
    C. Not providing a company-sponsored form of communication
    Both A and B

    Both A and B

    When an employer fails to terminate, or remove from an authority position, an employee when it is apparent he or she poses a danger to other employees or the firm, this is known as:

    Negligent referral
    Negligent management
    Negligent retention
    Negligent hiring

    Negligent retention

    What is the fundamental source of United States Immigration Law?

    Title VII

    INA (immigration and nationality act)

    When an employer makes and invasion into the private affairs of an employee, it may be the tort of invasion of privacy. There are four separate torts under the invasion of privacy umbrella. Which of the following is not included?

    Placement in false light
    Public disclosure of private facts
    Monitoring of company computers
    Intrusion upon seclusion

    Monitoring of company computers

    Which of the following is not a requirement of an AA plan?

    Reasonable rationale for taking corrective action
    Reasonable self-analysis
    Reasonable quotas for change
    Reasonable action

    Reasonable quotas for change

    What office oversees affirmative action?


    OFCCP (Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs)

    O.S.H.A requires employers to "furnish to each of its employees ... a place of employment which [is] free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm." This is known as:

    General duty clause
    Reasonable person standard
    General employer expectations
    Unwritten expectations

    General Duty Clause

    What is the purpose of the Privacy Act of 1974?

    To govern the release of private information by federal agencies about public employees
    To prevent the U.S. from spying on its own citizens
    To give the government the freedom to release any public records of employees
    To prevent the government from wiretapping citizens

    To govern the release of private information by federal agencies about public employees

    When E-verify issues a tentative nonconformation response, the employer must inform the employee. How long does the employee have until he/she needs to reply to the necessary agency?

    72 hours
    24 hours
    Fourteen days
    Eight days

    8 days

    An English-only rule must be justified by:

    Business necessity
    Employer preference
    Employee complaints
    A Federal judge

    Business necessity

    The purpose of the federal OSHA is to make workplaces safe by preventing worker illness and injury. When injuries do occur, the process of providing remedy is governed by state law and is called:

    Social support
    Health care reform
    Worker's compensation

    worker's compensation

    What is the easiest way to avoid discrimination claims due to performance appraisals?

    Apply performance criteria equally to all employees
    Make them subjective to managers' opinions
    Don't hold performance appraisals
    Make them different for each person

    Apply performance criteria equally to all employees

    Persons or entities that manage benefits funds are __________________ - guardians or caretakers - and must act with a high level of skill, due care, and prudence in that task.



    The federal act that allows an employee - at his or her own expense - to continue company health care benefits for up to eighteen months or more when he or she leaves a job is known as the:

    Family and Medical Leave Act
    Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
    Employee Retirement Income Security Act
    Fair Labor Standards Act

    Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

    Under the rules of the NLRA, only one union may be designated as the _________________ for workers in a particular location or industry.

    Official bargaining unit
    Community of interest
    Strike leaders
    Concerted activity leader

    Official Bargaining Unit

    Organizations that represent workers in bargaining with employers to improve conditions of employment are known as:

    Federal commissions
    Workers groups
    None of the above


    What is a yellow dog contract?

    A contract that an employee signs in agreement to not join the union
    An agreement by all union members to stop work
    A contract that allows employers to ban unions
    A contract an employee signs that promises his/her admission into the union

    A contract that an employee signs in agreement to not join the union

    The federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires federal contractors doing more than ________________ in business with the federal government to ensure a drug-free workplace through education and enforcement of drug-free policies.



    Which act prohibited the elimination of unions and expressly removed union organizing efforts from the "anti-combination" language of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

    Norris-LaGuardia Act
    Clayton Act
    Federal anti-trust Act
    National Labor Relations Act

    The Clayton Act

    An employer hires a Black salesperson, but assigns the person to territories with a high percentage of Blacks or gives him/her only Black accounts. What is this an example of?

    Preferential treatment
    Steering assignments
    Disparate treatment
    Disparate impact

    Steering Assignments

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