Which of the following is the first step in conducting a job instructional training (jit) session?

Recruiting for a new company position is a 3 step process: create and post the job position, interview candidates, and choose the best candidate. True or False?

A company called “Now You See It, Now You Don’t” provides a written test to its applicants before accepting them into their company. In order to be accepted, applicants must score over 70%. Once they are in the company however, it seems that there is no correlation between test score and job performance. Someone who scored a 71% is just as likely to excel in the company as someone who aced the exam. This test does not have which of the following?

Structured situational interviews are definitely the best way to interview candidates and avoid making mistakes. True or False?

A major production company called “Moya’s Glitter N’ Donuts” has a standard for the way that they continue to train their employees. Moya, the CEO of the company, sits down with the Human Resources Manager (HRM) to discuss ways to better the ways of training the staff. John, the HRM, comes to the meeting with his analysis of the training needs for the staff. As Moya and John discuss ways to design the training program, which of the following would NOT be a good design plan element to consider?

A.    Increasing Attendance: How to get the most attendance at the training sessions, since most people in the company are quite busy

The Graphic Rating Scale is not recommended or used by most companies because it is not very comprehensive nor does it allow for much subjectivity or notes. True or False?

Sara has been working for “Moya’s Glitter N’ Donuts” for some time now, but she now has gotten to the point where she is thinking about leaving the company. She doesn’t feel like the company really cares about her on a long term basis, or sees her as more than a temporary worker, as opposed to someone who is starting a career. Which of the following would NOT be a sustainable reason why Sara might continue working for “Moya’s Glitter N’ Donuts” for a longer period of time?


  They could give Sara a raise; paying Sara more would express her value to the company and make her feel like the company really wanted her to stay!

The biggest difference between traditional job evaluations and competency-based pay ties is that for traditional job evaluations are more job-oriented (employees are paid more based on the description and duties of the job), whereas the competency-based pay is more person-based (employees are paid based on how much they know or how much they can do). True or False?

“Moya’s Glitter N’ Donuts” has a lot

of team-based initiatives. Moya

thought about ways to incentivize people on the team in order to maximize results. Of the following, which is the WORST plan?

A. Rewarding the team as a whole for doing a great job!   

Social Security only


income when

you are older

than 62.

Danielle was hired by “Moya’s Glitter N’ Donuts” to be the receptionist at the main office. She was trained by the current receptionist who would be retiring soon. The receptionist started off by making Danielle feel comfortable and welcome in the company. She let Danielle see her work the desk for a few hours, while she explained what she was doing and let Danielle ask any questions she had. Then after the day, she let Danielle have a hands-on experience with sitting at the desk, and doing some of the same tasks that she had seen earlier in the day. The next day, Danielle takes the reins and the retiring receptionist corrects her mistakes as she goes along, and then that week they work together, with Danielle doing more and more on her own as the week goes along. At the end of the week, the current receptionist leaves and Danielle is grounded in her new job. What type of training is this?

The application form for a job position must comply with the equal employment laws (EEO laws). Which one of the following question topic is not problematic in terms of EEO laws?

2) There are several assessment methods for testing an employee’s abilities and each has pros and cons in terms of validity and adverse impact. Which one of the following matches is NOT a correct evaluation?

C) Integrity test               

Moderate to

High Validity          

High adverse impact

“A panel interview is a type of interview where several interviewers ask questions to several candidates simultaneously while in a mass interview, several interviewers ask questions to a single candidate.”

In order to avoid interview errors, using a structured situational interview is an essential way. There are 5 basic steps to design a structured situational interview. Please choose the correct order of those steps which are given in the following answers.


Analyze the job

Rate the job’s main duties

Create interview questions

Create benchmark answers

Appoint the interview panel and conduct interviews

In order to train the current employees, an employer first has to analyze their performance and decide the topics of training. There are several ways to evaluate an employee’s performance which some of them stated below. Please choose the correct answers.

D) I and II
Attitude Surveys and
Interview with the employee/supervisor of employee

When considering the appraisal techniques to measure an employee’s performance, which one of the following statements is wrong?

With the paired comparison method, the manager keeps a record of positive and negative critical incidents of his/her employee’s work related behavior and discuss those with him/her at predetermined times.

“Mentoring and coaching are similar yet different managerial skills. Coaching means educating, instructing and training subordinates and it focuses on teaching short term job related skills. Mentoring is more like guiding and counseling and it focuses on long term career related skills.”

____________ is a type of compensation where the company pays according to the employee’s range, depth and skills rather than his/her job title.” Please choose the correct answer for the empty space.

When considering motivation theories which has relevance to design incentive plans, which one of the matches is correct?

Victor Vroom- Expectancy Theory   

Which one o

the following benefits is


required by federal law?

Outsourcing and offshoring are considered as the alternative way of stuffing. Outsourcing means having abroad outside venders and suppliers other than the company’s normal employees, on the other hand, offshoring means having outside venders and suppliers other than the company’s normal employees.

1)    In order to hire employees firms often prepare some intelligence, general talent or physical test to measure the attendants’ level in different categories before doing face-to-face interviews. According to the results they usually start eliminating the candidates.

Which of the following choices has the wrong match between the tests required to measure the ability and what it is measuring in return?

C) Personality Tests - Emotional Abilities 

1)    An interview is an event that is designed to collect information from a person through answering the questions. There are several ways to ask these questions. Determine whether if the following statement true or false.

Situational questions are likely to measure how the candidate reacted to actual situation in the past; on the other hand behavioral questions are the ones where you ask the candidates about how their behavior would be in a given situation.

1)    Interviews are usually related with the candidate employee but there are some things that interviewer should also pay attention in order to lead the conversation in a good way.  

Which of the following choice is not one of the behaviors that interviewer should pay attention to keep the conversation smooth and successful, shortly which of the following is not an interviewing error to avoid?

A)  Listening and talking to the candidate in a good proportion

1)    After hiring the employees, firms sometimes need to train their employees for a specific qualification or job necessity. There are several ways to do this training. Determine whether or not the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.

One of the main training system is On-The-Job-Training which supports that learning a job is actually highly related to doing it; whereas job instruction training (JIT) suggests more systematic training by doing it step-by-step.

1)    In order to keep the work performance and environment efficient and positive, firms usually do performance measurement to their employees. These evaluations are called performance management and appraisal. However even though they are pronounced together they have some differences in practice. How many of the following statements are true?

·      Performance appraisal means continuous, daily or weekly interactions and feedback collection.

·      Performance management is a goal-directed action.

·      Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating an employee’s current or past performance relative to his/her standards.

·      Performance management only focuses on individual training and do not care about teamwork.

B) 2 *answers 2 and 3 are correct

1)    Employers use some techniques in order to determine the pay rates of the jobs. One of them is the job evaluation method which involves assigning values to every single company job. However this process requires some steps. Only one of the following options below has the correct sequence of the methods. According to that which option represents the best sequence?


obtain job information- select and group jobs- select compensable factors-rank jobs

1)    There are some terms that are used for incentive plans by the companies. Normally they are normally named as pay-for-performance plans which focuses on paying according to overall profitability, on the other hand, profit sharing plans are usually based on paying according to employees performance.

1)    Nowadays companies give right to their employees to work in flexible hours. Please match the following definitions with their terminologies.

·      Schedule in which employee works fewer but longer days each week.

·      Temporary reduction in work hours by group of employees during economic downturns.

·      Two or more people to share single full time job.

A)  compressed work week- work sharing- job sharing

1)    True/False. Trend analysis is a forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using ratios.

1)    ________ validity shows that scores on the test are related to job performance

1)    All of the following are caveats to beneficial use of personality tests to predict job performance except?

B. Overgeneralization of personality traits

1)    True/False. Based on the Candidate-Order Error, having an interview with an interviewer who just conducted interviews for 2 poor candidates can help your chances of being perceived as a strong candidate, when in reality you are just an average candidate.

The coahing method is best exemplified through which form of training?

C. Apprenticeship Training

1)    True/False. In identifying potential performance appraisal problems, the halo effect refers to the supervisor’s tendency to be too lighthearted and lenient, resulting in an inflated performance rating for all their subordinates.

1)    Which of the following is not an example of job withdrawal?

A. Seeking to join a union

1)    True/False. Apple tells its coders about a training seminar that will teach them a new way to design apps faster and with a lower chance of glitches. Sean cannot attend because of a personal emergency but his colleagues all attend. A few months later, Apple pays Sean’s colleagues more because of their new training but Sean does not get an increase. This is an example of competency-based pay increase and therefore legally defendable.

1)    True/False. Team incentives are the best form of incentives in a company because they do not present any disadvantages.

1)    True/False. Employers are shifting from health maintenance organizations (HMO) to preferred provider organizations (PPOs) because of the increased cost of HMOs and their less stringent system for obtaining care.

The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance is known as____________

Which of the following is not a guideline when choosing a recruiter?

a) Meet the individual who will actually handle your assignment

b) Make sure you ask how much the search firm charges. Get the agreement in writing

c) Make sure the recruiter and you see eye to eye on what short of person you need for the position

d) Make sure you are comfortable with the executive recruiter checking all the references, and ensure that the recruiter is qualified

d) Make sure you are comfortable with the executive recruiter checking all the references, and ensure that the recruiter is qualified

True or false: personality tests are an accurate prediction of performance.

6) Which of the following is not a step for behavioral modeling when training managers?

a) Modeling

b) Role-playing

c) Discussion

d) Social reinforcement

e) Transfer of training

With the _________ method of rating, the supervisor keeps a log of positive and negative examples of a subordinates work related behavior, and every six months or so, supervisor and subordinate meet to discuss the latter’s performance, using the incidents as examples

Which of the following is not a critical step with retaining employees?

The ___________ originally passed in 1938 and since amended many times, contains minimum wage, maximum hours, overtime pay, equal pay, record keeping, and chair labor provisions that are familiar to most working people.

True or False: Most Firms have annual bonus plans for motivating managers’ short-term performance.

1.  The process of establishing pay rates while ensuring external, internal and procedure equity consist of five steps. Please indicate the right order for these five steps.

a)      Conduct a salary survey of what other employers are paying for comparable jobs, determine the worth of each job in your organization through job evaluation, group similar jobs into pay grades, price each pay grade by using wave curves, fine tune pay rates.

1.  Behavioural based interviewing is interviewing based on discovering how the interviewee acted in specific employment-­‐related past situations. The logic is that those kinds of questions will provide the interviewer a deep insight of the interviewee’s past career.

1.  An unstructured interview, where the manager follows no set format, a little more like a general conversation, is preferred than a structured interview, where the employer lists the question ahead of time.

1.  According with the compensation framework theory, the individual performance is responsible for the pay range of your salary, while the value of the job precisely set where inside the range your pay has to be.

1.  Salary compression means long term employees’ salaries are higher than those of workers entering the firm today, and is a creature of inflation.

1.  Which one of those characteristics is a typical advantage of recruiting within the company instead of recruiting externally?

Requires less orientation training

1.  The interviewer asks applicants questions about relevant past experiences as, “which courses do you like best in business school?” in order to draw conclusion about candidate’s ability to handle specific aspects of the job the employer seeks to fill. Which type of interview is this one?

Which is not a direct financial payment

In order to drive the point of your presentation home is it useful to empathize some key words with a softer volume?

Which of the following is NOT true about Trend Analysis

C. It is the only factor affecting the staffing needs

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate description of a panel interview?

Through years of research it is now clear that panel interview is better than sequential interviews.

Which of the following is a correct description in relation to specific program design issues?


Ensure Transfer of Learning to the Job- Less than 35% of trainees seem to be transferring what they learned in training to their jobs a year after training. Thus it is crucial to reinforce what the trainee has learned.

Which of the followings is true in relation to career management system?


Just receiving performance feedback from supervisors, individual development plans set up, and access to training is enough for most employees.

Which of the followings is NOT true in relation to hierarchy of needs and Abraham Maslow?


According to the prepotency process principle, people are motivated to satisfy higher order need and then move on to lower levels.

Projective personality tests can be problematic because

they may reveal mental health conditions or characteristics that can result in discrimination.

A stress interview is an effective, but difficult way to

see how candidates handle uncomfortable situations.

One pitfall of on-the-job training is

often, it doesn’t effectively prepare new employees as much as it just throws them into their new job.

Vestibule training would be most common for what kind of job?

Which of the following is not exempt from the FLSA?   

Which of the following is a factor that affects an individual employee’s pay?

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs claims that the highest-level desire that people have is the need for ______________________.

True or False: In order to receive workers’ compensation, an employee must show that the company was in some way negligent or otherwise responsible for his/her injury.

When talking to employees about poor performance, a manager’s responsibility is to....

make the employee aware of the problem.

True or False: Workforce Planning only concerns itself with how to fill the positions of executive jobs.

True or False: On-demand recruiting services (ODRS) provide short-term specialized recruiting assistance to support specific projects, and charges firms a percentage fee per hire.

True or False: A situational judgment test tries to predict job performance by requiring job candidates to perform one or more samples of the job's tasks.

True or False: In a situational interview, you ask the candidate what his or her behavior would be in a given situation.

What is the first step in conducting an effective interview?

Study the job description

Which is not a way to make an interview useful?

Trust your Snap Judgments

Behavior Modeling does not involve:

Creating a realistic situation then having the trainees assume the roles of a specific person in that situation

means evaluating an employee's current and past performance relative to his or her performance standards

Examples of Job Withdrawal include all of the following EXCEPT:

True or False: A pay grade is a vertical pay range for each horizontal pay class.

1.    After reviewing applications, the HR personnel have to make selection decisions and a test is a popular selection tool. A test is a sample of the candidates’ behaviors that helps determine whether the candidate would be successful in the position. All of the following are part of the ‘validity’ of a test except for:

A.      Timeliness Validity of a test ensures the proper length of a test. Because candidates tend to be nervous when taking tests, Timeliness Validity prevents them from becoming overly pressured under a given amount of time, and enhances accuracy of the test’s evaluative function.

Which one of the following statements best describes the ‘behavioral questions’ to ask during interviews?

Behavioral questions should focus on job related past experiences to predict the candidate’s response in the future.

According to the equity theory of motivation, individual equity refers to


Fairness of an individual’s pay as compared with what his or her coworkers are earning for the same or very similar jobs within the company.

Which of the following is not relevant to the competency-based pay?


Job oriented pay based on the job title and duties.

Which of the following statements is true regarding motivation theory of Frederick Herzberg? (The theory that talks about “hygienes” and “motivators”)

Enriching Job content includes designing the job to be more challenging and providing recognitions.

1.    Conventionally, executives at a company were compensated with cash and stock option bonus at the year end. However, the company lacked internal resources and distributed Justin Bieber concert tickets instead. The executives were mad about such bonus as none of them was apparently a fan of Justin Bieber. Which of the factors from expectancy theory did the company fail to consider?

1.    Because of the large amount of time off the employees receive, the pay for time not worked, or supplemental pay benefits, is the most costly benefit. Which of the following is not one of the pay for time not worked benefits?

1.    (T/F) A defined benefit plan is one in which the employer gives each employee a benefits fund budget, and lets the person spend it on the benefits he or she prefers.

(T/F) Due to tax law changes and other reasons, defined benefit plans now represent a majority of pension benefit plans.

1.    True or False: Employers often higher “temps” to increase company productivity while paying these temporary workers dramatically lower wages compared to permanent workers.

1.    Validity determines whether a test is measuring what it is supposed to be measuring. Which of the following is not a type of validity mentioned in the book?

1.    True or False: While interactive and simulate technologies have many different advantages, they also have large costs. One such cost is the average increased learning time.

1.    Psychologist Kurt Lewin formulated a model to summarize what he believed was the basic process for implementing a change with minimal resistance. Which of the following is not one of his three steps?

Performance Appraisals can lead to potential problems. Which of the following is an example of central tendency at work?


Rating all employees as average.

1.    True or False: Career Development is the deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, motivations, and other characteristics; acquires information about opportunities; identifies career-related goals; and establishes an action plan to attain specific goals.

FALSE (this is career planning)

With respect to compensation, managers should address four forms of equity. Which of the following is not mention in the book?

1.    Psychologist Victor Vroom’s expectancy motivation theory defines motivation as a product of three things.

                  Motivation= (Expectancy * Instrumentality*                      _   )

1.    True or False: A 401(k) plan allows an employee to authorize the employer to deduct a sum from their paycheck before taxes, and to invest it in a bundle of investments.

As part of the recruitment and selection process, employers should not include which of the following steps?

Asking candidates to fill out applications to provide information about past work experiences, level of education and dates of attendance, arrest record, physical handicap, and marital status.

When designing and administering tests for candidates as part of the selection process, employers should ensure that the test meets all but which of the following criteria?

The test should not include questions about personality traits because these discriminate against introverts.

True or False? A private employer has the right to administer a polygraph to any employee or candidate in order to evaluate his/her honesty on application materials.

What types of questions does the book recommend employers ask candidates in an interview?

Job knowledge questions, experience questions, behavioral questions, and situational questions

True or False? ADDIE is an acronym for the five steps required in developing a training process. The letters stand for the following: Ask-Determine-Distinguish-Illustrate-Educate.

Performance appraisals are used to evaluate employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his/her performance standards. The book suggests a few different people who can contribute to the appraising, except for which of the following?

D. The Employer's competitors

One study regarding the relationship between gender and career development found that women had to receive higher performance ratings than men to get promoted. This suggests which of the following trends?

Women are held to stricter standards than men.

True or False? When making promotion decisions, an employer should value competence over seniority.

Which of the following is an example of a piecework incentive plan?

John is a sales rep whose pay depends on the number of leads he generates. He generates 50 leads in one day and gets paid $4 per lead, so his pay for that day is $200.

Which of the following policies is required by law?

Employees parental leave are entitled to the receive health benefits under the same conditions as when they are on the job.

Select the option below which is not one of the 5 main steps of the recruitment and selection process:

Decide to whom to make an offer by having a diversity specialist figure out which race is underrepresented in your company and hiring an applicant of that decent

1.    True or False: If a hiring manager implemented an interview component involving the candidate completing a work simulation such as having the candidate perform realistic management tasks under the observation of experts appraising the candidate’s behavior it would be considered an unlawful selection process because the candidate is disadvantaged by not having on-the-job training yet.

Which of the options below is one of several basic techniques managers use for appraising performance?

1.    True or False? Performance management is the continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning their performance with their personal preferences.

1.    True or False: Employee engagement should only be offered as a reward for good job performance, similar to a bonus or promotion.

The process of establishing pay rates consists of five steps. Which of the options below is not one of the 5?   

Determining the number of employees in that job

Which one of these is NOT an effective recruitment tool (discussed in Dessler Chapter 5)?

Which one of the following tips does Dessler suggest can make background checks more valuable (Chapter 6)?

Use the references offered by the applicant as a source for other references. That way, you might get more objective information.

True or false: When interviewing, Dessler suggests in Chapter 7 that structured situational interviews are the most successful format

Which of the following are ways that Dessler suggests will make the interview useful?

Which one of the following would NOT be a part of training new employees?

Which one of the following is NOT mentioned in Dessler as a method to motivate trainees during training sessions?

Ensuring generalizability of learning to multiple jobs within the company for easy mobility

True or false: vestibule training occurs when it’s too costly or dangerous to train employees on the job.

Which one of these does Dessler claim is a potential appraisal problem?

Which one of the following does Dessler describe as a benefit of providing employees with career development programs?

It helps increase employee retention

Which one of the follow is an example of competency based pay?

Employees are paid based on their skills and knowledge

Which of the following is the first step in the training cycle?

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the cornerstone of the entire training experience. It is the first thing you'll do in “identify training needs”, stage 1 of the Training Cycle. TNA can also be called “Learning Needs Analysis”.

Which of the following is the first step in Lussier's change model?

Identifying possible resistance to a change is the first step in Lussier change model.

Is the ongoing process of evaluating an employees execution of a job?

Performance appraisal,on the other hand, is the ongoing process of evaluating employee performance.

What consists of the shared values and assumptions of how its members will behave?

Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that help individuals within an organization understand which behaviors are and are not appropriate within an organization.


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