Which of the following is the most common way for american young adults to spend their leisure time?

When Davis and Davis asked young Moroccans (ages 9 to 20) "How do you know you're grown up?" what were they most likely to say?

I know I am grown up because I am searching for my life partner.

I know I am grown up because I don't lose control over my emotions.

I know I am grown up because I am financially independent.

I know I am grown up because I am married.

I know I am grown up because I don't lose control over my emotions.

Skin becomes looser and muscle mass decreases during young adulthood and beyond due to a decrease in __________.


iron and vitamin D

growth hormone

the production of vitamin K

growth hormone

The countries with the highest obesity rates are __________.

Asian countries

the wealthiest countries

traditional cultures

the poorest countries

the wealthiest countries

Which of the following statements about exercise is true?

Most adults in developed countries do not exercise regularly.

Adults at lower SES levels exercise more than adults at higher SES levels.

Adolescents exercise more than children.

Nearly all adults in developed countries engage in regular exercise

Most adults in developed countries do not exercise regularly.

Which of the following statements regarding IQ scores is true?

Adults who score in the middle of the distribution on IQ tests are likely to have trouble performing most kinds of adult work successfully.

Intelligence tests administered in childhood and adolescence are moderately correlated with school success.

Longitudinal studies of children with exceptionally high IQs do not show that IQ is a strong predictor of adult achievements.

Intelligence tests administered in childhood and adolescence are not correlated with school success.

Intelligence tests administered in childhood and adolescence are moderately correlated with school success.

In both Asian and African cultures, a common theme of conceptions of intelligence is that __________.

it includes social elements

it is not achieved until late adulthood

it is based on educational level

it can only be achieved by those with high SES

it includes social elements

According to scholars, it takes about __________ of study or practice in most fields to attain expertise.

10 years

5 years

20 years

30 years

10 years

How is creativity measured?

No one has attempted to measure creativity.

Assessments of creativity have focused on the number of works a person produces, or on the timing of a person's "best" works, as determined by experts in the area or by the works' influence.

A standardized test has been developed that assesses creativity precisely.

It is assessed based on self-reports.

Assessments of creativity have focused on the number of works a person produces, or on the timing of a person's "best" works, as determined by experts in the area or by the works' influence.

Erikson thought that __________ was not possible until an individual had a fairly stable personal identity.






According to Sternberg, commitment, passion, and intimacy combine to form __________ love.






Today, the __________ marriage is the most common in most Eastern cultures.






Which of the following statements regarding young Americans' beliefs about marriage is true?

Young Americans believe that couples should stay together, even if they are unhappy.

Young Americans believe more strongly in marriage than young people in most other Western countries.

Young Americans believe less strongly in marriage than young people in most other Western countries.

Young Americans believe that people should not marry until they are 30 years old or older.

Young Americans believe more strongly in marriage than young people in most other Western countries.

Which of the following groups experiences the least overall happiness?

People who are widowed

People who are separated

People who are single

People who are in unhappy marriages

People who are in unhappy marriages

Which of the following statements about gay and lesbian partnerships is true?

Gay and lesbian couples no longer face discrimination.

In recent years, discrimination against gays and lesbians has diminished, especially on the part of the young.

In recent years, discrimination against gays and lesbians has diminished, especially on the part of older adults.

In recent years, discrimination against gays and lesbians has increased, especially on the part of the young.

In recent years, discrimination against gays and lesbians has diminished, especially on the part of the young.

One of the findings from an American study of sexual behavior among young adults was that women __________.

masturbate more in their 30s than in any other decade of life

experienced more frequent orgasms than men

reported more frequent sexual fantasies than their male counterparts

masturbate more in their 20s than in any other decade of life

masturbate more in their 30s than in any other decade of life

Which of the following statements regarding research on couples after the birth of the first child in developed countries is true?

Marital satisfaction improves for nearly all couples following the birth of the first child.

For couples who had a troubled marriage before the child was born, marital satisfaction increases after the baby arrives because it brings them closer together.

Marital satisfaction declines more for men than women after the birth of a child because men become jealous of the new baby.

Gender roles become more traditional and women are more likely to take an extended period of leave after the birth of a child.

Gender roles become more traditional and women are more likely to take an extended period of leave after the birth of a child.

According to Holland, people are likely to be unhappy if they __________.

make less money than their spouse/romantic partner

spend more time working the "second shift" than in their full-time workplace

are not able to have a lot of social contacts on the job

do not have a good fit between their personality qualities and their job

do not have a good fit between their personality qualities and their job

Which of the following statements about community involvement is true?

Community involvement has increased in recent decades across age groups.

Community involvement is more common among women than men in young adulthood.

Community involvement often increases in young adulthood.

Young adults are usually too busy with other leisure activities to get involved in their communities.

Community involvement often increases in young adulthood.

The top three criteria that mark the transition to adulthood across cultures and nations are characterized by __________.






People from traditional cultures consider __________ as the key transition to adulthood.

independent decision making


leaving the parents' house

finishing education


Emerging adults in __________ view being able to support their parents financially as a necessary criterion for adulthood.


the United States




Which of the following statements regarding physical changes during young adulthood is true?

There is an increase in vital capacity.

The immune system increases its production of T cells and B cells.

The heart muscle starts to become more rigid.

Individuals with darker skin tones show skin aging earlier than their counterparts with fair skin.

The heart muscle starts to become more rigid.

Vital capacity is the maximum __________.

number of inhalations per minute of intense exercise

amount of air that can be contained in the lungs

pounds that can be lifted at least 10 times

number of times the person's heart beats per minute

amount of air that can be contained in the lungs

Amity is an adult with a BMI of 27. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, she would be classified as __________.




average weight


Between the ages of 25 and 50, an individual's basal metabolic rate __________.

remains the same

stays the same until the late 30s and then declines sharply


increases steadily


Based on a longitudinal study, the National Study of Adolescent Health, rates of obesity in young adulthood were highest among __________.

African American women

African American men

Asian men

European American men

African American women

Which of the following groups of young adults is likely to spend the least amount of time exercising?

Low SES and female

Low SES and male

High SES and male

Middle SES and female

Low SES and female

Beyond reducing body fat, exercise has also been shown to __________.

lower the death rate of those who maintain regular exercise in adulthood

decrease white blood cells

lower metabolic rate for several hours after exercise

lower rates of schizophrenia and depression

lower the death rate of those who maintain regular exercise in adulthood

Longitudinal research on Terman's "Termites" has shown that __________.

career success peaked in emerging adulthood, but there was a steep decline in the fourth decade of life as most of the sample experienced a mid-life crisis

they had higher incomes but also higher rates of alcoholism and divorce than a comparison group of individuals with average IQs

women achieved high levels of occupational success, but only a small percentage of the men did

they had a great deal of educational and occupational success

they had a great deal of educational and occupational success

IQ in childhood __________.

has no relation to later occupational status

correlates positively with later income, but not other measures of success

has not been studied as a predictor of later adulthood outcomes because that would be considered unethical

is a powerful predictor of income and occupational status in adulthood

is a powerful predictor of income and occupational status in adulthood

Which of the following statements about Terman's research is true?

The Termites were less likely to have personal problems such as alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders.

There is a correlation between childhood IQ and adult success, but it is weak.

Only the Termites who pursued careers in technology had more career success than the comparison group with average IQs.

The price of a high IQ was a high risk of personal problems.

The Termites were less likely to have personal problems such as alcoholism, divorce, and mental disorders.

In the __________ culture, the word ngware means to be prudent and cautious, especially in social relations.






What did Sternberg's research among the Yup'ik, a Native Alaskan culture, demonstrate?

There was a correlation between the adolescents' performance on the standard IQ test and the likelihood that they would be nominated by the adults and elders for possessing the valued Yup'ik qualities.

There was a correlation between the adolescents' performance on the test of practical intelligence and the likelihood that they would be nominated by the adults and elders for possessing the valued Yup'ik qualities.

Practical intelligence is a key component of intelligence that is culture-specific and is adequately assessed by standard IQ tests.

Practical intelligence is not considered a component of intelligence.

There was a correlation between the adolescents' performance on the test of practical intelligence and the likelihood that they would be nominated by the adults and elders for possessing the valued Yup'ik qualities.

Which of the following statements about expertise is true?

The maturity of the frontal cortex in young adulthood reflects cognitive changes that underlie expertise.

Expertise tends to decline after young adulthood.

According to most researchers in the field, it takes about 25 years of study and practice in most fields to attain expertise.

Expertise is defined in terms of knowledge base, rather than problem solving, because it is difficult to measure problem-solving skills.

The maturity of the frontal cortex in young adulthood reflects cognitive changes that underlie expertise.

Which of the following statements regarding expertise is true?

Because most people begin steady work in a specific field sometime in their 20s, for most people expertise is first reached at some point in their 50s.

Gaining expertise affects the speed but not the efficiency of problem solving.

Gaining expertise allows people to address problems and tasks in their field more quickly and efficiently.

Expertise ceases to develop in middle adulthood.

Gaining expertise allows people to address problems and tasks in their field more quickly and efficiently.

A person who is high in __________ is able to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways.

kinesthetic intelligence

intrapersonal intelligence




Which of the following statements about research on creativity is true?

Measures of creativity exist only for the fine arts.

Across various fields, the peak of creativity is in the 50s and early 60s.

Young adulthood is often a life stage when creativity flourishes.

People reach a peak in creativity before attaining expertise in a particular domain and becoming set in their ways.

Young adulthood is often a life stage when creativity flourishes.

Which of the following, when combined with expertise, is most likely to contribute to creativity?

Proficiency in computer skills

Tolerance for ambiguity

Exceptional visual-spatial skills

Proficiency in math

Tolerance for ambiguity

Erik Erikson's notion of intimacy is best described as __________.

when the ego works in conjunction with the superego to satisfy the desires of the id in a socially acceptable way

when an individual develops the skills necessary for a relationship by modeling it after what he or she has observed from their environment

a gratifying sexual relationship

uniting your newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed, emotionally close relationship

uniting your newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed, emotionally close relationship

Johanna is in her late 20s and just entered a romantic relationship. According to Erik Erikson, what is the central emotional and psychosocial issue that she might be facing?

generativity versus stagnation

autonomy versus shame and doubt

intimacy versus isolation

identity versus role confusion

intimacy versus isolation

Which of the following statements regarding gender differences between identity and intimacy is true?

Most studies indicate females tend to achieve identity before intimacy.

Most studies indicate that males often accomplish intimacy before identity.

Most studies indicate that intimacy issues arise earlier for females than for males.

Most studies indicate that intimacy issues arise earlier for males than for females.

Most studies indicate that intimacy issues arise earlier for females than for males.

Your friend's parents have been married for 25 years and have a relationship based on mutual understanding and support. You can tell that they care for each other, but the "romance" seems to be gone. According to Sternberg, what type of love do you think they are experiencing at this time?

Fatuous love

Empty love

Romantic love

Companionate love

Companionate love

Sternberg's triangular theory of love includes three components: intimacy, passion, and __________.






Research examining the importance of various traits in mate selection throughout the world found a large cross-cultural division on the issue of __________.


education and intelligence

mutual attraction—love

the desire for home and children


In the United States, which of the following is the strongest risk factor for divorce?

Educational attainment (higher risk with lower education)

Length of marriage (higher risk with longer marriage)

Number of children (higher risk with more than 3 children)

Region of the country (higher risk on the coasts)

Educational attainment (higher risk with lower education)

Across countries, the proportion of young adults who have neither married nor had a long-term cohabiting relationship by age 40 is usually around __________.






One difference between gay male couples and heterosexual couples is that gay male couples __________.

seek out long-term relationships based on love and mutual respect

tend to have a higher frequency of sexual activity

have conflict in different areas

seek out partners who are unlike themselves in many ways

tend to have a higher frequency of sexual activity

Which of the following is the primary reason why many cultures encourage young wedded adults to have sex frequently?

To ward off evil spirits

To increase the chances that they will be happily married and stay together

To produce children

To increase their physical and mental health

To produce children

Which of the following statements about becoming a parent is true?

The relationships of couples with strong marriages tend to become stronger when a child is born.

Having a baby together almost always brings couples closer together.

For couples who had a troubled marriage before the child was born, marital satisfaction typically increases.

Having a child together does not affect marital satisfaction.

The relationships of couples with strong marriages tend to become stronger when a child is born.

Xavier is 23 years old and has recently graduated with his bachelor's degree in psychology. He is seeking employment and would like to find a job that leads to a promising career. He applied for a position as an academic advisor at a community college, was offered a job, and accepted the position. Which stage of Donald Super's theory of occupational development is Xavier in?






Which of the following is the most common way for American young adults to spend their leisure time?

Taking walks and engaging in other low-impact physical activities

Catching up with friends and/or family on the phone

Communicating with friends via text messaging or social media, such as Facebook

Watching TV

Watching TV

Which of the following is the main finding that emerged from the Americans Changing Lives study?

Which of the following is the main finding that emerged from the Americans' Changing Lives study? People with high levels of educational attainment were less likely than others to die in middle adulthood or to experience chronic health problems in middle and late adulthood.

Which event is considered a traditional marker of adulthood quizlet?

The traditional marker of becoming an adult was holding a full-time job and living independently, but what's happening in the latest generations?

How long does it take in most fields to attain expertise?

The 10,000-Hour Rule Gladwell pointed to the results of the music study as well as observations of other experts in their fields. According to Gladwell, a person could become an expert in nearly any field as long as they were willing to devote the requisite 10,000 hours to studying and practicing the subject or skill.

What happens to the basal metabolic rate between ages 25 and 50 years?

Basal metabolic rate, which accounts for about 50 to 70 percent of TEE, is thought to decrease about one to two percent per decade.