Which of the following is the one of the most controversial of the psychological disorders?

Note: Select an answer for each question, then click the “Evaluate Quiz” button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.

  1. A developmental psychologist is investigating movement abnormalities as an early symptom of autism. Her research team is collecting data about crawling techniques from videotapes of 9-month-olds. To increase standardization of data collection, she should

      a. provide clear definitions of each crawling style with videotaped examples.
      b. expand her study to include 12-month-olds.
      c. collect data only on children with clinically significant crawling deficiencies.
      d. have her research team collect data in person instead of by watching videotapes.
  2. Alicia spends hours every day reading about geography. She spends most of her time alone, and when she talks, she speaks mostly about geography. To decide if she qualifies for an autistic spectrum diagnosis, a psychologist would need to know

      a. how many hours she spends studying geography each day.
      b. what percentage of the population shares her interest in geography.
      c. whether friends and family members share her interest in geography.
      d. whether she is showing signs of distress or functional impairment.
  3. The DSM-5 is used for

      a. treating anxiety disorders.
      b. identifying the cause of mental problems.
      c. classifying psychological disorders.
      d. distinguishing between biological and environmental causes of disorders.
  4. A psychologist would be more likely than a psychiatrist to

      a. conduct medical exams before starting therapy.
      b. treat people for depression.
      c. perform diagnostic evaluations.
      d. conduct research on child development.
  5. Marsha is receiving treatment for addiction because she shops constantly has run up a significant credit card balance. Her insurance company refuses to pay for treatment because they have concerns about the _______ of a shopping addiction diagnosis.

      a. standardization
      b. validity
      c. reliability
      d. fallibility
  6. A woman continues to suffer from severe depression and suicidality after a year of cognitive-behavioral therapy and multiple medication trials. The next treatment recommendation is likely to be

      a. psychosurgery.
      b. systematic desensitization.
      c. electroconvulsive therapy.
      d. monoamine therapy.
  7. For the past six months, Julie has been exhausted, hopeless, and unable to enjoy her normal activities. She has no interest in spending time with friends and is having a hard time keeping up at work. The most likely diagnosis is

      a. unipolar depression.
      b. schizotypal personality disorder.
      c. seasonal affective disorder.
      d. dissociative disorder.
  8. Which of the following statements about suicide is most accurate?

      a. Most suicides are planned well in advance.
      b. SSRIs may increase suicide risk for teenagers.
      c. Suicide rates spike around the winter holidays.
      d. Most suicidal people do not meet diagnostic criteria for depression.
  9. While paying bills, Jen was suddenly overwhelmed by anxiety. Her heart pounded, she felt like she couldn’t breathe, and she became dizzy. This was most likely

      a. a panic attack.
      b. a dissociative episode.
      c. a manic episode.
      d. a generalized anxiety episode.
  10. A therapist is using systematic desensitization to treat a client with a snake phobia. It is likely that her first step in treatment will be to ask the client to

      a. hold a snake.
      b. look at a picture of a snake.
      c. avoid thinking about snakes.
      d. engage in fear conditioning.
  11. Destruction of brain tissue in the cingulate cortex is still used as a treatment for

      a. schizophrenia.
      b. bipolar disorder.
      c. schizotypal personality disorder.
      d. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  12. A skilled therapist is considering whether to diagnose a new client with a personality disorder. The most essential piece of client data that the therapist would need to make this decision is

      a. socioeconomic status.
      b. personal history.
      c. marital status.
      d. gender.
  13. _______ personality disorder and _______ personality disorder have the most similar core features.

      a. Narcissistic; schizotypal
      b. Borderline; obsessive-compulsive
      c. Antisocial; avoidant
      d. Avoidant; obsessive-compulsive
  14. The condition in which people appear to have multiple, distinct personalities

      a. The condition in which people appear to have multiple, distinct personalities
      b. is a very good predictor of schizophrenia.
      c. is a symptom of borderline personality disorder.
      d. is controversial and possibly nonexistent.
  15. How does psychopathy differ from antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)?

      a. Everyone with ASPD is a psychopath, but not every psychopath has ASPD.
      b. All psychopaths have ASPD, but not everyone with ASPD is a psychopath.
      c. Women are more likely to suffer from psychopathy.
      d. Psychopaths are less likely to be aggressive.
  16. Which of the following is more characteristic of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) than of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

      a. Anxiety
      b. Ritualistic behavior
      c. Rigid ideas about right and wrong
      d. Intrusive thoughts about contamination
  17. A 24-year-old accountant believes angels have instructed him to embezzle from his company and give the money to the poor. He believes the doctor who prescribed medication is under orders from demons to poison him. The most likely diagnosis for this man is

      a. dissociative identity disorder.
      b. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
      c. bipolar disorder.
      d. schizophrenia.
  18. Seeing mermaids would be a _______. Believing you are transforming into a mermaid would be a _______.

      a. hallucination; delusion
      b. delusion; hallucination
      c. positive symptom; negative symptom
      d. negative symptom; positive symptom
  19. Refer to the figure. Which of the MRI images above are most likely to be scans of people with schizophrenia?

    Which of the following is the one of the most controversial of the psychological disorders?

      a. 1 and 2
      b. 1 and 4
      c. 2 and 3
      d. 3 and 4
  20. Which of the following does not increase risk for schizophrenia?

      a. Prenatal exposure to the flu virus
      b. Life in a city
      c. Low birth weight
      d. Birth order
  21. A young woman suffers from auditory hallucinations and believes aliens are monitoring her through her computer and television. She is most likely to be helped by

      a. an SSRI.
      b. an atypical neuroleptic.
      c. an anxiolytic.
      d. lithium.
  22. Which of these medications is likely to produce the most unpleasant physical side effects?

      a. Thorazine
      b. Lithium
      c. Valium
      d. Prozac
  23. Your typically quiet roommate has suddenly become annoyingly talkative. He kept you awake until 3:00 AM because he suddenly decided to build a bookcase, though he had never built anything before. Your roommate may be

      a. psychotic.
      b. manic.
      c. dissociating.
      d. schizotypal.
  24. During final exams, your roommate becomes convinced that his professors are spying on him, then getting together to mock his study techniques. Your roommate’s parents say he has never behaved like this before. It is likely that your roommate will go on to

      a. live and work independently.
      b. require constant supervision.
      c. require frequent hospitalization and lifelong medication.
      d. commit suicide before the age of 30.
  25. Which of the following shows promise as a screening tool to identify people at risk of developing schizophrenia?

      a. Assessment of monoamine oxidase levels
      b. Assessment of tardive dyskinesia susceptibility
      c. Measures of atypical neuroleptic levels
      d. Measures of smooth pursuit eye tracking

What is the most controversial psychological disorder?

Perhaps the most controversial of all current DSM disorders is gender identity disorder. Under the DSM-IV, people who feel that their physical gender does not match their true gender are diagnosed with gender identity disorder (GID).

What are the top 3 psychological disorders?

Of those, the three most common diagnoses are anxiety disorders, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These three conditions make up around 30 percent of all diagnoses of mental illness in America.

Which disorder has produced controversy within the field of psychology?

Dissociative identity disorder has generated controversy, mainly because some believe its symptoms can be faked by patients if presenting its symptoms somehow benefits the patient in avoiding negative consequences or taking responsibility for one's actions.

What are the 5 psychological disorders?

Five major mental illnesses — autism, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and schizophrenia — appear to share some common genetic risk factors, according to an examination of genetic data from more than 60,000 people worldwide (The Lancet, online Feb.