Which of the following most directly addressed reservations about the process depicted in the image

APUSH Midterm

Which of the following was a primary feature of social relations established by the Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere?

The emergence of racially mixed populations mingling European settlers, Native Americans, and Africans

The conflict described in the excerpt led primarily to which of the following changes in Spanish colonial policy?

Greater accommodation to Native American cultures

The excerpts from Anne Hutchinson best represent which of the following developments in the Massachusetts Bay colony in the 1630s?

Growing challenges by dissenters to civil authority

Anne Hutchinson disagreed with the Puritans by

Finding fault with the belief that a holy life would directly lead to salvation; antinomianism

Which of the following MOST directly contributed to the sentiments in the letter above? (Regulator movement)

Social and economic inequalities in colonial society

The sentiments expressed in the letter above foreshadowed later 18th-century (regulator movement)

Backcountry social and ethnic tensions

The pattern of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted MOST directly from which of the following factors?

The orientation of the British colonies towards producing commodities for export to Europe

The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 BEST explains the

Growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and coastal elites

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the fur trade described in the quote above?

European traders rarely intermarried with native peoples

The Boston Tea Party resulted in

Britain passing the Intolerable Acts

The British political cartoon above can best be seen as depicting

the British government constraining colonial rights

Which of the following turning points set the stage for the controversy depicted in the cartoon above?

Britain's victory over France in North America

Which decision reached at the Constitutional Convention represented a concession to the South?

The above quote from Madison is in response to the seats in Congress being determined by states' population. Specifically, the seats of this Congressional chamber are determined by population:

The graph (politicians and wealth) most strongly supports which of the following arguments?

the American revolution resulted in increased political power for men of less wealth

Which of the following factors most directly contributed to the change between the two periods shown in the graph?

An expansion of political democracy for White Men

Which of the following statements best explains the change over time in the composition of legislatures depicted in the graph?

the concept of republican self-government encouraged individual talent

Which of the following most directly addressed reservations about the process depicted by the image (Rhode Island/pillars)?

The addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution

Which part of the federal program did Jefferson first stop enforcing and then eliminate?

Controversy over Hamilton's plan demonstrated The controversy over Alexander Hamilton's 1790 proposal for the federal government to assume state debts that dated from the revolutionary war period to demonstrates that:

sectional interests between North and South were evident from the very early years of the United States

The maps above are best seen as evidence of (maps show elections and the parties that the states voted for)

Regional basis of early American political parties

This election of 1800 is historically and politically significant because it

Demonstrated that political parties could, in fact, bring about a peaceful revolution in a republican form of government

The excerpt above (American Indians) is most clearly a response to

the failure of the Constitution to define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the federal government

During the 1700s, which of the following was the most difficult challenge for most American Indian groups?

treaty disputes and the seizure of Indian lands

Based on this excerpt, which of the following groups would have been most likely to oppose Henry Clay's ideas?

Members of the Democratic party

One major change in United States politics from the 1820s to the mid-1850s was the

Rise of political parties defined largely by regional interests

The above account reflects what growing reform sentiment during the period 1820-1848?

Belief in the perfectibility of man

Which of the following historical developments contributed most directly to the market revolution?

The emergence of new forms of transportation

The territory that the United States gained as a result of the Mexican-American War...

was largely unsuited for slavery

The Mexican-American war led most directly to which of the following

A northern majority in the legislative branch

The sentiments such as those depicted in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following (Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner)

Breakdown in trust between sectional leaders

Which group was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon?

Members of the Republican party

Which of the following most directly supports the assertion expressed in the previous excerpt [from Hinton Helper]?

The slow population growth of the South

The Republican Party Platform of 1860 was an indication that the party

maintained fundamental principles on which it was founded

The republican party platform of 1860 attempted to broaden its appeal to include

Northern manufacturing interests

The logic and reasoning employed by southerners in seceding from the union borrowed heavily from

Declaration of Independence

All of the following were major elements of the Union Strategy except

Impressing ex-slaves into the Union army

Which of the following actions of the Lincoln administration best exemplified the belief in the previous quotation?

the decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

The term "redemption" as used in the Reconstruction era refers to

The post-reconstruction return of the South to white rule

The image (Freedmen's Bureau) most strongly supports the argument that Reconstruction

Temporarily altered race relations in the South

The situation depicted in the image (Freedmen's Bureau) best serves as evidence of the

Expansion of federal power

The completion of the transcontinental railroad led to what

Economic growth and the expansion of Asian markets

(passage on testimony before industrial commission on relations and conditions of capital labor...labor organizations=bad)
The previous passage was a reaction to which challenge?

Big businesses and their government allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation

This illustration (debtor) was likely created in support of

Reform politics creating stronger government oversight of the economy

What was the main Gilded Age economic concern addressed in the cartoon?

The cartoon suggests that the disparate groups that favored the People's(Populist) Party typically shared which of the following?

a belief in a stronger federal government role in the united states economic system

The cartoonist most likely supported

government policies favoring corporations

The cartoonist who created this image (Spanish-American War) would be most likely to support which of the following?

American support for the perspective illustrated by the cartoon contributed to

Increased American access to economic resources and markets

Which of the following MOST directly resulted from the decline in native population described by Las Casas?

the Spanish imported Africans for new labor

As a result of a large number of Native Americans dying from European diseases

European settlers relied mainly on indentured servants and enslaved Africans for labor

As the spanish explored North America prior to 1600 they discovered

Little of interest to keep them pushing north toward Canada

Which group of individuals that came to the New World would Richard Frethorne belong:

unemployable youth sent by his parents.

Between the 16th and 17th centuries which aspect of American Indian and European cultures was most similar:

Which of the following BEST represents a reason for the development of New England colonies as expressed by the Earl of Sandwich

British preoccupation with internal and European affairs

Which of the following historical events in the 1790's most directly followed from the developments described in the excerpt?

Which of the following historical events in the 1790s most directly followed from the developments described in the excerpt? The federal government established a new economic policy in part by assuming states' debts from the American Revolution.

Which of the following cultural shifts resulted most directly from the trends described in the excerpt?

Which of the following cultural and social shifts resulted most directly from the trends described in the excerpt? The emergence of new ideas about the proper roles of husbands and wives.

Which of the following historical developments contributed most directly to the market revolution?

Which of the following historical developments contributed most directly to the market revolution? The emergence of new forms of transportation.

Which of the following best describes the historical situation in which the amendment was proposed?

(q15) Which of the following best describes the historical situation in which the amendment was proposed? The Anti-Federalists sought to add a bill of rights to the Constitution.


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