Which of the following statements about the resource-based view of organizations is accurate?

78.Which of the following statements about the resource-based view of organizations is false?A. Itdescribes what exactly makes resources valuable.B.It describes what makes resources capable of creating long-term profits for the firm.C.A firm's resources include financial and physical resources.D.A firm's resources include resources related to organizational behaviour.E.It suggests that the value of resources depend on a single factor.

79.According to resource-based view, a resource is more valuable when it is rare and:

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80.Which concept captures the idea that people make many small decisions day in and day out, week in andweek out?

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81.Illustrate the integrative model of organizational behaviour using a diagram.82.Using the resource-based view of the organization, explain how people are a valuable resource. Providean example to justify your position.83.People are rare and inimitable. The inimitability of people can be describedusing the following three reasons: history, numerous small decisions, and

socially complex resources. See figure 1-2 in the text. Student answers willvary for the last part of the question.1Key1.(p. 4)FALSE2.(p. 7)TRUE3.(p. 11)TRUE4.(p. 13)TRUE5.(p. 16)TRUE6.(p. 4)FALSE7.(p. 6-7)TRUE8.(p. 6)TRUE9.(p. 11)TRUE10.(p. 13)FALSE11.(p. 14)FALSE12.(p. 16)FALSE13.(p. 17)TRUE14.(p. 19)TRUE15.(p. 4)B16.(p. 4)A17.(p. 4)E18.(p. 4)D19.(p. 4)C20.(p. 4)A21.(p. 4)D

22.(p. 4)B23.(p. 6)A24.(p. 6)B25.(p. 6)C26.(p. 6)D27.(p. 6)E28.(p. 6)E29.(p. 6)C30.(p. 6)B31.(p. 6)E32.(p. 6)A33.(p. 6)D34.(p. 6)D35.(p. 6)C36.(p. 10)A37.(p. 10)B38.(p. 11, 13)E39.(p. 11, 13)D40.(p. 11, 13)C41.(p. 13)B42.(p. 14)B43.(p. 16)D44.(p. 16)C45.(p. 17)A46.(p. 17)C47.(p. 17)B48.(p. 17)A49.(p. 18)B50.(p. 18)C51.(p. 18)A

52.(p. 17)E53.(p. 19)C54.(p. 19)D55.(p. 4)B56.(p. 6)A57.(p. 6)D58.(p. 6)E59.(p. 10)B60.(p. 6)D61.(p. 11)C62.(p. 4)C63.(p. 4)B64.(p. 4)E65.(p. 4)C66.(p. 6)A67.(p. 6)D68.(p. 6)B69.(p. 6)C70.(p. 6)E71.(p. 6)A72.(p. 6)B73.(p. 7)C74.(p. 7)D75.(p. 7)E76.(p. 7)A77.(p. 7)E78.(p. 10)E79.(p. 10)C80.(p. 11)A81.(p. 6)See Figure 1-1 on page 6 in the text.

82.(p. 10)People are rare and inimitable. The inimitability of people can be described using the following three reasons: history, numerous smalldecisions, and socially complex resources. See figure 1-2 in the text. Student answers will vary for the last part of the question.

1SummaryCategory# of QuestionsColquitt - Chapter 0182Difficulty: Difficult13Difficulty: Easy9Difficulty: Moderate60Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behaviour" (OB)?16Learning Objective: 01-02 What are the two primary outcomes of studies in OB?26Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes?16Learning Objective: 01-04 Why might firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable?8Learning Objective: 01-05 What is the role of theory in the scientific method?5Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted?11