Which of the following statements regarding age-related changes in the nervous system is correct

Which of the following statements regarding age-related changes in the nervous system is correct?

-Interconnections between brain cells often prevent a loss of knowledge or skill, despite a loss of neurons.
-The metabolic rate in the brain increases with age, but the consumption of oxygen decreases significantly.
-Generally speaking, the brain increases in size by 10% to 20% by the time a person reaches 80 years of age.
-Because of a decrease in the number of brain cells, a person's level of intelligence decreases with age.

Which of the following is a normal age

Which of the following is a NORMAL age-related change of the nervous system? There is a decline in brain weight and a reduction in blood flow to the brain.

Which of the following is an anatomical difference between and adult patient and a child patient?

Anatomical/physiological differences Thinner skin - Children have thinner skin than adults. Their epidermis is thinner and under-keratinized, compared with adults. As a result, children are at risk for increased absorption of agents that can be absorbed through the skin.

When increasing age the heart must work harder to move the blood effectively because?

With increasing age, the heart must work harder to move the blood effectively because: The blood vessels become stiff. When assessing an 80-year-old patient in shock, it is important to remember that: Age-related changes in the cardiovascular system may make the patient less able to compensate for decreased perfusion.

Which of the following are noticeable characteristics of a nine month old infant quizlet?

Which of the following are noticeable characteristics of a 9-month-old infant? An infant or small child's airway can be occluded if it is overextended or overflexed because: the occiput is proportionately large and the trachea is flexible.