Which of the following statements is true of the forced distribution method of performance appraisal

A performance appraisal is specific in nature, whereas performance management is a general set of activities

Which of the following is a difference between a performance appraisal and performance management?

a. A performance appraisal relies heavily on performance management, whereas performance management does not rely on a performance appraisal.
b. A performance appraisal is specific in nature, whereas performance management is a general set of activities.
c. A performance appraisal is conducted on a monthly basis, whereas performance management is typically conducted only once or twice a year.
d. A performance appraisal encompasses performance-management programs, whereas performance management does not include performance-appraisal activities.

general set of activities carried out by an organization to improve employee performance.

Performance management is the:

a. formal evaluation of an employee to determine the degree to which the employee is performing his or her job effectively.
b. mechanism by which an organization evaluates and documents employee performance on a half-yearly basis.
c. process of grouping employees into predefined frequencies of performance ratings.
d. general set of activities carried out by an organization to improve employee performance.

Ensuring that clear and specific performance standards are available to managers for rating employees

In the context of the performance-appraisal process in an organization, which of the following is a role of the organization?

a. Communicating the results of performance appraisals and consequences of the appraisals to employees
b. Ensuring that clear and specific performance standards are available to managers for rating employees
c. Considering the context in which employee performance occurs so that any extenuating conditions can be taken into consideration
d. Collecting information about employee behaviors and translating that information into ratings

preparing the employee to perform at desired levels.

In the context of the performance-appraisal process, the rater is responsible for:

a. determining the timing of the performance appraisal.
b. developing the general performance-appraisal process.
c. preparing the employee to perform at desired levels.
d. selecting the method to be used for the performance appraisal.

The ratee should acquire information about the performance of his or her coworkers.

Which of the following is a responsibility of the ratee in the performance-appraisal process?

a. The ratee should select the method to be used for performance evaluation.
b. The ratee should acquire information about the performance of his or her coworkers.
c. The ratee determines the timing of the performance appraisal.
d. The ratee must learn and develop standards for the appraisal process.

Peers might be competing for a promotion, which may affect their motivation to be accurate in their peer evaluations

Which of the following is a likely concern of using peers as potential sources of information for performance-appraisal systems?

a. Peers might be competing for a promotion, which may affect their motivation to be accurate in their peer evaluations.
b. Peers or coworkers tend to remain in a brief or short-term relationship with each other.
c. Peers have a different perspective on the performance of their work in that they have little understanding of their own opportunities and limitations regarding performance.
d. Peers have less opportunities than their supervisor to observe the performance of a given coworker on a day-to-day basis.

Eileen's subordinates

Eileen is the newly appointed team leader of the sales team at Bethet Inc. The senior manager, whom Eileen reports to, wants to gather information about how well she has been able to motivate her team to work effectively. In this case, who among the following would most likely be the best source of information?

a. Eileen's peers
b. Eileen's subordinates
c. Eileen's clients
d. Eileen's former employers

It allows an organization to obtain information on an employee's performance from all perspectives.

Which of the following is true of a 360-degree appraisal system?

a. It allows an organization to use performance ratings for purposes other than feedback and employee development.
b. It allows an organization to obtain information on an employee's performance from all perspectives.
c. It excludes peers as potential sources of information.
d. It ensures that feedback coming from different sources is consistent.

It allows an organization to use the same appraisal instrument for all or most employees.

Which of the following statements is true of rating traits?

a. It provides more instructive feedback to employees than rating behavior.
b. It allows an organization to use the same appraisal instrument for all or most employees.
c. It is the most objective approach for appraisals as employee traits can be observed directly.
d. It is based on the assumption that different traits underlie effective performance for different jobs.

They tend to be based on job analysis.

Which of the following statements is true of performance appraisals based on behaviors?

a. They emphasize the most objective measures of performance available.
b. They tend to be based on job analysis.
c. They are the most difficult to defend in court.
d. They involve focusing on outcomes.

The team members' achievement of sales targets

Aaron, the marketing lead of a newspaper, has been instructed by his manager to increase the number of advertisements published in the newspaper. To achieve this, he instructs his team members to bring in at least 10 new clients every month. During the performance appraisals of Aaron's team members, which of the following performance dimensions should be given the most preference?

a. The team members' behavior toward prospective clients
b. The team members' achievement of sales targets
c. The team members' attitude toward their peers
d. The team members' initiative in acquiring new clients

involves having the manager list each member of a particular work group or department from top to bottom based on overall performance

The simple ranking method of performance appraisal:

a. requires the rater to assign a score for each performance dimension of an employee and add them to get an overall score for the employee.
b. involves grouping employees into predefined frequencies of performance ratings.
c. involves having the manager list each member of a particular work group or department from top to bottom based on overall performance.
d. consists of questions and options about an individual's job performance and requires the manager to rank the options.

The paired-comparison method

Jaylynn, a manager, is evaluating the performance of his team members by contrasting each member with every other member, one at a time. Which of the following performance-appraisal methods is Jaylynn using in the given scenario?

a. The management-by-objectives system
b. The critical incident method
c. The paired-comparison method
d. The goal-based system

It is a method that involves grouping employees into predefined frequencies of performance ratings

Which of the following best defines the forced-distribution method of performance appraisal?

a. It is a method that involves having the manager rank-order each member of a particular work group or department from top to bottom or from best to worst.
b. It is a method that involves comparing each individual employee with every other individual employee, one at a time.
c. It is a method in which the rater assigns a score for each performance dimension of an employee and adds them to get an overall score for the employee.
d. It is a method that involves grouping employees into predefined frequencies of performance ratings

It results in a normal distribution of performance ratings.

Which of the following is an advantage of the forced-distribution method of performance appraisal?

a. It is the most objective method for rating performance.
b. It results in a normal distribution of performance ratings.
c. It always provides meaningful distinctions between the performance of employees.
d. It increases reliability by providing specific behavioral examples to reflect good and bad behaviors.

The graphic rating scale

The managers of an organization are given an employee evaluation form that has many questions and several options for each question. One such question is as follows:

The employee shows initiative in improving work quality.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

The managers are asked to select the most appropriate option. In the given scenario, which of the following methods of performance appraisal is the organization using?

a. The goal-based system
b. The paired-comparison method
c. The management-by-objectives system
d. The graphic rating scale

The critical incident method

In the context of the performance-appraisal process, which of the following relies on instances of especially good or poor performance on the part of the employee?

a. The critical incident method
b. The forced-distribution method
c. The graphic rating scale
d. The behaviorally anchored rating scale

A behaviorally anchored rating scale appraisal system

Which of the following performance-appraisal methods represents a combination of the graphic rating scale and the critical incident method?

a. The forced-distribution method of performance appraisal
b. A Likert scale appraisal system
c. The paired-comparison method of performance appraisal
d. A behaviorally anchored rating scale appraisal system

Developing a BARS is a complicated and often expensive process

Which of the following statements is true of a behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)?

a. The BARS appraisal system is a combination of the Likert scale and the forced-distribution method.
b. Developing a BARS is a complicated and often expensive process.
c. It is an improvement over the limitations of the behavioral observation scale.
d. It is developed solely by the top management of an organization.

is used to rate the frequency of an employee's behavior during a rating period

Unlike a behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS), a behavioral observation scale (BOS) _____.

a. is developed from critical incidents
b. is based largely on the extent to which individuals meet their personal performance objectives
c. is used to rate the frequency of an employee's behavior during a rating period
d. is a simple and cost-effective process to develop

It is an improvement over the limitations of the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) approach

Which of the following statements is true of the behavioral observation scale (BOS) approach?

a. It is quicker and cheaper to develop than the behaviorally anchored rating scale approach.
b. It is a combination of the forced-distribution method and the goal-based system of appraisal.
c. It is a specific ranking method of performance appraisal.
d. It is an improvement over the limitations of the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) approach.

The goal-based system

In the context of the performance-appraisal process, which of the following is based largely on the extent to which individuals meet their personal performance objectives?

a. The paired-comparison method
b. The behaviorally anchored rating scale system
c. The critical incident method
d. The goal-based system

allows managers to electronically supervise employee productivity

In the context of performance-appraisal methods, a relatively new innovation called computer monitoring _____.

a. allows managers to electronically supervise employee productivity
b. provides a normal distribution of performance ratings
c. is extremely expensive and time-consuming
d. allows managers to group employees into predefined frequencies of performance ratings

The management-by-objectives system

Dianne, a team leader at a firm, meets with each of her subordinates and sets their annual targets. These targets are objective and quantifiable. During performance appraisal, she evaluates her subordinates based on the targets they were able to achieve. In the given scenario, which of the following is Dianne using for performance appraisal?

a. The paired-comparison method
b. The forced-distribution method
c. The behaviorally anchored rating scale system
d. The management-by-objectives system

contrast error

The rating error that occurs when people are compared against each other instead of against an objective standard is referred to as a _____.

a. contrast error
b. halo error
c. distributional error
d. horns error

contrast error

Helena, a team manager, is conducting annual performance appraisals for her team members. She compares the performance of each team member with that of the other team members rather than using a standard set of parameters to assess the performance of each member. In the given scenario, Helena makes a _____.

a. horns error
b. halo error
c. distributional error
d. contrast error

Distributional errors

In the context of performance rating errors, which of the following rating errors is associated with severity and leniency?

a. Halo errors
b. Contrast errors
c. Horns errors
d. Distributional errors

tends to rate all employees as average

A central tendency error occurs when a manager:
a. assigns relatively high or lenient ratings to all employees.

b. tends to rate all employees as average.
c. uses only the lower part of a rating scale.
d. compares one employee with another instead of against an objective standard.

one positive performance characteristic of an employee causes the rater to rate all other aspects of the employee's performance positively.

A halo error is a rating error that occurs when:

a. a rater tends to use only one part of a rating scale.
b. people are compared against one another instead of against an objective standard.
c. one positive performance characteristic of an employee causes the rater to rate all other aspects of the employee's performance positively.
d. a rater downgrades other aspects of an employee's performance because of a single performance dimension

A halo error

Ricardo, a team leader, was impressed by the manner in which Keith, one of his team members, handled a technical problem in a software product. During the annual performance appraisal, Ricardo gave Keith a high rating because of his exceptional technical skills. Moreover, he gave Keith positive feedback and high ratings on all other aspects even though Keith is not a team player and is not punctual. Which of the following rating errors did Ricardo make in the given scenario?

a. A halo error
b. A distributional error
c. A contrast error
d. A horns error

the rater downgrades other aspects of an employee's performance because of a single performance dimension.

A horns error is a rating error that occurs when:

a. one positive performance characteristic of an employee causes the rater to rate all other aspects of the employee's performance positively.
b. the rater tends to use only one part of a rating scale.
c. people are compared against one another instead of against an objective standard.
d. the rater downgrades other aspects of an employee's performance because of a single performance dimension.

A horns error

Gerald, a manager at an investment firm, is conducting performance appraisals for his subordinates. He is not satisfied with the communication skills of Alfred, one of his subordinates, and hence considers Alfred to be poor in all other aspects as well. As a result, he gives Alfred low ratings in all performance dimensions. Which of the following rating errors does Gerald make?

a. A contrast error
b. A halo error
c. A distributional error
d. A horns error

It refers to tasks an employee does on the job that are not required as part of the job but that nevertheless benefit the organization in some way.

Which of the following statements best defines contextual performance?

a. It refers to the set of experiences and activities that people engage in related to their job and livelihood over the course of their working life.
b. It refers to tasks an employee does on the job that are not required as part of the job but that nevertheless benefit the organization in some way.
c. It is the set of strategies that a management must focus on to ensure its long-term survival in a competitive scenario.
d. It is the position of an organization in the market, with respect to similar firms, measured against factors such as current profits, volume of business handled, and so forth.

They are never stated as formal requirements of a job.

Which of the following statements is true of organizational citizenship behaviors?

a. They are never stated as formal requirements of a job.
b. They do not represent an employee's overall contribution to the organization.
c. They include the activities that individuals do when transitioning between jobs.
d. They are more important than task behaviors.

When performance appraisals are used as the basis for human resource decisions, they are considered the same as any other test under the law.

Identify a true statement about legal issues in performance appraisals.

a. Performance-appraisal decisions are devoid of any biases and problems.
b. If a firm uses an appraisal system for providing only feedback, it is legally required to demonstrate that the ratings provided are in areas that are job related.
c. It is easy to validate appraisal decisions using content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.
d. When performance appraisals are used as the basis for human resource decisions, they are considered the same as any other test under the law.

The exploration stage

Which of the following is the first stage in the traditional model of career stages?

a. The disengagement stage
b. The maintenance stage
c. The establishment stage
d. The exploration stage

It generally encompasses an individual's late twenties through mid- to late thirties

Which of the following statements is true of the establishment stage of a traditional career?

a. It is the third stage of a traditional career.
b. It encompasses the time when an individual tries to assess his or her own values and preferences.
c. It involves optimizing talents and capabilities.
d. It generally encompasses an individual's late twenties through mid- to late thirties.

The maintenance stage

In the context of the traditional model of career stages, which of the following stages of a typical career involves optimizing talents or capabilities?

a. The establishment stage
b. The disengagement stage
c. The exploration stage
d. The maintenance stage

disengagement stage of her career

Josephine, a senior manager at an advertising firm, has cut back on her work responsibilities and has lately been losing complete interest in her job. She wants to spend more time with her family and pursue her hobbies. As a result, she is thinking about leaving her job and taking up part-time work. In the context of the traditional model of career stages, Josephine is most likely in the _____.

a. exploration stage of her career
b. maintenance stage of her career
c. establishment stage of her career
d. disengagement stage of her career

Individuals are more likely to retire when they have the financial resources needed to maintain their preretirement lifestyles.

In the context of the issues faced by older workers and the decision to retire, which of the following is a true statement?

a. Individuals are more likely to retire when they have the financial resources needed to maintain their preretirement lifestyles.
b. Individuals who have unstructured leisure activities tend to adjust better to retirement.
c. Individuals who avoid engaging in some type of "bridge work" tend to adjust better to retirement.
d. Individuals are less likely to retire when their spouses have retired.

Organizations involved in career management can find themselves with a large pool of talented individuals

Which of the following statements is true of career management?

a. Organizations involved in career management can find themselves with a large pool of talented individuals.
b. Work-family balance does not influence the career success of individuals.
c. Hiring for fit is the least helpful selection strategy for career management because the firm hires individuals who match the firm's values but do not fit different jobs.
d. Full appreciation of career management activities on the part of the organization comes only after the retirement of employees.

The individual assessment phase

Which of the following phases of career planning requires that people analyze carefully what they perceive to be their own abilities, competencies, skills, and goals?

a. The career counseling phase
b. The communication phase
c. The individual assessment phase
d. The development phase

Career counseling

Identify the final step in effective career planning.

a. Maintenance
b. Individual assessment
c. Career counseling
d. Career exploration

A session conducted for the benefit of women employees who join work after a maternity break to get them up to speed with the developments in the firm

Which of the following is an example of a special program in career counseling?

a. A career information session conducted by an in-house career counseling center for all the executives in the firm
b. A workshop conducted by a software development firm to update all of its employees on the latest developments in the field of information technology
c. A regular feedback session of an employee conducted by the senior manager of the firm
d. A session conducted for the benefit of women employees who join work after a maternity break to get them up to speed with the developments in the firm

Organizations have both formal and informal career-counseling programs.

Which of the following statements is true of career-counseling programs?

a. Counseling programs for fast-track managers are an example of informal career-counseling programs.
b. Informal career-counseling programs solely occur during employee exit interviews.
c. Formal career-counseling programs are conducted solely by a third-party firm.
d. Organizations have both formal and informal career-counseling programs.

What is forced distribution method of performance appraisal?

Forced distribution is a performance appraisal rating method requiring the rater to force employee ratings into a bell-shaped curve. For more information, see Managing Employee Performance.

Which of the following best defines the forced distribution method of performance appraisal?

Which of the following best defines the forced-distribution method of performance appraisal? a. It is a method that involves having the manager rank-order each member of a particular work group or department from top to bottom or from best to worst.

Which of the following is true about performance appraisal?

Which of the following is true of performance appraisal? Performance management is a part of performance appraisal. Performance appraisal is the process of determining how well employees do their jobs relative to a standard and communicating that information to them.

How does forced distribution method work?

Sometimes called the “forced ranking” or “forced choice” method, forced distribution is a form of employee evaluation in which employees are ranked against one another rather than performance standards, explains SuccessDart.


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