Which of the following terms refers to the value of all the economic assets owned by a person or family minus any debts?

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Terms in this set (45)

Which term refers to the value of all the economic assets owned by a person or family, minus any debts?


the U.S. census bureau reported in 2013 that _____ percent of white families earned more than $ 50,000 annually, while _____ percent of african american families earned the same

67 / 41

The government's unemployment insurance program is an example of a(n)

social welfare program

By the time of the industrial revolution, the united states was developing a culture that stressed


In the 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson launched what he called a "War on Poverty", which had what effect on poverty rate?

Poverty rates decreased by half within a decade

Income tax policy in the United States is generally


The main reason that men generally have more wealth than women is that men

earn more than women earn

Which of these constructions were vision of an early type of social welfare program that was designed to help new immigrants adjust to American city life?

settlement houses

Oscar Lewis claimed that people can become accustomed to poverty, accepting their plight and give up hope for improvement; he called the resulting way of life

a culture of poverty

The highest-earning 20 percent of all U.S families earn about what share of the nation's total income?


The median income for U.S. families in 2012 was


What was the average income earned by the top 1 percent of the highest-paid U.S. families in 2012?


Which theory claims that income inequality has some useful consequences for the operation of society?

modern functional

Since 1980, economic inequality in the United States has

been increasing

Although he accepts the market economy as very productive, Marco thinks that government should have an extensive role in regulating economic activity and making incomes more equal through taxation and social assistance programs. Marco's position can be viewed as


Which of the following concepts refers to a category of people who share some biological traits that members of a society define as important?


What historical event in the United States began at about the end of the Civil War (1865) and lasted until the outbreak of World War I (1914)?

the "Great Immigration"

Which of the following terms refers to the process of minorities gradually adopting the cultural patents of the majority population


The "Great Migration," which drew tens of millions of African-Americans from rural South to the cities of the North took place

after World War I.

In the 1857 Dred Scott case, the US Supreme Court stated that

People of color were not citizens entitled to the rights and protections of U.S. law

Analysts predict that by the year 2043,

A majority of the U.S. population will be racial and ethnic minorities

Of the entire US population of 314 million into 2012, about how many people were born in another country?

41 million

Rosa Parks is remembered for her role in

The modern civil rights movement

The forces of the United States was legally separated by race until


Which of the following terms directly refers to laws that permitted racially segregated public places after the civil war

Jim Crow

Which of the following is clear example of institutional racism today?

A pattern of racial profiling by police

From which position on the political spectrum do people typically claim that government action against discrimination is one of the best ways to advance the social standing of minorities?


Which theory emphasizes the harmful consequences of cultural bias, such as the tendency to apply the term "ethnic" to anything other than English cultural patterns?


Send me who claims that culture and effort are mostly responsible for setting peoples social position. in making this claim, Samuel aligns his thoughts with what position on the political spectrum?


From what position on the political spectrum person claim that, in the effort to advance social equality, changes need to go far beyond adopting a government policy that assists and gives preference to minorities?

radical left

Over the course of last century, as sociologist point out, our nation's population culture has become more focused on which stage of life?

youth-adolescence and young adulthood

People who are seventy-five to eighty-four years of age are referred to as the

"older old."

Back in 1965, ______ percent of the U.S. elderly population was poor.

almost 30

Based on your knowledge of age-related income which of the following age categories has lowest average income?

people aged seventy-five and older

A policy that allows the elderly people to borrow against their value of homes is the

reverse mortgage

What document expresses a person's wishes regarding which medical treatment she does and does not want, should she be facing death and unable to speak for herself?

a living will

When nations sparked a global debate when it enacted an active euthanasia law in 1981?

the Netherlands

The word "elder" is commonly used in preindustrial societies. By contrast, people in industrial societies use the word "elderly," which has

a less positive meaning

The very low birthrate in Japan accounts for the

Rapid increase in Japan's elderly population

Mass media in the United States typically portrays older people

in stereotypical roles

In 1950, there were six workers for every retired person. By 2050, according to projections, how many workers will there be for every retiree?


At what point in U.S. history did people begin to define "elder abuse" as a social problem?

during the 1980s

Carlos believes that he will be happier in old age if he stays busy. Which theory of aging supports his belief?


A radical-left analysis of the issues of aging and inequality points to _________ as the source of the problems older people face in the United States today.

the capitalist economy

Which of the following claims is supported by the conservative point of view?

A culture of self-reliance will encourage most people to provide for their own old age

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What is the meaning of wealth inequality?

Wealth Inequality Wealth refers to the total amount of assets of an individual or household. This may include financial assets, such as bonds and stocks, property and private pension rights. Wealth inequality therefore refers to the unequal distribution of assets in a group of people.

Is the abundance of economic assets that a person or family owns?

Wealth is the abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions which can be converted into a form that can be used for transactions.

Which term refers to the total assets of an individual or household minus liabilities?

Wealth. refers to the total assets of an individual or household minus liabilities (mortgages, loans, and debts).

What is wealth quizlet?

Wealth: refers to all of a person's or families material assets including income, property ownership, stocks, inheritance etc.